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Bryan1117 last won the day on June 1 2023

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    Omaha, NE

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  1. Absolutely love the emerald green waters of the "Flora-Bama" Gulf Coast... and you also can't beat the sugary white sand beaches. We can't wait to book another trip to the Gulf Coast, hoping to get back there sometime next year. Glad that you also had great weather in the Florida Panhandle, we also saw similar conditions over in Gulf Shores/ Orange Beach during our trip there with daily highs in the low 90's - only had one day where we had to alter our plans due to rain/ storms, etc. We also had a couple days of some decent surf/ wave action after Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas. On another note, it's wild how oppressive the humidity can be on the Gulf Coast this time of the year. I mean you don't get much relief at night unless you are by the water or in the pool LOL. At least in the Midwest we are able to get some breaks in the heat/ humidity every few days, down there there's no relief unless you live right on the coast and catch the sea breeze.
  2. Rooting for some big rains for you and the other Eastern Iowa peeps tonight... after what we saw here in the Omaha metro over the last 24 hours - I think you guys have a decent shot of getting absolutely dumped on tonight !
  3. Just keep this thing away from the Northern Gulf Coast... we are heading to Orange Beach, AL on Saturday for a family vacation. Fingers crossed the Beryl stays south... seeing some model runs pulling it further north - so we are keeping a close eye on this beast. Could get some decent waves and surf while we are down there if it stays on its current path.
  4. Picked up 4.50" inches of rain last night with the training thunderstorms that sat over the south side of the Omaha metro area. After weeks of my backyard being missed by good rain... Mother Nature made up for it in a big way last night! With the half inch of rain that fell yesterday morning - that puts me around 5" for the last 24 hours which is the most rain we have had here from one storm in 5+ years! More rain and storms in the forecast for later this afternoon as well... so it looks like we will keep adding up rainfall today.
  5. We did end up getting 0.25” of rain from the back building storms… so at least we got something.
  6. Riding that very fine line here too... after an amazing May my backyard seems to be missing out on most of the fun during the month of June and once again my yard is showing signs of stress from the heat and recent drier weather. Today has been a prime example of that, my part of the city was missed by severe storms and torrential rains by 5 miles to my east and south this afternoon... and now a severe warned line of storms is cutting just north tonight - missing me completely by 3-4 miles to the north. So far barely a drop of rain here... however part of me is thankful that we dodged the damaging hail that hit the east side of the metro today.
  7. We are heading to Gulf Shores next month for a week, glad I spent a little extra money for the trip insurance - have a feeling the Gulf will be very active early this season.
  8. Picked up 0.90” of rain yesterday in my backyard… which now easily puts me over 10” of rain this month. Drought monitor still has my part of town as “abnormally dry” due to the 2+ year drought - however I will say all of the rivers, lakes, and ponds in my area are well above normal levels. What a past 5 weeks we have had here and the forecast has more plenty more chances for heavy rain and storms coming the next 5 days.
  9. After all the crazy storms last week we got a much needed reprieve this holiday weekend. Made it out to our camping spot for the weekend and it couldn’t have been much better weather-wise during the daytime hours. We even got our fishing boat out yesterday for the first time in two years as our lakes are WAY up after being extremely low last year. We did get hit with some strong storms and brief gusty winds late on Saturday night, however it wasn’t anything that we couldn’t handle out there.
  10. Thankfully no significant damage from the severe and tornado warned line of storms last night. We probably had 65-70 mph wind gusts, which caused a lot of downed tree limbs and lawn furniture to be blown around. Our next door neighbor's tree got hit by a CG lightning strike around 3:15am - an hour after the main line passed through. It was another fun night of storm watching and we picked up another 0.65” of rain too... nearing 10" for the month now. EDIT - Went back and found doorbell cam footage of the bolt that hit/ or nearly hit my neighbor's house. Lighting Bolt_Trim.mp4
  11. Early morning/ late night wake up call here as a tornado warned storm is moving into the south side of the Omaha metro. Fingers crossed we can avoid significant damage here. This line looks like it means business.
  12. This setup looks to be a decent setup for one, it will be interesting to see how the line develops over the next few hours in Central Nebraska. Really concerned that the Omaha and Lincoln metros will be on the south end of this line, which could greatly increase the threat of overnight spin-ups. This severe season has already been plenty eventful around here, not going to take this threat lightly tonight.
  13. This is amazing… going from the driest May on record in 2023 to potentially one of the Top 3 wettest months of May ever this year. Good riddance to the drought.
  14. Just topped 3” of rain here with the last line of severe warned storms… so much water coming down through the Omaha metro… lots of closed roads, etc.
  15. Over 2.5” inches of rain here so far… this has been one of the most active overnights of weather in recent memory in Eastern Nebraska. We had multiple rounds of heavy rain and severe warned storms between 10pm and midnight, and an even stronger round early this morning with severe winds and hail with the main line. Western and northern parts of the Omaha metro are nearing 6” of rain… this is crazy.
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