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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Thanks. It was quite a sight. So much so, that I went out driving around for a good spot to take some better pictures. I was pleasantly surprised to see a mostly-clear view of a completely white San Jacinto Mountain range to the east. On another note, I'd like to mention that out of 18 days so far this month, I've recorded measurable precipitation on 15 of them. Only three days had 0.00" this month for me.
  2. Amazing. I'm watching all online weather stations south of here (in the path of the front) undergo steep temperature drops accompanied by sudden strong winds, one by one. They're reporting rain as well. Looking southwest just now:
  3. Found the culprit. Looks to have splintered off from the San Jacinto Mountains to the east, about two hours ago. It then quickly bolted towards us. Explains the gust front that preceded everything.
  4. Winds have calmed, although part of the sky remains shrouded in dark clouds and temperature remains at 44F. Rain stopped (0.02" here). Folks in Orange County, what does it look like east toward the Santa Ana Mountains this afternoon? I'm curious to know if you can see any darkness in my direction. 20 minutes ago here:
  5. Temperature just plummeted from 52F to 45F and still falling. Wind chill is 39F. Mean-looking clouds above us, but sunny to the west.
  6. Just got very dark and cloudy over here. We're currently being hit by a strong gust front in the Temecula Valley. Sustained 25mph winds at my house for the last 5 minutes. Some light rain as well, blowing sideways.
  7. A few more showers this evening, and a lot of wind. The most recent shower occurred while it was 44F here. 0.05" for today
  8. Not sure what the KNKX radar is smoking since it shows heavy rain directly on top of me, even though it's currently sunny here.
  9. We didn't get any rain last night nor this morning, but rain has finally started as of 10 minutes ago.
  10. I expect rain to arrive here around or just after midnight.
  11. That same band of rain that affected Orange County earlier just passed over us, but barely did anything. I got 0.01" from it. I noticed that a lot of the NWS weather stations around Southern California that broke daily precipitation records on Thursday, the old record for that day was usually set on the same day in 1980. I went back and checked Downtown L.A.'s precipitation for that year and 1979-80 was quite wet. Nine consecutive days of rain, most of them very wet. Talk about your "atmospheric river":
  12. 0.09" now. Another line of showers is approaching Orange County right now, maybe we'll hear from Mr Marine Layer and Dan about it:
  13. Rain has resumed here about an hour ago (I was caught in it driving). 0.03"
  14. 2010-11 remains the wettest rainy season of the 2010s, owing primarily to that month. 2016-17 was decent though too. All other seasons were below-average to some degree, although now 2018-19 can be excluded from that list. The 2010s as a whole was our driest decade since the 1940s. The last truly "epic" rainy season was 2004-05, I wonder when we'll see a top-tier rainy season anything like that ever again. (other examples being 1997-98, 1982-83, 1977-78) I wonder - a vaguely weak El Nino pattern has established itself in the equatorial Pacific region this winter (official as of today); could this be our first El Nino in over a decade to actually deliver, even partially? My precipitation charts for 2017-18 and 2018-19 as of today. Compare the total absence of activity during most of 2017-18 to the vibrant activity in 2018-19 so far:
  15. KSOX and KNKX radars are down for me right now. Currently getting hit by an absolute onslaught of heavy rain. 2.45" since midnight and rising
  16. December 2010 was also very wet, we had 12.18" that month. Temecula is approaching the record daily rainfall for the station (records date back to 1999). The record is currently held by 4.23" on November 30th, 2007. Temecula right now has 4.02" and it's only 10 AM. I'm at 2.20" since midnight.
  17. Aside from the heat, that part of Arizona is often subject to monsoonal moisture during the summer months. I admit I'm not familiar with Phoenix's weather nearly as much however. Won't get particularly cold due to its relative low elevation (compared to the higher deserts).
  18. 2.14" since midnight here, my backyard is underwater. My car's tires are half-submerged in a river of rainwater along the street. I keep having to edit my rain total while posting this because it is rising so rapidly. My manual rain gauge is approaching overflow levels. More rain has fallen in the last 9 hours in Temecula (3.87") than during the entire rainy seasons of 2001-02 (3.87") and 2006-07 (3.75"). De Luz has recorded 4.25" since midnight. Stations here are beginning to exceed their entire season averages.
  19. Sustained heavy rainfall for over an hour at my location now. Already at 0.50" since midnight alone and quickly rising. Very loud outside.
  20. Heavier rain hitting us now. Moisture plume appears to be slowly drifting north.
  21. Rain has become more steady and persistent here within the past hour. 0.08" now and slowly rising.
  22. I agree, not much has happened since that frontal wave hit us around noon. It has been drizzling here for about half an hour now though, although it has not been measurable. Doppler radar shows a large plume of moisture directed at San Diego County and northern Baja California, but nothing up here.
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