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Everything posted by ewnichols25

  1. I wouldn't mind having the climate of the inland Northwest or interior BC, but eastern continental climates are just too volatile.
  2. We won't get any single digit readings at SEA this month though. I'm pessimistic that we will ever see one again, but who knows?
  3. Snowing in Redding right now. http://www1.dot.ca.gov/cwwp2/data/d2/cctv/image/eurekaway/eurekaway.jpg?5166769 http://www1.dot.ca.gov/cwwp2/data/d2/cctv/image/lakeblvd/lakeblvd.jpg?5166770
  4. Cold pattern still going strong for at least the next two weeks.
  5. Crystal Mountain snow stake recording three feet of snow.
  6. What site do you use to view current weather obs? Excuse my ignorance.
  7. Insane storm going on down in Hawaii. Glad I was there last month and not now. Snow reported on Maui as low as 6,200 feet elevation (!) https://twitter.com/capitalweather/status/1095002062549630977
  8. Seattle Weather Blog leaning more towards EURO. Possibly due to the "wall" of easterly flow. https://twitter.com/KSeattleWeather/status/1095040289998176257?s=20
  9. Still snowing on the coast north of about Ocean Shores.
  10. I'm forgetting just how special and historic this month has been. Trying not to get too disappointed about the models tonight. It's just far too easy to get used to cold and snow.
  11. I think I see some clearing to my west, but it's kind of hard to tell. Can Kitsap posters confirm?
  12. Road closures, blizzard conditions and deep drifts across Central Washington today. https://twitter.com/wsdot/status/1094447642711535616 https://twitter.com/wspd3pio/status/1094437987348140032
  13. Although they might reduce total precip, Easterly winds would also reduce wet bulb temperatures, increasing SWE ratios and could mean the difference between rain and snow Friday afternoon.
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