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Everything posted by Doinko

  1. I woke up to some loud thunder and it looks like there must've been some rain. Really nice morning sky too! Hopefully we don't see too many fires though
  2. Just saw a flash to my southwest, wasn't expecting anything so soon
  3. How does Sunday morning's thunderstorm chance look in comparison to last Tuesday/Wednesday's? It looks like the Euro gives about a 0.05" to 0.1" of rain to parts of the WV at least, and a bit more in some places but I assume it's overdoing it?
  4. Sadly yesterday's thunderstorms missed Portland too. Last year had some good ones here at least. This year we did have one on January 24th which was fun, extremely heavy rain and some thunder with some parking lot snow piles around.
  5. Ridiculously long heatwave at SLE and EUG if that happens. Hopefully it gets cooler
  6. GEM shows some thunderstorms next week
  7. I was wondering, does anyone have any information on the winter of 1842-1843 in the PNW? I found some references in journals that it was quite severe, and one makes note of significant ice in the Columbia near Vancouver on Dec 14/15, so I was curious. Maybe @BLI snowmanor @snow_wizardmight know more?
  8. Interesting temp gradient near Newport today. 25-30 degree temp gradient just a few miles inland between Newport and Toledo. I think it was 91-94 at Toledo and mid 60s at Newport earlier today.
  9. If anyone's interested in some historical weather, this book has some interesting details about the winter of 1846/1847 at Amity, OR. Apparently flooding rains happened from Nov 20th to Dec 20th, with snow starting around Christmas until it got 20 inches deep, and lasted until March. It starts around Page 28. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://greg.bennette.org/freebooks/Reminiscences%20of%20Abraham%20Henry%20Garrison.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjvkvab7JqHAxUjxuYEHXgCAxYQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jvlhPTySOz6XYZKc2rkZX
  10. I could definitely see the smoke looking east, Mount Hood wasn't too visible from I-84 because of it. Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse
  11. One thing about August 2023 that was crazy was that the low one day here was 76, which was warmer than the lows in June 2021. I think it was a 107/76 day locally.
  12. Last year was decent here, but I don't remember much thunder from 2021 and 2022. This year we had a decent one that caused a bit of quick flash flooding in January.
  13. Nice view from Yakima: https://www.alertwildfire.org/region/oregon/?camera=Axis-SatusPeak
  14. I like using this site for past radar: https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/GIS/apps/rview/warnings.phtml
  15. Nice heavy downpour happening right now, looks really nice with the greenery and some blue sky visible.
  16. This January's wind was pretty crazy, a house nearby got crushed by a huge fallen tree because of the wind. I think that's the strongest wind I've seen in a while, but we haven't really had many strong south wind storms recently from what I remember.
  17. Yeah I wasn't expecting to see anything with all the light pollution here but it's pretty amazing
  18. Really wet morning, it's been raining steadily for the past few hours. 1.41" of rain on the month so far as of this morning and probably a decent bit more today.
  19. Last summer had some really nice thunderstorms in May and August/September here
  20. Same here, low was 54. I heard some wind decent gusts last night.
  21. Nice temp drop going on though. Down to 67 from a high of 77 here with a west wind and really cool clouds.
  22. Hopefully we can see more thunderstorm days this spring, here we've already have had two this year (Jan 24th and Mar 27th). There were some nice ones last year in May and September
  23. Nice morning, got all the way down to 36. Last warm stretch we had a 78/50 day so it's nice to see something more reasonable.
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