That's a great discussion from the NWS office down there. My favorite part:
It brings back memories from the 1970s, 1980s, early 1990s and
2006 when a 4 footer snow storm was commonplace at Pajarito and
along the east slopes of the Sangre de Cristo mountains. In fact,
Sandia Ski Area reported 57" in January 1987 from a 3 day storm very
similar to this one. Snow packed and icy roads remained for two
weeks on side streets in ABQ in January 1987. Best way to describe
this system is using those historical statistics. A closed low
dropping farther south, than even the latest and greatest numerical
weather prediction models are able to forecast, near the NM bootheel
bring about our most impactful and hazardous snow storms. Thank La
Nina and an MJO that came back to life thanks to La Nina, currently
toward the first stages of phase 8. This is the perfect recipe for
heavy snow over much of NM.