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Everything posted by Stormgeek

  1. Well, seeing how my towel is now in orbit, I guess it is time to see just how cold we can get around here into next week! 13-14 coming to mind if models are anywhere close.
  2. Looks like unless there is a NW trend last minute, southern MN is going to steal yet another snow storm from my area. Still a while to go obviously, but getting closer to the event and the snow is getting further away. Guess we will wait and see what the king and GFS have to say at 00z. Surely a storm has to hit sometime, right?As a disclaimer this is a post talking of the major snows (6+), not any snow at all. Looking good for a couple as of right now around here.
  3. Worry not fellows not in the line of this! We here in MSP LOVE watching models up until 24 hours out at which point storms deviate either direction. Everyone is still in the game. :|
  4. Man, if that does materialize, or even something close, it will be the first really cold temps and windchills since 13-14. Surely models will moderate it and it will change as we get closer, but man has it been a while since something like that was even thought about.
  5. It has been snowing almost all day here, mainly mood flakes, but it is picking up a bit right now. No complaints here! Single digit lows tonight as well. Winter is coming.
  6. Although not much in the way of accumulations fell last night, the way it fell is creating quite the chaos. With an initial heavy rain band that then changed over to snow, all the while temperatures were plummeting, we ended up with what is going to be a very difficult snow base to remove. There is a layer of ice under what snow did fall from the flash freeze, so even though it wasn't an all snow event I feel what did happen makes for a better and more persistent, albeit thin, snow/ice cover. Don't even get me started on what happened to the roads... What an absolute nightmare. Even at this hour many are still covered and slippery as can be.
  7. Interesting to note here, the Dewpoint got up to a whopping 55 degrees today (via NWS Twitter). You could feel it outside, felt much like a spring day walking outside and not getting bitten by the cold. On the storm side of things the NWS has put out 1-3 in the forecast versus
  8. Low appears to be just over head at this hour. Temperatures can start dropping anytime now.... I'm waiting.
  9. Man, the NAM is hanging the carrot in front of St. Paul Storm and my nose! So close I can taste it. Heerrreee storm storm storm.
  10. Hehehe. At this point I will take it. Sure it might disappear on 12z but just seeing a snow signature this season seems to be pleasing.
  11. Even with the factors we have coming together I am becoming weary of something resembling previous (unspeakable) years. Mother nature could at least throw....something this this way. Time to move to Canada.
  12. Well, I went back to the November 2016 thread to see what was going on this time last year. From what I saw it appears we were prepping for a RAINSTORM up here in MN. Crazy just how different temps are this year, just need to get us a nice bowling ball!
  13. http://www.natice.noaa.gov/pub/ims/ims_v3/ims_gif/ARCHIVE/USA/2017/ims2017322_usa.gif Well, you can't really fill Canada up anymore or there will be a glacier to our north! Certainly this has to spill over eventually.....right? Models are dismal to say the least for snow prospects here. But hey, on the bright side we can look at the brown grass in the cold instead of under the torch this year. Here is to hoping for a snowy DJF!
  14. Currently seem to be sitting here in the holding pattern. Temperatures are hovering right at freezing most days; I did see a rogue 46 in there somewhere too. Pretty boring for now, can't wait to have something to track, preferably snow (just not on Thanksgiving)!
  15. 19 and 100% Minnesnowtan. I could do without the brutal cold, but I love the snow. Seems to be a trend around here.
  16. Was just going to comment on that. It looks to be over before it begins on that run. We must forge on to the morning runs! This is why model tracking is so fun.
  17. Although thermals look to cause issues with this storm this time around, it is nice to see a storm taking a pretty favorable track for the the area once it recycles and gets colder out. Maybe a bit much west to east, but hey at least the low isn't up in NoDak!
  18. Radar trends snow ending here soon, but getting large flakes accumulating on the grassy areas as well just north of the Twin Cities. Kinda disappointed in how models performed, but hey, snow is snow!
  19. Wow, if the size of the flakes ever picks up around here, I will have to take some pictures. Everything is being plastered, with snow basically flying parallel to the ground. Quite a first storm! A bit of accumulation of grassy areas and appears to be just enought of something on the roads to make driving miserable.
  20. Already snowing and winds picking up here in the north metro, looks to be down around 34 right now.
  21. Was just looking at that; showing around 4 for MSP... Maybe Tom's reference to last years bad winter will get closer than we thought. Doubt that it all sticks around, but nonetheless storms trending this way will be much appreciated after what transpired last cold season.
  22. This system means business up on the MN/ND border. Reports of snow and winds gusting 50+! Too bad blizzard warnings are gone now...
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