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Everything posted by Andie

  1. Everyone's been incredibly quiet lately. Tell me, there have been over 65 earthquakes in Kansas and Oklahoma over the past week. Now, to put it plainly, ...that ain't normal. As this is a solar Minimum thread perhaps we should consider that this might be a side effect of the GSM. Quakes pick up during that period, as does volcanic action which has been pretty stable lately. Something's always popping off, but no big ones as yet. The next solar cycle is forecast to be lower than this last one. So, maybe things are just getting warmed up. I'll ask again....any thoughts on this? Or are you just content to read and not think and share? It's getting weird out there. And it will affect us all.
  2. I don't know if this has anything to do with the New Madrid or perhaps a mid continent Fault yet to be discovered, but this is a lot of quakes. Something is moving. Now, is this due to the Grand Solar Minimum or just business as usual ? ______________________ This Isn’t Normal: Kansas And Oklahoma Have Been Hit By 65 Earthquakes Within The Last 7 Days The state of Kansas is certainly known for a lot of things, but earthquakes are not one of them, and that is why what we just witnessed is so startling. According to the Kansas City Star, one county in central Kansas alone has been hit by 11 quakes within the past five days… Further south, Oklahoma has experienced even more earthquakes than Kansas has over the past seven days. Overall, there has been a total of 65 earthquakes between the two states over the past week. That definitely isn’t normal, and we should keep a close eye on this. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/this-isnt-normal-kansas-and-oklahoma-have-been-hit-by-65-earthquakes-within-the-last-7-days
  3. Looks like Texas is shut out. I was hoping for rain, but he isn't even hopeful about that. Last year was cold here, but we saw little rain.
  4. Hanging as hard as I can at 103* this afternoon.
  5. Well, I posted this here so the central US forum could think about whether they felt any or not. It's just so rare to see a swarm in Kansas.
  6. Central Kansas has experienced 11 earthquakes in a week. Anyone feel it? https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/kansas/article234125492.html 2.4 to 4.2. Mid continent quakes are not common. But these have been surprising.
  7. It's 100 heading for 102. Forecast for tomorrow is 103. All this talk of Fall is making me crazy as I sweat while trying to keep my flowers alive. If the A/C failed right now, I'd commit "hari-kari" Everyone is totally maxed out with this heat. Enough already. Bring on Fall.
  8. Yup! Rare snow in New South Wales. They look like they might be enjoying it.
  9. I confess to many a trip to the fridge myself. And there's always jumping out of the shower and standing under the a/c vent!
  10. Thanks for checking this out. It's becoming pretty hard on everyone. We're adapted to living with the heat but life gets very constrained to indoors with a/c and you just want to get out. I'm watching my neighbors place while they're away and there are days..... Cooler days sound like heaven right now. And yes, we need rain.
  11. Crickey! 91* at 9pm. Heading for 103* mañana. Is it any wonder? Well, summer isn't over. DP 68* Humidity 43% I'm ready for a cool front, please.
  12. Well if I can get some cold and rain I may settle for just barely satisfied. Not sounding promising.
  13. I’m reading some very bad economics for farmers. Deep debt and many will be out of business unless government bails them out. It’s looking very bad.
  14. Tom has been following some of the affects of this spring and summer on farmers. This article puts it into harsh black and white, and it's extremely unnerving. "...we are facing the worst farming crisis in modern American history, and this comes at a time when U.S. farms are drowning in more debt than ever before. In fact, the latest numbers that we have show that the average U.S. farm is 1.3 million dollars in debt… Farming in the 21st century has become an extraordinarily risky business, and countless U.S. farmers were already on the verge of going under even before we got to 2019. Now that this year has been such a complete and utter disaster, many farms will not be able to operate once we get to 2020." http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/the-average-u-s-farm-is-1300000-in-debt-and-now-the-worst-farming-crisis-in-modern-history-is-upon-us
  15. So what are the individual opinions on this forum? I’m very interested in everyone’s point of view. I believe we’re headed to a cool wet period. It will affect the agriculture industry and that will trickle into the economy and ultimately society changes. Not the end of the world but challenging long term
  16. This is our last day of a string of 100*+ days. Currently 91* and rapidly heading for 103*. Good news? 50% chance of rain tonight. Scattered storms. Tomorrow high - a chilly 94*. It will feel like spring after this last week.
  17. I’m preparing slowly for an early fall. I don’t know how much rain we’ll see but I expect cool early. If you get info on our early rain chances - say Sept. - give me a shout. I’ll pick up the pace.
  18. Lots of sheer in Illinois to Ohio Valley and when warm front slips north things could ramp up.
  19. Hope ours is right behind you. 102* is hard on everyone and everything. We will “dip” into the upper 90’s which will feel like spring by comparison. Can’t wait for cool mornings!
  20. Heading for 102* today and tomorrow. DP 63 Humidity dropping to 32% Still..............
  21. The Gulf Stream is slowing. It's hard to say whether the slowing of the Gulf Stream is related to the solar Minimum. I'm going to post this here anyway. I read an article around 2004 about one of the columns or pumps in the North Atlantic slowing to a near stop. The study was by Cambridge Univ. I've looked for it many times but can't locate it. Now this article surfaces and confirms much of what I read, although it doesn't mention the pumps. My question is - is this a sign that the earth is going into a new phase? Is it related to the GSM or is it part of an even more complex dynamic? Read it in that context and tell me what you think. https://phys.org/news/2019-08-gulf-stream-seas-hotter-florida.html
  22. https://phys.org/news/2019-08-asteroid-approach-eyes-sky.html On 25 July, an asteroid the size of a football field flew by Earth, coming within 65 000 km of our planet's surface during its closest approach—about one fifth of the distance to the Moon. The 100 m-wide asteroid dubbed '2019 OK' was detected just days before it passed Earth, although archival records from sky surveys show it had previously been observed but wasn't recognised as a near-Earth asteroid.
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