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bud2380 last won the day on March 3 2021

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    Homestead, IA
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    Weather & the Hawkeyes

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  1. It's got to be a lot more than 1.69" now. Wow, what a downpour we just had at work on the south edge of CR. I didn't get any rain overnight in Homestead and the heavy stuff in the last hour has almost entirely missed me as well. Which I'm actually ok with.
  2. I had 2.15" in my gauge this morning. The worst of the storm missed to our north, but it did rain hard. Just didn't get the wind to go with it, which was ok by me.
  3. Just got a notification from the weather channel that we have a severe thunderstorm watch issued. The SPC doesn't even have that posted yet. You'd think since they issue them, their own website would be the first to show it. But no.
  4. Finally a MD issued. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md1630.html
  5. Still no mesoscale discussions from the SPC. Not sure what to expect this afternoon/evening at this point. Still in an enhanced risk of severe weather, models differ significantly on the details (as usual).
  6. I had right at an inch in my gauge this morning.
  7. Area totals in the last 10 days. Ottumwa over 3". Certainly you could use more, but that's a solid total. Meanwhile up here in the Amana's we can't handle much more. We've been "lucky" and been hit and pretty hard with most of the storms that have rolled through the last couple of weeks. The ground is very saturated. Some corn fields have standing water.
  8. HRDPS (Candian hi-res) is also impressive.
  9. For @OttumwaSnomow 's sake I sure hope the Ukie is right. Hits Ottumwa hard.
  10. Sure hope the RDPS is being too aggressive with these rainfall totals. 4-5" in my backyard would be more than we could handle.
  11. Big time rain in the forecast tomorrow.
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