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Slushy Inch

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Slushy Inch last won the day on February 13

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    Bothell Washington

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  1. The Kamala is going to have to hit Trump really hard on a topic and knock him off balance to come out on top of this debate, and not get surprised by obvious questions. I don’t have the highest hopes for either. Other wild card is we never really know what Trump is going to say. He could have an old man moment.
  2. Haha 30-60 percent. I’m sure a very reliable and accurate study would come out and say oh it’s somewhere within this 30 percent range.
  3. Yeah I don’t care about this issue at all until someone brings it up. I just want what’s best for trans people or anyone. The brain is not a precise machine, it’s not that hard to imagine someone not identifying with the sex they are born with. Everybody knows their biology doesn’t change unless they get something chopped off. It’s not a gotcha.
  4. What you mean admit? Nobody thinks cis men can get pregnant
  5. I’m probably considered far left because I’m a Bernie guy. I think people shouldn’t assume what others believe and how they got there. Most people don’t read about an idea like Marxism or post modernism and come to their beliefs that way. Nobody is trying to get rid of the gender construct, at least no significant number. There is some pushback against traditional gender roles. People know biological sex is two dimensional, why do you think you have to explain that?
  6. But are snows like that ever going to happen again?
  7. I like this pattern! First mountain snow coming.
  8. Winds would be even worse because of all the new developments, a lot less trees to slow the wind down.
  9. Nice to see the first fall coating of snow in the high cascades in the models
  10. That’s why we have to get a money out of politics. A lot of those on the left and right on agree this but you never see it talked about. Both the dnc and RNc had people in the fancy booths that cost 500000 a piece or whatever ridiculous price looking down.
  11. You are probably right. However, I’ve yet to see a somewhat competent dem debate trump since Hillary, even in 2020 Biden wasn’t exactly sharp.
  12. I’m stating the actual numbers too. The corporate news network that leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton for the Bernie debate is pushing a pro billionaire message, shocking.
  13. Not surprising that is the case. Anything they pay is going to be more than rest, because the rest of the country is struggling so much. Something around half have negative wealth, 60 percent living pay check to pay check. A lot can’t afford a 1000 dollar emergency. But I guess the reason why wealth inequality has sky rocketed is because they are paying so much in taxes, sure.
  14. Billionaires pay 8 percent per year go look it up, and Warren Buffet famously said he would give anyone a million dollars if they could show that their secretary pays a lower percentage then them. Also do you know many billionaires take out loans using stock as collateral to avoid taxes?
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