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Posts posted by GHweatherChris

  1. 3 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

    He’s literally been the biggest instigator recently. Everyday he’s causing problems even he knows it…whether he plays innocent or not. 

    What has he been legitimately been instigating?  This forum is full of them btw, me included, not gonna deny it. The fact that one person can literally offend and upset multiple people on here with words that shouldn't is just weird.

    • Like 1
    • lol 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

    I usually like Jesse but recently it’s like he’s trying to get banned with the sh*t he’s saying. You didn’t get him banned a couple years back that was all his doing. Maybe it’s time he bans himself for awhile or someone does it for him. 

    The multiple responses to what he has been saying is far worse than what he has been saying, btw.

    • Thanks 1
    • Facepalm 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, TT-SEA said:


    Well then lets start keeping track.   We have one person serving as the constant antagonizer and its definitely not me.   Today it was all about economics.   Its always something.   Forced moral outrage. 

    Please let me know when I start something out of nothing.   I could quote 10 times when a certain someone has done that in just the last week.  Maybe more.  And posting a weather map that someone likes does not count.   That is what we are here for. 

    If you don't like what someone is saying, don't say anything at all, they are not hurting anyone, its pretty simple, they way you keep going on and on and on is petty and immature. I have said it before and I will say it again, you are more bothered by one person and what they say than they are actually bothered by whatever it is.


    PS... I am certain that you are always keeping track, which is also creepy.

    • Like 2
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  4. 1 hour ago, TT-SEA said:

    We had one quiet summer when a certain someone was banned... before he snuck back in.   And he says he is so well behaved now.    Same old same old.  😀

    You keep saying you are well behaved now, there is more of us than you think on here that would disagree, be blessed Tim, life is too short, embrace all that you have cuz what  if tomorrow never comes and the last thing you said in any way was complaining about someone who disagrees with you.

    Have a great rest of your week everyone, be amazing in all that you do.

    • lol 1
    • Popcorn 1
  5. Is there any reason why easter needs be dry, and or sunny?  I don't think so, it's just another day that makes some people feel inclined to blow a bunch of money on candy and (now overpriced eggs) for what exactly.....  let it rain, egg hunts can happen inside, no reason for it to be nice an sunny outside, let it rain, let it rain and make the region whoooo,ooole!!

    • Like 2
    • Weenie 2
    • Spam 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, Chewbacca Defense said:

    That's crazy you had pneumonia and didn't know it.  Glad you were able to get to the hospital and get things taken care of. 

    When I was in college I didn't have insurance so I ignored the case of bronchitis I had until I woke up one morning and could not breath.  I felt like I was drowning.  My girlfriend at the time had asthma, so I managed to get a quick phone call to her asking her to come over with her inhaler.  Luckily she had a key because I could not get out of bed.  My vision was starting to grey out as I heard her pull into the driveway.  I did a double or triple dose of her inhaler, and it opened up my lungs....and got my heart racing.  In hindsight, I'm lucky I didn't do more harm than good with all those inhaler hits.  She took me to urgent care and a chest x-ray confirmed pneumonia, and that was after the inhaler opened things up.  I coughed up stuff I did not know could come from a human body.

    It took me a while to bounce back from that. 

    Take care of yourself and get lots of rest.


    I have just a bit of it, but my body has been fighting it like the plague apparently, so glad they found it after my heart attack scare and treat it, but I got other shite going on that needs to be addressed now besides that.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, TacomaWx said:

    That is crazy, I can’t relate to the pneumonia and antibiotics…but I can relate to the severity of anxiety attacks. They started happening to me out of nowhere…I called 911 the first time it happened. Thought I was dying and I was having a hard time breathing. My fingers and hands hurt from clenching so hard. Had to just lay on the ground and wait for it to pass everytime and sometimes it would be 1-2 hours. I couldn’t even work for awhile. I went through almost a year of having multiple significant crippling anxiety attacks everyday in 2021 and 2022. Before it started happening to me I didn’t take stiff like that seriously. I still get them sometimes but it’s more like once or twice a month. 

    I had no idea I have pneumonia, but my body did and has been fighting it for weeks, they got me on so much antibiotics it's ridiculous.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Sunriver Snow Zone said:

    F**k the Ducks, worst team in any sport. Go Washington state, every beaver fan needs to root for them! Only team that didn't abandon the pac12, wsu needs to prove that the remaining PAC2 did not deserve to be abandoned!

    50% if the Pac 12 made it to the tourney!!

  9. 3 minutes ago, MossMan said:

    Glad you are still with us! Hopefully the antibiotics kick the remnants of the crud quickly. I hear ya, it’s scary as hell. In late January I had a less extreme version of that happen. For me it turned out to be purely stress and lack of sleep. I tell ya, stop by the busy walk in clinic and tell them you are having chest pains radiating to your elbow and a rapid pulse, and you are in a room in under 2 minutes getting the work over! 

    There was no way my wife was gonna try to drive me considering my condition at the time lol, we have a fire station a block away, they were here in our house in less than 3 minutes of her dialing 911, but you are right, if you show up with the right symptoms you can skip to the head of the line at   some clinics.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Tyler Mode said:

    GEEEZEEEE!  Scary!  Glad you are okay.  When I had my stroke I was lucky enough that my sister was close by, I was sort of denying it, but super glad I went to the hospital!  Here's hoping for rapid improvement!

    If it had happened 10 minutes later I would have been home alone without a way to dial 911, my fingers were locked and contorted, even though  it wasn't a heart attack the medics said that if they hadn't gotten there as soon as they did my heart rate would have continued to rise and I most likely would have went  in to cardiac arrest, I am so thankful things worked out the way they did, don't want it to happen again.

    • Like 3
  11. Hey all, just wanted to remind you all to take care of your self everyday.  We had the biggest scare of our lives on Tuesday morning, we thought I was having a heart attack, heart rate approaching 200 bpm, heavy breathing, chest pain... it ended up not being one after a 911 call, ambulance ride and hours of tests in the ER.  Apparently my body has been fighting some stuff since I got over covid in February that I was not aware of and the previous day I had a stomach bug that severely dehydrated me even though I was pounding water to offset it, all that along with life stress and work stress caught up with me and I had a major anxiety attack that mimicked a heart attack, plus I have a little pneumonia going on as well that i was not aware of.  I am on a massive load of antibiotics and on a get as much rest as possible regime through the weeken.  It was scary, my wife and daughter handled everything like champions, but god D**n, I was so effing scared.

    Be awesome  weirdos, today was a nice day of drizzle and temps in the 50's.

    • Like 1
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    • Angry 1
    • scream 13
  12. 80 degrees here is unprecedented out this way in March, the 77 just south of me on a official weather station yesterday is unprecedented in March, but it happened.

    Also, got down to 33 this morning with a touch of frost, crazy but it happened.

    • Like 1
    • Sick 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Front Ranger said:

    Seems unusual for you to be the warmest place in western WA.

    If the station just south of me had only hit 73-74, I would question my sensor but it is usually 3-4 degrees warmer at our house than there, today matched that perfectly.  I have gone to about where the sensor is on really warm days before and there is a noticeable difference in temp feel, proximity to cold river.

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