As of this morning Fort Worth is on the southern end of snow. I’m in the far SW of the county as well.
Unless anything changes I’ll only see about 2” of snow on a sleet foundation.
Temp is 35* and falling.
Not going to get the good stuff. That will occur closer to the border counties north.
I'm going to bed. Good night brothers. We're all going through the same shit right now. Well except Tim. Congrats, I guess, he's having the time of his life in the sun, happy someone's enjoying the slog. Hopefully something changes.
For 47.8°N this is pretty dreadful. Only Quimper, France has it worse at sea level for this latitude temperature-wise, and they don't have an Olympic rainshadow. Or a four corners high. Just a fully committal Oceanic climate with occasional continental outbursts of extreme weather from the south and east, and complete exposure to the Atlantic and all the thermal forces of the Gulf Stream. Imagine a climate that actually had weather. Weather that wasn't blocked, shunted, filtered, neutered, split, weakened, or outright destroyed before reaching the back door. Imagine actually experiencing sharp temperature shifts more than once a decade. Or any variation at all.