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T-Town last won the day on October 6

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    Tacoma West End

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  1. New Hampshire Seacoast is under a high wind warning. One of the listed impacts is inflatable decorations could be blown away. Not wrong I guess.
  2. It’s December and we have a reason to care who wins. I’ll take it.
  3. The Live at Pompeii DVD is incredible.
  4. Harry Wappler Harry Wappler Harry Wappler Harry Wappler Andy Wappler
  5. I think he just likes wheel of fortune more than football. Which is incomprehensible of course, but live and let live I say.
  6. I love snow and welcome the stormy days that build the snowpack that powers our ecosystem, but a sunny day in December is truly a BLESSING.
  7. 38/49 today with bright sunshine. Beautiful December day.
  8. I was busy with work today and just caught up on the forum. Definitely some conflicting reports as to whether it’s coming or not.
  9. It seems like the defense has come together over the last few weeks. Time will tell if it’s real or just part of the ebb and flow. If they do make the playoffs maybe we see a repeat of the beast quake game . It feels like this team is in a similar place in their evolution to 2010.
  10. You know it’s going to come down to the Seahawks-Rams game on the last weekend of the season. Winner wins the division, loser misses the playoffs.
  11. If they beat the Packers I might start to believe.
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