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  1. Not bad with lows back in the 50s after the weekend
  2. So after a warm to hot Tues, We’d, and Sat the ridge break down and we should have 70s to low 80s until sometime in the middle to late Aug where we can get back in the mid to upper 90s in the Seattle area.
  3. In laymen’s terms does it mean Western Wa cools down or does this mean more inducive to 80s and heat waves?
  4. Does that mean a cooler second half of July for us while the rest of the nation is hot?
  5. How long does this heat done last? Got a vacation planned on the 7th of July for a few days.
  6. Waters may have rough waves though due to storm going north
  7. Might be in Oregon on Sunday does the GFS show the same thing for them too?
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