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Everything posted by RaleighHillsRunner

  1. You should! Great day actually, cloudy and cool with some sun peeks and no east winds finally. Took the dog out for a nice run
  2. Yep he nailed it, balmy 42 with some sun breaks currently.
  3. That first batch of mixed precip around 230 pulled us down to 37 and been holding steady there for a few hours. Light precip has returned, but if I’m tracking seems like we’ll need some real heavy stuff to cool down this column enough for any stickage…
  4. Yeah based on my drive back from school it’s legit flakes at 500ft, still splatty rain just another 2 mins down the hill. Mark’s new post says this still ain’t it…guess we’ll see! Flakes in the air is always fun tho
  5. Was surprised to wake up with this advisory posted! Guess they aren’t taking any chances after ‘the incident’
  6. Should be a great couple days for building snowpack. Saw that Mark’s team dropped the dreaded ‘ZR chance’ for the gorge coming out of this
  7. Typically would wait for a bigger yard project like mulching/chips or excavating for a flagstone patio expansion until we’re clear of winter storm potential. That’s all I was saying. Just makes for more cleanup/hassle, but maybe I’m just weird. And yeah I’ve been getting outside a lot lately. Chopped up our downed maple last weekend. Plus crisp dry mornings are the best for running!
  8. Fair point. I’ll put a hold on the mulch for a bit longer
  9. Are we really doing this? Man, I was just about ready to start planning outdoor Spring projects
  10. Fair enough; all of my memories from this most recent one will be pretty terrible
  11. Showery yesterday, not a soaker. 60 burger today, partly cloudy. Beats an ice storm by a mile.
  12. Not sure bout ya’ll but I’m ready for some regularly scheduled PNW programming for 2-3 weeks; good ol chilly showers with some dry days mixed in. The last week has put more grays into my beard than the last 5 years combined
  13. Anyone have a Generac or similar standby system that can attest to its awesomeness? Definitely going to be prepared for arctic blast 24-25 and beyond. We’ve also been getting more outages in the summer during heat waves last few years. Lost all confidence in the grid down here!
  14. Feel ya buddy, power restored this afternoon after 5+ days and staying with two different family members - headed back after we slowly warmed the house up with our Nest app. Turned the water back on, cleared out the fridge. Lost power again for a solid 35 mins after several flickers. Back now but fully expect more (hopefully shorter) breaks. It’s like a slow form of torture. ‘Will it stay on this time?’
  15. Just ugh. We are heading back toward our house in SW today from Forest Grove area - still no power but going to stay with fam nearby that finally does. How likely do you think ZR is to verify in my neck of the woods? East winds look to return but much weaker over there. Aiming to get where we’re going before 10am.
  16. Looks to be the inner SW side is warming more quickly than your location. Bridlemile/Raleigh Hills/Sylvan stations all near or slightly above freezing while Arlington Heights/Forest Park to North still much colder along with entire east side.
  17. Icing up everywhere, still no power at the house - so done with this event. These wind storms with some adjacent frozenish precipitation are no fun.
  18. Woof, crazy not fun weekend. Power out since early Saturday with no estimation on restoration still. Our best guess is Wednesday AM, but with the impending ice who the hell knows. We had fires to keep it livable, but finally jumped ship out to Forest Grove early today to stay with fam, warm up and get some work done. Just surreal damage in SW Portland Sunday morning when I ventured out, wild shopping in a dark Freddie’s with empty freezers. Storm itself was impressive as hell, just a bit nerve wracking when you live amongst the trees. Never had winds like that before. Only snagged a few pics - this was all within a block of us. Stay safe out there!
  19. 15, snowing hard, wind chill -3. All time cold for me in town, feels like a crazy day on Hood. Really hope the power holds on most of the day, firewood is prepped at least
  20. This was the calm beginning of a crazy band about 30 mins ago. Just a trace from overnight - for some reason thought we’d be further along - but hot D**n it’s coming down. Will suit up and try to get some pics as we progress…but it’s effing cold out there!! ️ IMG_2069.mov
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