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Everything posted by gimmesnow

  1. I know this is a silly run but the way that finger of no snow reaches exactly to cascade mountain actually kind of makes me mad.
  2. What the hell is going on at accuweather? They were calling for 2-4 when I went to bed when none of the models supported it. When we had that rain storm, they called for 3-6 up in Portage before the rain too and it never happened, models weren't supporting it either. I'm not complaining about not getting the snow, last weeks' snowboard trip was one of the best time snowboarding in Wisconsin I ever had. But I find it so odd they keep completely blowing their "wintercast" so hard. EDIT: also lol
  3. This one going south then in a few days, rain. Ouch GFS you can't do this to me! Feel like southern MI has been exceptionally hosed this year so I'm happy for you all even if it's not the best time of the year for this.
  4. I want the nam to win but deep down inside I know it stands for "not accurate model"
  5. Yeah so many models have this going south of Chicago with snow and hitting Detroit. Icon, Canadian, FV3, RGEM, HRDPS. Euro and NAM have to pull off a big upset for Chicago to see any snow, let alone SE Wisconsin. We are still roughly 3 days out but NAM has been blowing stuff this season pretty badly. Tho last time I said something like this I was horribly wrong so lol.
  6. Hope we get some of this in SE Wisconsin. If it snows like crazy in Chicago and misses up here, all the Chicago people come up here to ski/snowboard thinking it just snowed and the hill will be amazing. Except it won't be amazing, it'll be terrible and they're far more likely to hurt themselves. Looks like that's what it's going to be, though. Too bad.
  7. Yeah, I feel like it's always been the 10:1 maps were low balls and the Kuchera was king. But this storm has Kuchera below 10:1. It's gonna be wet, heavy, and slow for snowboarding but at least it's not ice. Things were really messed up here with that ice storm.
  8. This time of the year is the most exciting to watch winter storms, because the models are always so whacked out and so liable to change. And it feels like you're getting something special. Storms in January that don't work out leave you feeling like you got ripped off but storms in March make you feel like you're getting a bonus, especially because you don't expect them to really happen.
  9. Don't worry we are on the same line basically and it shows a win for me. I just got a smokin end of season deal on a new snowboard which means winter is over and I've cursed us all.
  10. I hate to quote myself, but for posterity Accuweather completely blew the snow, it never happened.
  11. Dang I'm kind of reeling this one in here. I thought it was going way south. Been disappointed by these before, hope it doesn't go that way again.
  12. Man what's been up with these last few winters? December, January, and February have constantly been "everything's about to line up! just wait it's going to be epic!" and then at the end of February and in March it all starts to line up. Way too late for any of it to matter.
  13. Accuweather seems to think up to 6 inches at Cascade before the rain comes, which would be amazing as the rain would eat the fresh snow first before eating the base. But none of the models really seem to show it, I have no idea where they're getting it from. Kind of a really weird call. Interesting to see if it verifies but I think they are crazy.
  14. What a bummer that this is going to be so much rain for so many people who just got a massive snowstorm. I hate to sound greedy but I wish we got this last storm way earlier and this one either didn't show up or was much colder. Not good to see northern Wisconsin in the danger zone of rain.
  15. Seems like the last few years have been catastrophic ski hill rains then getting cold again. Hope they can make it through this storm, thankfully it's happening in the early morning so it should limit the carnage. This ice melting is total chaos, though. Lots of loud thuds and bad noises as it falls off of trees and the house.
  16. Hope this rain dies down, going to be carnage out here for ski hills with no cold in the forecast to make more snow.
  17. Thanks for the help with this storm. I had an amazing time at Devils' head and Cascade and it was absolutely miserable where I live with ice. I'll post pics when I have more time, snow was amazing even if it was kind of sleety at points.
  18. It's not dry powder but it sure does look like good stuff up in Devil's Head. Beautiful little band heading over both my ski resorts. Thank you mother nature.
  19. Snowing a bit at Cascade but wunderground took out the 1 or 2 inches of accumulation for the night. But ski hills always have an advantage because the runs are usually surrounded by trees which gives the runs more snow than what officially falls. I think I'm gonna make a trip out of it, looking at next week there's half an inch of rain on monday, I think I'll take the risk of sleet and wet snow for snowboarding considering next week will definitely be icy runs.
  20. Ice storm warning here too. WSW for Portage 3-6 with ice. Only outlier saying it's going to be all snow there is Wunderground. Doesn't look too good for me and my snowboard trip. Might as well get some extra food and stuff this afternoon, for the storm, and maybe I'll be lucky enough to use it on a snowboard trip.
  21. You can chill out about the ice storm, they are extremely difficult to forecast and the transition line between snow and rain is so muddled with models no one really knows what's going to happen. Not even accuweather and wunderground are in agreement in the location I'm watching. None of the models have been doing really well lately so be prepared for the nowcast.
  22. We are pretty close. Portage is about 30-40 miles north of Grand Rapids. Yeah it is tricky, WSW is just saying snow/sleet/fzr, accuweather says 3-6 snow with up to .5 ice, wunderground says 10+ inches of snow. Probably not going to know if it's worth the trip until tomorrow morning when it's time to go.
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