If the weeklies are onto something, then give it a couple of more runs and we should be seeing what we're looking for.
00z Weeklies (12/31) vs 00z EPS (01/01)
DMX seems pretty excited for tomorrow's clipper. For the lucky ones that get under the narrow band at least -- I-80 special?
More clouds move in tonight as a clipper system makes its way in
from the PNW. Synoptic models have trended slightly northward and hi-
res guidance has generally followed the same forecasted pathway.
Still on track to have between 1 and 3 inches across the center of
the state. There are other factors in play that could lead to higher
snowfall amounts in localized areas: 1) For a few hours, forcing
peaks right in the DGZ and it remains to be seen at what magnitude.
Models vary between -10 and -20 microbars with the more negative
number equating to more vertical motion. 2) Cross sections hint at
conditional instability within the DGZ, generating spaced-out and
folded theta-e surfaces. 3) Some of the CAMs have offered solutions
of higher QPF paired with a more northern track; this would in turn
lead to higher snowfall amounts from more water and higher snow
The hi-res guidance also better shows the localized high end
potential with the QPF. The HREF Localized Probability Matched Mean
has a band of QPF between a quarter and half inch spanning east-west
near the I-80 corridor. Have also kept with trends from the prior
forecast in boosting snow ratios above climo due to the factors in
the previous paragraph. This has introduced a narrow band of 3-4
inches into the snow total forecast. This better captures the upper
threshold of amounts and will be better refined during the next
forecast issuance, also affording a better opportunity for any
headline considerations, if they`re needed.