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MossMan last won the day on May 25

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    Stanwood, Wa
  • Interests
    Weather, dogs, water!

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  1. It has been a chilly month with the lows for sure. Lots of 40’s at my place as well.
  2. And the wildlife displacement would be insane. I’m only a couple miles east of I-5 yet my entire area is heavily wooded and I have deer, bear, cougar, bobcat, owls, you name it that cruise right though my area and even through my 5 acres. Couldn’t imagine my area being a business/apartment concrete parking lot jungle.
  3. Let’s do this! That was a wet and windy few days.
  4. OMG!!! Please stay right there!! LOCK IT IN!!
  5. I’m satisfied (for now) that we stomped Oregon multiple times last season and made it to the big game. Don’t really care about what happens this year. However your favorite coach is hoping for another Oregon stomping. Oh and go Seahawks!
  6. Andrew is fired up this evening! You need to pace yourself, we are not even close to election night yet!
  7. I thought this was “Polite Politics” Oh and NEWSFLASH…Nobody that will hold the presidency will “Make America Great Again” It is what it is. There will still be ups and downs no matter who is in there and life will go on…Until we all eventually die. Have a great night everyone!
  8. Looks like the smoke has cleared quite a bit in Eastern Washington.
  9. Yeah so much for the calmer kinder Trump after his near death experience.
  10. Looks like I had some rain on the 23rd of that month.
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