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Everything posted by FroYoBro

  1. Looks like the refugee ban was just put on pause by the ACLU and a federal judge.
  2. I actually have to agree with your trolling for once. The sun came out a this afternoon for a bit and it felt great out there.
  3. Interesting. So basically U.S. consumers will be paying for the wall? What a surprise.
  4. This is a bigger issue for the U.S. than you think. Mexico is a big trade partner. Trump is causing this nonsense due to his insistence of Mexico paying for the wall. This isn't even a negotiation. That implies that there is a healthy middle ground. Mexico WILL NEVER pay for the wall.
  5. Surprised to see that the GFS still wants to give Portland snow next week. I'm very skeptical at this point.
  6. I think it is best that Jim doesn't look at this run. Will be better for his mental health.
  7. Definitely some potential next week for our Washington complainers. Hopefully you guys finally get a nice snow storm. 12z GFS shows a lot of snow for SW Washington and points north of there. Might be another week of low tracking!
  8. Not really. Most places were just a couple of degrees too warm. Only places right near the river and east got any decent icing.
  9. Got a little freezing drizzle in the morning. It is now up to 35 and the melt is on!
  10. Pretty big temperature gradient in the metro already. 25 at PDX, but just 30 here. Westside should escape without too much ice tomorrow.
  11. Only got to 19 here, but this is always a bad spot for cold nights. 12 at PDX is pretty good!
  12. They only need a small amount of time with calm winds to get an impressive low tonight,
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