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Everything posted by roadtonowhere08

  1. Nobody is saying the party as a whole is against it. But they have more than their share of puritanical loons.
  2. Of course, but calling people who immigrate here illegally "newcomers" is the zenith of PC garbage. I have the utmost sympathy for illegal immigrants who come here to make a better life. Hell, I would take most of them over most loudmouthed, entitled Americans, but we cannot and should not normalize people coming here illegally with words like that. It it a total cynical play by the left to pander for left votes, but there are lots of immigrants who are here legally who are not terribly fond of people who jump the line while they waited years to do it the right way. Going too far down that path of open arms for all will have blowback in the minority communities, and the DNC will either lose votes outright or have people in those communities abstain from voting.
  3. I'm assuming Tucker cannot stick the landing out a window or burning plane
  4. That's not true at all. Most of their fighting is urban combat against small groups of insurgents. Even October 7th was not "organized" in the sense of the word. It was a surge of Hamas (and who knows who else) into a suspiciously poorly guarded portion of Israel adjacent to Gaza. And your last point is nonsense. Both sides like to blame the other, but the sheer amount of eyewitnesses here tells a very consistent story: A poorly organized aid delivery, a mob of starving Palestinians, IDF shooting into the crowd, chaos, panicked truck drivers plowing over the living and dead. If Israel is going to destroy Gaza, it is absolutely their legal and moral obligation to ensure that the innocents that they have displaced do not die of atrocious conditions. They have failed miserably. They pretty much let the trucks drive in, knowing that starving people would mob them. The IDF does not give a sh*t. They make it pretty obvious that they view Palestinians as subhuman. F*ck the IDF and the Israeli government. The U.S. needs to grow a pair and tell them to f*ck off and fend for themselves. We are an accomplice to this and I feel dirty.
  5. How about neither side bastardize the situation for political gain? The right should stop treating them like lepers and the left should stop using them as political pawns for personal gain. They are here for a better life and 99.9% of them are good people and would make great Americans. They are still breaking the law though. We cannot take them all in. Since we have historically played a large role in screwing up their home countries, we have a responsibility to make them places where they do not feel like they have to escape. That is the only solution. A hella hard solution, but the only one that will fix this situation.
  6. Sooo, the horrific conditions in Gaza lead to desperate Palestinians rushing food trucks to get food and the IDF starts shooting causing the drivers to flee and run over scores of people: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/middleeast/gaza-food-truck-deaths-israel-wwk-intl/index.html The IDF is NOT some elite force like we are led to believe. They are mostly amateurs who make idiotic mistakes/decisions. Their training pales compared to a lot of the U.S. forces. There is so much wrong with their tactics and strategy, I don't even know where to begin. The only conclusion that makes sense at this point is mass retribution for Oct. 7 and the cleansing of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. Israel is just a comedy of errors, stupidity, and atrocities right now. They are literally creating the next generation of Jihadists before our eyes.
  7. Apple does not fall far from the tree.
  8. No, we just want them all dead. They are the main vectors for many diseases.
  9. "It has spiked fourfold in Brazil just this year following the release of millions of gene-edited mosquitos by the World Mosquito Program run by the United Nations." "These are genetically altered mosquitoes" "However these are carrying Dengue fever. How’s that working out for them?" Again, I do not know what point you are trying to make here. There is no cause and effect or ulterior UN/Bill Gates motives here.
  10. "Who spreads dengue and severe dengue? Dengue is spread through the bite of the female mosquito (Aedes aegypti). The mosquito becomes infected when it takes the blood of a person infected with the virus. After about one week, the mosquito can then transmit the virus while biting a healthy person." Less mosquitoes less transmission. What's your objection here?
  11. You do realize gene edited mosquitoes is an attempt to eradicate them. Make the males sterile and the females have no one to mate with. I do not know what kind of conclusion you are trying to draw here other than some silly Bill Gates population control nonsense. WND is absolute vomit. But a hard pass on the crickets. I'd rather be vegetarian. Real meat or nothing.
  12. I'm sure about the first one. Never saw any proof of the second.
  13. Either make the national election a national holiday or everyone vote by mail/internet and let the chips fall where they may. Then, if someone is too lazy to sign up and vote, too bad.
  14. Could have just typed the last two words and saved yourself the time. Jealous troll is jealous.
  15. Dunno. I would bet that a lot of conservatives will do the good old nose holding vote if it meant it would keep a Democrat out. It has been shown time and time again that tribalism is stronger than morality or pragmatism. Both sides are frustrated. Both parties are a joke right now. A sock puppet could beat Trump. A sock puppet could beat Biden. Pathetic. Nonsense. There are plenty young, intelligent people waiting to take over the reigns. Politics is governed by quid pro quo and dogmatic faith in polls. Brains and common sense are optional. He had 4 years. A lot of nothing. He is the swamp.
  16. You gotta stay in for the long term. All the drama and downturns are just dips in the upward trajectory. I learned the hard way after 2020. My stops in AMZN cashed me out right as it all hit the fan. Good, right? I waited too long (November) to get back in because I was sure it was going to get worse. I should have got in during the middle of March. I missed out on some great gains. Never again. Market timing does not work. The following thread is pretty much all I follow for market news and perspectives: https://stockaholics.net/threads/the-long-term-investor.6179/ I then do my own research if I want to buy/sell an investment based on what I read there. I don't wait though. If I sell, it goes right back into something else. No cost averaging or waiting. No profit taking or rebalancing either. Invest in leaders, and let them run.
  17. I did not even expect rain today as WU did not really show anything. I guess this sad event was a nice surprise
  18. Until we fix what we are doing to our own planet, this is an exercise in hubris and a complete waste of money and resources.
  19. How are people so easily fooled?
  20. Talk is cheap. They gonna vote Biden then? Abstain and potentially let Biden win? What I would like to see is an in depth study that tracks the amount of voters who vote the other party in each presidential election. Do these people make good on these statements, or is it just talk?
  21. The URL is a bit funny. Cool. Let's make it an even 400 million!
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