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Everything posted by TT-SEA

  1. 12Z GFS is beautiful in the long range... warmish days and chilly nights. Hope that part works out.
  2. Scratch that... its still looks to be sending too much energy into the trough offshore.
  3. Looks like the 12Z GFS is finally coming around to what the ECMWF has been showing.
  4. Very smart idea about today. I was working from home and felt guilty for spending time in the yard... but then thought that I really needed to be out there because its been so gloomy and its good for mental state to see the sun once in awhile!
  5. Not on the 12Z ECMWF or even the 00Z Canadian. Still looks sharp. I have a feeling the GFS is out to lunch... but its a complicated set-up so any one of them could be right.
  6. 39 here this morning... but we had clouds all night.
  7. Jim you are acting really silly over missing out on a couple days of snow. Its just snow. If we had 140 days of rain then there is a reason to be VERY depressed. That just sucks your soul living in darkness for so long. But this winter was quite pleasant and bright. You are talking about not having snow on the ground for just a few days. It never lasts here. Its not like Eugene and Bellingham were buried in snow and freezing cold all winter while you missed everything. You are 50 years old... there has to be more important things than seeing snow in your yard for a couple days. Yes... I know the response from others. There has to be more important things than talking about this on a weather forum as well. Got it.
  8. 44 here with dewpoint of 39... doubt it gets to freezing at my house. Side note... the models are all over the place for the weekend and next week. Crazy differences in all the models and with each run. Impossible to follow and its only 3-4 days away.
  9. Drove through Carnation earlier today... took this picture of the flooding. This is normally a farm field. Pretty standard stuff down there for a flood event though. Mostly just fields at this point. http://s18.postimg.org/xl70axrqx/IMG_20140311_171530.jpg
  10. In the correct thread this time... finally a nice day here: http://s29.postimg.org/6ollh2oh3/Untitled.jpg
  11. Yep... it appears that is what I did. Not used to the monthly thread being so far down the list.
  12. I was just thinking about all the space we will have in 5 years when the boys go to college! I remember something about snow here... but it seems so distant. Like it was a dream. I think it used to snow here.
  13. SEA got stuck at 5.98 inches... have to wait until Friday now to cross the 6-inch mark.
  14. A nice .15 at SEA in the last hour with that band. That brings the monthly total to 6.00 inches by now. The previous wettest first 10 days of March was just 4.26 inches in 1972.
  15. Jim has his favorite southward-displaced c-zone! http://s3.postimg.org/t90hgtbmr/ATX_0.png Only seems to happen when its 45 degrees and raining though.
  16. 1950 - 8.40 1997 - 8.15 2012 - 7.20 1971 - 7.12 1972 - 6.74 As of 5 p.m. - SEA is now at 5.84 inches for the month (.60 for the day). I can't imagine this month not being in the top 5 when its over. Interesting to note that both 1972 and 1997 are in the top 5... leading up to strong El Ninos. 2012 was also a budding Nino before it collapsed in late summer. The other years (1950 and 1971) were strong Ninas all year long.
  17. SEA is now at 5.79 inches for March in just 10 days. Might be a c-zone heading that way now. Running 512% of normal for the month so far... and it certainly does not look really dry after a break for a couple days this week. A real shot at the wettest March in history at SEA. Only 2.61 inches left to break the record and a full 3 weeks to do it.
  18. This will improve Jim's mood: http://www.ecmwf.int/products/forecasts/d/getchart/catalog/products/forecasts/medium/deterministic/msl_uv850_z500!Geopotential%20500%20hPa%20and%20Temperature%20at%20850%20hPa!240!North%20America!pop!od!oper!public_plots!2014031012!!chart.gif And Jesse will not attack me for showing a good image from the best model we have available. I know I am responsible for what the ECMWF shows and I must only show the images which make them happy. We are here only to make them feel better about the weather they like.
  19. Update this morning: SEA March 1 - 10 2014 - 5.57 1972 - 4.26 1987 - 4.20 Still plenty of showers today... so it should go up a little more. Also about to get into the top 10 wettest months of March ever... very impressive with 3 weeks left to go. This could make a run for the wettest March in history at SEA (current record holder is 1950 with 8.40 inches). We are on pace for 16.50 inches right now! Obviously that pace cannot continue though.
  20. You have given up on this winter. You have given up on even living here. You want spring to arrive as soon as possible. We have trees in bloom and green grass with a reasonable amount of decent weather ahead. Nothing like this endless deluge we have endured. Just let it go... don't let it bother you. Its just stats. You will be able to get working on your outdoor projects and it will not be so dark and gloomy.
  21. Is that Fall City? My boys had a basketball game there on Thursday and I drove around a little beforehand to check things out. I think I was in the same place and wanted to post a picture but my phone battery was too low. The sensor at Snoqualmie Fall has peaked and is now falling... usually takes another 12 hours for it to start dropping downstream in Carnation and Fall City.
  22. Not at all... but I am pointing something really nice as a result of the rain and gloom. I love seeing everything come alive. I love warm nights this time of year for that reason. Trees will start leafing out here this week in some places. My love of cold nights lasts precisely from late October through February. After that... cold nights just mess things up.
  23. Cherry blossoms in Issaquah this afternoon... this weather has been great for getting spring jump started.
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