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Front Ranger

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Everything posted by Front Ranger

  1. We all know Tim has never voted R in his life.
  2. To be fair, I don't recall any of those outlooks showing anything close to this. Not worth a whole lot past week 2.
  3. The golden age of SEA outperformance. Broke their all-time record by 3 degrees...meanwhile, PDX and OLM failed to set new records. All irrelevant now!
  4. She appeared in a Youtube ad today asking me for just $10. And then she giggled.
  5. If I were a Ducks fan, I'd be satisfied with no less than a run in the playoff this season.
  6. So at the moment, GFS, CMC, and the mighty NAM all look pedestrian. While Euro and ICON look borderline historic (for late July/early August) in western WA.
  7. It's a miracle that place didn't go up in smoke years ago. #thankyoujesse
  8. Transgender thing is definitely overdone. However, to use your line of reasoning, transgender law effects the average person about as much as leaving abortion law up to the states. And yet many people act like losing Roe v Wade was the greatest setback our country has seen since Vietnam.
  9. Just gonna start more fires. RIP Redding to Springfield.
  10. You also are very easily swayed with the wind.
  11. People can change (and politicians do often change stripes over time), but I agree with you that a record is a record and does matter.
  12. OLM hit 45, which equals what they saw in late July 2011.
  13. Wow. This would be the largest Portland to Bellingham rain between 7/15 and 8/9 since...at least 2015. If we look at 7/27 to 8/9, it would be largest since at least 2001, but probably more like 1992.
  14. Obviously not. Point was simply that what the EPS is showing isn't an immediate flip back to what you saw early this month after a couple cool days, as Tim's post kinda implied.
  15. As we get closer to the election, Harris will need to establish a platform and message that sets her apart. Love em or hate em, both Obama and Trump did that and it absolutely mattered. Status quo from the Biden administration won't cut it imo.
  16. Not saying it isn't there. But it's not as high as with Obama or Trump. Aside from what I already mentioned, we've also already seen a woman run for president. And obviously a POC win.
  17. It will have been over a week of mostly below normal at that point.
  18. I don't think the novelty factor is nearly as high with Harris as it was with Trump or Obama before him. She's been VP for the past 4 years and also campaigned in 2020.
  19. It's over: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/25/obama-support-kamala-harris-00171132
  20. 0z GFS has waffled back to drier. Fully expect CMC to come in wetter.
  21. Bringing up DEI is not automatically racism/sexism.
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