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BLI snowman

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Everything posted by BLI snowman

  1. Definitely not in the grand scheme of things. Caveat is that (especially north of Roseburg) with our access to low level arctic air we do see much colder historic extremes than the central valley of CA does. Portland and Bellingham have seen single digit maximums before and -15 to -20F minimums have been achieved in the lowlands. Whereas the whole of Bakersfield to Redding has never seen highs below 29 or minimums below 10 in its recorded history.
  2. 1962 looked like an earthquake in downtown Portland. Incidentally we had a pretty strong (5.5) earthquake centered in Vancouver just a few weeks later.
  3. Jet sking through a small craft advisory to a Mudhoney concert while slugged out on OG Kush and craft beer.
  4. Only true Northwesterners gonna boat on the 18z.
  5. Seems to have skipped the 19th century though, since 1868-69 and 1888-89 were among the worst of that era.
  6. Wow maybe the worm has turned probably gonna be a hotter winter
  7. Radar is certainly way more lit up than expected.
  8. Sounds right. I would probably toss 1970-71 in there as well. Pretty active season across the entire region from beginning to end that year, a little something for everyone. 1983-84 and 2017-18 may have reached low end moderate status and both wound up pretty reasonable though pretty hit/miss for snow.
  9. Yeah, I made the mistake of watching a video on that case late one evening and needless to say didn't get a lot of sleep that night.
  10. It's tough though, I think some psychotic people show their hands at shockingly early ages and simply can't ever be rehabilitated. I would never want this guy out for example, but I probably wouldn't agree with giving him the death penalty on the principle that he was so young and you have to draw the line there somewhere. Life in prison with the vague possibility of parole if he makes it to 103 seems like the most just sentence, with the hope that he maybe eventually gets taken out by someone in prison. https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/man-convicted-raping-killing-mass-high-school-teacher-pleads-guilty-brutal-assault-case/PDWBW53PF5D6THIE5Y4THUUYJE/
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't necessarily support a LWOP sentence for a 14 year old. I think at that age there should still at least be a potential pathway for them to be paroled at some point.
  12. No. Yes, in capital crimes like 1st degree murder. No, since that kind of inherently contradicts some of the agency implied with my answer to the previous question. Accessory is fine, though.
  13. 18z gives a nice dry middle finger to everyone north of Medford.
  14. Not surprisingly just a very light breeze so far but still at 96 here. I think PDX gets there.
  15. Definitely, but Downtown Portland has had the highest office vacancy rate in the country. https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2024/03/downtown-portlands-office-vacancy-rate-is-highest-in-the-nation-report-says.html Obviously the high taxes and perception that downtown is still pretty lawless (partially true at least) have exacerbated things there. Downtown foot traffic hasn't recovered nearly as much as other major cities since the pandemic, either.
  16. Welcome to Portland!! You also have this bit of good news. Biggest office building in the city is going to be majority vacant. https://katu.com/news/local/us-bank-is-leaving-the-us-bancorp-tower-in-downtown-portland#
  17. I'm now a subscriber to the philosophy that there's a positive correlation between a username being a person's full name and said user's condescension levels.
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