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Everything posted by Deweydog

  1. This winter has basically been the same in that the only whiffs we've had at cold air has been amost entirely due to continental influence. This year the small details just haven't been there for snowfall.
  2. That was taken at dinner time? Man, that sun angle is creeping up fast!
  3. It's not for everybody. If it was my house would probably be a lot smaller.
  4. Let's just say most of my litigation days were spent tearing holes in vague subjectives.
  5. Depends on where within the law you make your bread.
  6. I'm fine, thanks. I don't mind being one of the clueless millions who will be swept into ice age chaos with little or no warning.
  7. Big article about these very issues in the National Enquirer today.
  8. Could be, although for us January 2012 probably qualifies as we were supposed to be just on the short end of things pretty much completely but ended up with a quick six inches or so.
  9. Might be the best way to tell if our winter is fully cooked! LOLOLOLOL!
  10. I think he's throwing spaghetti at the wall at the moment.
  11. Outliers one way or another have to get smoothed out though in the long run.
  12. Plus, 2008-09 was such a cornucopia of good side events it's hard not to think we're still a long way from paying off that tab.
  13. The 2008 shower was more persistent but the 2007 one was such a stark event. Went from upper 30's, partly sunny and dry to ice covered roads in a matter of 10 minutes.
  14. Yeah... but when you start packing too many of those into a decade they just become performing snow events.
  15. Without a doubt the most intense graupel storm I've witnessed on the afternoon of the 10th. And yeah, the storm on the 16th was about as perfect as they come given what was available.
  16. Eight years ago right now it was about to turn chilly and quite graupelly.
  17. Wasn't the PNA forecasting negativity for right now like 10 or 11 days ago?
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