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Everything posted by Deweydog

  1. 2 goal lead is the most DANGEROUS lead in hockey. It’s like Jim when the models are in LOCK STEP on a massive BLAST at 216 hours.
  2. Me 2. But I would NOT leave it unattended.
  3. One of these days I’ll sit down with you and explain partisan politics.
  4. If I remember correctly, the serial killer BTK was the head of his HOA and ruled with an iron fist.
  5. Actually, they keep the wealth with the HOA. Some of them are pretty pricey depending on the “amenities” they provide. My brother’s costs him $300 a month but they have a pool, clubhouse, landscaping and beer coozies. This’ll be our first time with one in about 14 years and the only one we were a part of was run very poorly. Not particularly looking forward to it, but no one holds a gun to someone’s head. If you don’t wanna be a part of it, you can go live somewhere else.
  6. I’m sure I’ll be cussing and fussing when I get denied my application to put my weather station on a 60 foot pole on my roof.
  7. They protect property values when administered correctly.
  8. Yup. We were able to pick our own color but it had to go to the board for approval. I definitely have a serious love/hate thing for HOA’s. Some are pretty ridiculous. As far as cost, it was subbed by the builder so I have no clue. Last time I painted a house was summer 2009, which I did myself and it cost me about a thousand bucks when all was said and done. It was a ridiculous amount of work and if I charged myself labor it would have probably cost me about 10k.
  9. 4/26 tentatively and PDX’s record that day is paltry 86 in 2018. We can and should do better.
  10. House got painted today. Just in time since exterior painting is ill advised with ambient temps above 90.
  11. The shitter is the fact I suspect most public golf courses and youth baseball programs will be shutting down by next weekend due to the dangerous heat conditions and widespread smoke. We just can’t find that happy medium.
  12. They did this as far back as 2001, at least on the state level. Myself and a few others did some work up around my boss’ property at Alta Lake and there was reimbursement through DNR if I recall correctly. It went to my boss but he paid it forward. Worked out pretty well since that fire season took off like wildfire in August. All it took was one nocturnal dry lightning event that rolled up the valley and it seemed like the whole county was in flames.
  13. Would be kinda fun to do a Fantasy League for model performance.
  14. About time… One thing about our last ALERT period in January was that it felt like we basically had one or maybe two models to dissect as that event approached. Like living in the dark ages.
  15. Donald will be his own worst enemy just as he was in 2020. That should have been a chip shot for him and he screwed the pooch. This year those tendencies will only be amplified despite the fact January 2021 occurred during a time most Americans are tending to erase from their hard drives. It’s getting harder and harder to believe that March 2020 through about February 2022 really happened. On the other hand, Biden can’t run a bunker campaign this time around and his frailty will be put on full display after four years of pretty rapid decline. The debates this fall are going to be an absolute gong show for both of them but I think the stakes are a bit higher for Biden.
  16. Could be nice relocating weather for those fleeing the region?
  17. https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-oreo-cookie-day-march-6
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