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FroYoBro last won the day on January 10 2017

FroYoBro had the most liked content!

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    Tigard, Oregon

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  1. Nice onshore push right now. Feels really nice out there!
  2. You keep saying unnecessary as if the climate evolves around you and your garden.
  3. Stayed up very late last night and was just woken up with some thunder and rain about 20 minutes ago. Beautiful sound!
  4. You take this place way too seriously. You say you don't care, when you clearly do. I do agree that this place is full of trolls and has a pretty awful vibe overall. There are a lot of strange personalities in here that like to antagonize. You are also unfortunately letting some of your bully tendencies show lately. You just have to ignore some of these comments and roll with the punches a little bit better. The random jokes in here don't change the reality of our climate change.
  5. Looks like something pretty juicy is heading your way.
  6. Your manic personality kind of reminds me of Hitler.
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