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Rubus Leucodermis

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Everything posted by Rubus Leucodermis

  1. As an example, Eugene airport recorded a low of 17°F on Halloween morning in 2002.
  2. I think the 19 at KOLM is legit. That station has scored lows in the teens (or single digits) when no other station in the area has before. For quite a long time, actually. I really doubt all the sensors that station receives are defective and read cold. And teens in late October west of the Cascades are not unprecedented. Have been observed in the Willamette Valley as well, when a cold snap favoured that location. Might have seen a few already this event had clouds not been interfering with radiational cooling there.
  3. Same continent, different region many thousands of miles distant. The Levant and the Arabian Peninsula are part of Asia.
  4. Big Brother just increased the chocolate ration from 30 g/week to 20 g/week. ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!
  5. Wall-to-wall sunshine with a high of 51.6°F today.
  6. I really don’t think there was much going on in the lead-up but Hamas and Israel both misreading the other. Hamas thought Israel was still prepared to offer VERY stiff resistance at the border, and as such used a massive attack in anticipation of such resistance, because anything less than a massive attack would result in zero hostages being captured. Israel wasn’t aware Hamas was planning a big attack, and had scaled back security at its Gaza border, because they were expecting an attack from the West Bank and wanted to move resources to that border. As Freud once observed, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
  7. I am truly shocked that studios there now rent for almost as much as they do here, once one applies currency conversions. I would pay CAD $1000/mo more in rent for my current place if I hadn’t first signed a lease during the pandemic and since benefited from rent control (and Vancouver wasn’t exactly a low-cost city in 2021). I hear what rentals go for these days and I can’t believe it.
  8. A studio in Silverton, OR rents for $1400/mo? That’s insane! Almost as bad as what one rents for in Vancouver these days (CAD $2450 = USD $1775).
  9. Bottomed out at 31.8˚F this morning. Now 32.7˚F and rising. Should be sunny and mild this afternoon. Official forecast now calls for 28˚F on Saturday morning.
  10. Fewer school shootings in Canada than in the USA, and Canada is less religious. Japan is less religious yet, and school shootings are unknown there.
  11. Plenty of Bible Belt states have high violent crime rates. Meanwhile, the famously irreligious Pacific Northwest has lower than average violent crime rates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate If there is a causal relation between religiosity and crime, it seems to go exactly opposite the way you think it does!
  12. I live in a city where a majority of people are irreligious, and we don’t have a problem with school shootings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver#Demographics
  13. Well, at least he has a serious plan for reducing school shootings. /sarc New Speaker Mike Johnson Blamed School Shootings on the Teaching of Evolution
  14. What made me leave Oregon was mostly personal: the vast majority of tech job opportunities are in the Willamette Valley, and the valley is basically unlivable to me due to my grass pollen allergies. There is no grass seed industry in western Washington or western BC, so I can actually be outdoors in June here and not get seriously ill.
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