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Phil last won the day on April 23

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    Cabin John, MD.
  • Interests
    Physics, Atmospheric Science, Extreme Weather, Climate Change, Astronomy, Sports, Exercising, Relaxing, Love, and Life.

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  1. That’s a scary SSTA signature in the Atlantic. Jet fuel.
  2. Holy shit @ the tornado on the ground in AI right now.
  3. You’re experiencing that exact same weather RIGHT NOW. At a beachfront resort nometheless. Get out and enjoy it instead of sitting inside hoping for the same conditions a week from now, which may not even happen. The way your mind works
  4. Have you been getting enough sleep?
  5. wtf is that? It looks like a cake made of salmon with guacamole icing.
  6. What’s life without a little pleasure?
  7. Easiest cure for cravings is the smell of beef, turkey, or chicken. All three of those are revolting and I’d sooner eat pine needles off the muddy ground than consume such disgusting poison. Fish, dairy, and veggies all day, baby. Keeps the body young.
  8. Normally I’m meh about macaroni salad, but I’m calorie/carb restricting now and that pic has me fukkin RAVENOUS.
  9. Meanwhile it’ll be in the 90s here next week. The warm season lasts almost half the year now. Ridiculous. That is trippy-beautiful. Would love to be up there. Statistically speaking, weak-moderate. But that’s not always true depending on the entirety of the system state. In some situations, a stronger niña will perform better up there, while in other situations a lack of any ENSO/LF component is preferable.
  10. I get sleep paralysis every now and then but I never hallucinate. That just seems weird.
  11. You can’t just look at one month w/rt the establishment of seasonal scale patterns. There is too much intraseasonal variability at that timescale. Especially with ENSO transitioning. A lower frequency approach is required, no way around it.
  12. The impressive speed of this CCKW across the Pacific is another indicator the niño is losing its grip on higher frequency elements of tropical forcing.
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