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jcmcgaffey last won the day on April 4 2017

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    North Seattle (Ballard/Greenwood)

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  1. Just drove through there today but am now back in Seattle. Was down in Pacific City the last week and avoided the heat wave the last week fortunately.
  2. Looks like I’ll have a high of 75 here in north Seattle. Tomorrow might be the first 80 of the year.
  3. Been dark and rainy here in Seattle all day with .30”. Looks like SEA barely tracked any rain though.
  4. I would put the states in the Rockies ahead of Washington unless you are putting more weight on the volcanic peaks which are a much more unique aspect of mountain scenery.
  5. A nice cool 72 here. 76 for the max high so far this year. Being within a mile of the sound helps:)
  6. It rained here in north seattle last night.
  7. Looking out across the sound from the south tip of Whidbey and saw some good strikes and loud thunder over the water.
  8. Beautiful. I have hiked around the Himalayas a bit about 25 years ago. Flew a little Cessna plane around Everest which was amazing.
  9. Ya and SEA still ended up with hardly any rain. Most places are between 1/2” to 1” there last few days while SEA is .10. Official stations must also show less rain than personal stations as SEA still consistently shows less than all personal stations surrounding the airport.
  10. That’s interesting. We have a few owls around our place and the crows go berserk a lot of mornings so would make sense. My daughter brought her pet rabbit up to our deck at night a while ago and within minutes the owls were perched right next to her with all of us sitting right there
  11. These tornado clips are making my impromptu dust devil chase last weekend in eastern Washington feel uninspiring… disregard the lofi beats in the background… IMG_6391.mov IMG_6388.mov
  12. Hope I am wrong but it’s hard for me to see how the incoming system is going to drop an inch plus of rain in Seattle. Definitely different than our typical Pineapple Express setup.
  13. Looks like whisps of clouds but the iPhone captures it better. This is from the city too
  14. I bet you weren’t saying that during the 8th inning:)
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