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Everything posted by Deweydog

  1. Anyone can sound right if they try hard enough!!! And you guys are certainly trying...
  2. I guess we should feel special maybe when a guy 1,000 miles away and a guy 3,000 miles away feel it necessary to come to a PNW-dominated weather thread and sniff each other's prognosticating crotches with their hackles up. We live in a special place. Anyone else see hour 237 of the 12z??? Hmmmmmm....
  3. It was a lovely day. Winter's coming so get ooot and enjoy it!
  4. I don't deny the fact the long term trend for January has been bleak, but simply chalking it up as being a long term complete dearth of events isn't very accurate and takes the part which is remarkable out of context.
  5. Matt Zaffino is showing images of a big solar flare yesterday! Hmmmmmm...
  6. Payback's a *****. Personally I think a LITTLE too much has been made of the issues with this particular month. There's been plenty of fairly significant events in January, just nothing worthy of absolute, top-end superlatives. 1993, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 all had their moments. People have just whipped themselves into a "we're due!" fury and have, in my opinion, pulled things a bit out of context.
  7. It's about time someone brought this up as a topic of conversation!
  8. Hmmmm... no. You swung and missed. No shame in it, but own it.
  9. It's one of the four most important meals of the day!
  10. We should know soon with a high degree of accuracy and confidence. 1:02 in.
  11. Lots of people commenting on how raw it's felt thus far in 2015. Will be interesting to see how things play out the rest of the way.
  12. Our grass is starting to pop. Makes me think it's gonna get coldish again.
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