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The Blob

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Everything posted by The Blob

  1. Yes, they think it started in the attic or from embers from the chimney.
  2. I've been keeping track of the weather here in a colorful way
  3. Heyyyyoooo, how's everyone surviving the nice weather we're having?
  4. You can see the snow blowing off Mt. Hood today.
  5. We ordered more concrete blocks to finish our third garden bed. I'm hoping to really go out on growing stuff this summer.
  6. Do I need to warn my manager about more snow for this week and deal with another dumpster fire?
  7. I have a pineapple guava, and a neighbor has a loquat tree that did well during the storm.
  8. I'm at work with no actual work to do tonight, so I'll be checking the windows for splats.
  9. Current temp at 122nd and Division, will it snow???
  10. I'm not sick, I just had a annual check up.
  11. Had an appointment at OHSU today. The views were amazing.
  12. I also grew up in SoCal, and while I love the beaches and everything that is there. I am happier here. I love having weather, seasons, long and short days. Yes every once in a while I miss having consistent weather to grow food or to just go for a walk without feeling like I took a cold shower with clothing on, but I wouldn't go back.
  13. It has been nice having some light in the sky when driving to work. I no longer feel like I am driving blind.
  14. Tomorrow is February 1st, should I take down my very dry and dead Christmas tree?
  15. Got my kids and husband out of the house today. We went up Powell Butte and we could see all the peaks.
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