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Everything posted by SilverFallsAndrew

  1. That was a really good period for salmonids in the region.
  2. Can you imagine if we are blessed with a wet May. The ENSO forecast is coming more into focus now. Really starting to look like we land on a moderate Nina.
  3. I remember May 1998. Abiqua Creek was blown out on the first day of fishing season.
  4. Are you talking about Spokane? Certainly not the Western Lowlands.
  5. Devastating decisions by the Obama/Biden administrations have led to catastrophe and a world on the brink. https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/16/the-world-is-paying-a-deadly-price-for-barack-obamas-foreign-policy-legacy/
  6. STEPHEN A SMITH has something to say! https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2968495/stephen-a-smith-blasts-democrats-over-trump-trials/
  7. Fall sucks. It's just an extension of summer now.
  8. Boeing should be ERASED and sent to the dustbin of history. How many people will have to die for corporate greed. Their entire fleet should be grounded immediately. Airbus is a far superior aircraft anyways. The people who greenlit the 737 Max should be tried for murder.
  9. Good to hear. I’m enjoying spring. It’s my favorite season.
  10. Phil got hammered by Nino this year. Well not quite. More like hammered during a Nino.
  11. I typically listen to Club Random, but don’t watch the HBO show.
  12. I went up there last summer or maybe the summer before a lot of the corridor burned, but not as much as you would think. A lot of it stayed on the ridges. Once you get up on the Table Rock fork it’s mostly intact iirc. Back in 2011 I had an offer accepted on a home up on elk prairie on the ridge above the Molalla river. Almost 2400’ elevation. Needed too much work and I bailed, ended up here. That home burned to the ground in the fires.
  13. Beautiful. Btw I don’t believe table rock burned in 2020. Ended up right between the Beachie Creek and Riverside fires. I think Rooster Rock did though.
  14. You should try. I am willing to extend an olive branch straight from the blessed holy land of Israel.
  15. Snarky, we are in the marketplace of ideas. Please share. Please tell us about the rich tapestry of love experienced in the CHOP zone in 2020. Enlighten us on the splendid benefits of an open border. Inform us on how inflation actually benefits the middle class. If you took the time to engage in constructive dialogue you would see our intersectionality. I am a committed environmentalist, support health care for all, dedicated antiracist, am a fierce ally of the LGB community, and oppose large corporations on principle.
  16. Let me reiterate. Instead of dispute this assertion you scream BAN BAN BAN. I would rather hear how I am wrong. Tell me what substantive steps President Biden has taken to help working people. How are the lives of working Americans better now than they were during the Trump administration? Is our purchasing power stronger? Is it easier to buy a home? Are interest rates lower? Is food more affordable? Is gas and energy cheaper? Are our streets safer?
  17. Many people did. We were told it was "canonical Nino climo." Not everything is personal Phil. There is no invective headed in your direction from me.
  18. You advocate a ban because I have an opinion you disagree with? This post is strictly an opinion shared with half my fellow Americans. Instead of dispute this assertion you scream BAN BAN BAN. I would rather hear how I am wrong. Tell me what substantive steps President Biden has taken to help working people. How are the lives of working Americans better now than they were during the Trump administration? Is our purchasing power stronger? Is it easier to buy a home? Are interest rates lower? Is food more affordable? Is gas and energy cheaper? Are our streets safer?
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