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Everything posted by Deweydog

  1. I think even the most indigent of individuals deserve personal victory on occasion. More than one, even.
  2. Victim Jesse crawls out and makes another appearance! You've been riding Tim like a BMX bike this spring. Own it.
  3. I'm gonna have a superdelegate represent me. I told him to just avoid being off by eight degrees for the two warmest days and we'll be skookum. Any early no way proclamations?
  4. People here don't do it for a living. They do it when they enjoy it. Aside from an unusual bevy of Jesse/Tim pre-summer anxiety, it's a typical mid spring on the forum.
  5. I'm so famous. Is the Canadian out yet? I'm still scamblex since the time change.
  6. Could be some no way proclamations coming up if the models keep coming in warmer for this weekend/early next week.
  7. It definitely feels like someone in the U.S. is gonna fry this summer.
  8. I know the thought of it keeps you up at night, but all summers are Dewey-friendly. I grew up at the coast for crying out loud. Many a summer without an 80 degree day, my friend. All enjoyable, probably because weather didn't consume me.
  9. Good god can we fast forward 10 weeks so we can stop fretting about analogs and start fretting about the models and the number of consecutive 90+ degree days they show?
  10. Speaking of SST's, March PDO comes in at 2.40. Second highest March reading behind 1941's 2.41.
  11. There isn't much weather I dislike, much to your dislike I imagine. It's the lack of weather I mainly dislike from time to time.
  12. Yikes! I've been outed! I enjoy nice weather and other kinds of weather!
  13. I've been getting calls all day about the movie rights for the whole thing. The working title is "Mighty Ducks 7: There's Just No Way!"
  14. I was closer than you on the max temps for the interesting part of the event. I don't think I'd toot my horn too loudly in that case, but you may indeed be in a position where you need to wring out as much as you can from this. You did good. You can ride this wave all the way to the next nino.
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