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Everything posted by VMB443

  1. 17 degrees here this morning - pretty impressive.
  2. I agree - Milwaukee only averages 2.5" of snow in November, so this is normal, I'm glad to see the below normal temperatures - I am still very hopeful about this upcoming winter.
  3. Pretty strong storm rolling through here - lots of rain - thunder - lightening.
  4. Our first real flakes coming down from off the lake - nice!
  5. Looks as if we may get some lake effect later this morning/afternoon. That would be an unexpected treat. Low now down to 12. Record was 15 in 1957.
  6. 13 degrees outside right now - very impressive. Believe we broke a record.
  7. Yeah, check this out - first picture was of a tree at 8:02 this morning, second pic the same tree at 9:02 - at times it was dropping hundreds of leaves per minute - really impressive.
  8. Low 20s here - amazing to see the leaves falling off the trees - just constant dropping after the real cold - I suspect a good couple of gusts of wind would finish the job quickly.
  9. Yeah, I'm not quite sure I'm ready to shovel yet - but I like the cold and would love to see some snow flying.
  10. All of a sudden Milwaukee is officially calling yesterday our first flakes...
  11. Not at the airport to my knowledge - we just had a burst of snow grains for about two minutes - looked like snow from the window but then I stepped outside and it was just grains.
  12. We made it down to 30 at the airport here - dropped a few degrees even as the sun started coming out.
  13. Nothing here in Milwaukee yet, some cold light drizzle this morning I was hoping would mix some flakes in but no dice.
  14. Finally got a freeze warning - Saturday night. Nice way to draw October to an end!
  15. Got our first frost here last night which is great- looks like a real freeze coming Saturday night, lows in the upper 20s - that's trick or treat night here - good luck to the kids. Seems it's been a while since trick or treat happening with such cold conditions!
  16. Looks like they are spreading - and creeping towards my area - I'm going to go stare at the sky
  17. According to the radar it looks like some snow flakes in Madison!
  18. Also pouring here with some nice thunder - great day, hoping we get something like this in the snow variety this winter!
  19. This is turning out to be a nice soaker for us - so far about half an inch, nice and steady.
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