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Everything posted by TT-SEA

  1. His delivery is an unprepared and impulsive mess. And he is truly paranoid. Never good things in leadership. He defeats himself at every move.
  2. I think most everything Trump does is based in fear mongering. I don't think all of his proposals are bad at face value.
  3. Just giving an example of innocent people blamed by association with evil. Much like the Germans living in other European countries following WWII. Fear mongering leads to lots of collateral damage. Its a fine line of course.
  4. I hate this attitude. Its one thing for a candidate to act that way. I honestly think its much more dangerous for the President of the United States to act this way. For many reasons. Words and actions carry much more meaning and impact around the world. So its inane to talk about it because we all knew Trump would be a child in the White House? Seems so lazy and permissive.
  5. I am talking about the mob mentality that happens after any attack. Like what happened after 9/11 to law-abiding Muslims in this country. Lots of collateral damage. I would hate to be blamed personally for the things that the Catholic church has done. Maybe we are all child-rapists? Take no chances... never can be sure.
  6. His base is the minority in this country. The other side is likely getting 'more solid' as well. A common enemy will do that. Trump is seemingly an enemy to intelligence and basic maturity. Pro-life is one aspect... but they could have that with Pence.
  7. Yes... it is different to see the President of the United States consistently acting in such a way. It just is. I think its offensive to Republicans as well... who tolerated it and hoped for the best. We will see.
  8. And it would result in persecution of innocent people. What is the cost to our democracy? The terrorists win.
  9. I think Trump defaults to rather extreme fear mongering... This is a good description of Trump's tactics... of course we have a much better system in place to prevent what Chavez did. Because in one regard, Trump and Chávez are identical. They are both masters of populism. The recipe for populism is universal. Find a wound common to many, find someone to blame for it, and make up a good story to tell. Mix it all together. Tell the wounded you know how they feel. That you found the bad guys. Label them: the minorities, the politicians, the businessmen. Caricature them. As vermin, evil masterminds, haters and losers, you name it. Then paint yourself as the savior. Capture the people’s imagination. Forget about policies and plans, just enrapture them with a tale. One that starts with anger and ends in vengeance. A vengeance they can participate in. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/27/in-venezuela-we-couldnt-stop-chavez-dont-make-the-same-mistakes-we-did/?utm_term=.9dfb8174d511
  10. I think many of the Republicans are still taking a 'wait and see' approach... but common sense and the expectation of a very basic level of maturity from the POTUS are beginning to take over. Reality is setting in now.
  11. Stats show we have a shocking 1 in 364 billion chance of being murdered by a refugee in this country. Scary! I wonder what the odds are of being murdered by another American?? Lets deport all Americans too. Some of them are murderers.
  12. Regardless... even Trump's favorite FOX news is being highly critical of his childish and impulsive behavior. Except for Hannity who is a basically a Trump puppet. Republicans are going to start turning on Trump eventually.
  13. I forced myself to watch the morning shows on FOX news today... and found it actually was more 'fair and balanced' than the liberal-biased media right now. They certainly were on the attack on many of Trump's moves and statements without just focusing on the protesters (which is a small part of the story right now).
  14. Leaky White House... reports of staffers talking anonymously about President Trump being child-like in his attention span and ability to control his impulses. Not surprising of course. I guess we should never be surprised or concerned about these things. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/26/the-leaks-coming-out-the-trump-white-house-cast-the-boss-as-a-clueless-child/?utm_term=.9f7b98b90c6d These tweets were posted in the middle of the night in apparent rage of anger... misspelled words and poor grammar. Maybe the president would be expected (at a minimum) to act like a mature adult? Nah... this is Trump and he is breaking all the rules. Its fun. And then Bannon telling the media to "shut its mouth". I was watching FOX news this morning and even they were ripping him for that and said it was straight insulting to everyone. I know... don't react to Trump. But I think its pretty clear that Trump is genuinely mentally ill. I think Republicans are going to turn against him as well. I have a feeling this is going to end in a real mess for our country. Just a feeling.
  15. I think most people tune in here when something interesting is happening. There were many Puget Sound posters in December and early January. Even if there was a big event here... many of them would not be posting now until the next event. Who are you thinking about?
  16. Windy? Sunny? This front is racing through way faster than the models showed during the week.
  17. I love this article... shows the inner workings of the Republicans who have no idea what to do with the ACA and know that it will be called Trumpcare and they will be judged by this in less than 2 years in the next election. At least they are trying and recognize the importance. But they have no clue either. And they are right... Trumpcare will be judged quickly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/behind-closed-doors-republican-lawmakers-fret-about-how-to-repeal-obamacare/2017/01/27/deabdafa-e491-11e6-a547-5fb9411d332c_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_goptapes-138pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.ca620c6a44c6 Also wonder if the shock of Trump's win is going to manifest itself with people on the left voting at insanely high rates in 2018 and 2020. Meanwhile the bloom will be off the rose of Trump for his base and they will be less likely to turn out at the same rate as in 2016.
  18. Not trolling... just enjoying all aspects of this January. Its been a great month. Lots of sun... snow on the ground for half the month... very few rainy days. 54 at SEA today.
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