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  2. Clickbait title aside, I know this will probably be ignored by the those with their heads in the sand, but for anyone with a critical mind, I dare you to find fault with any of this video's critique: Please, someone send me verifiable proof of the claims made by Israel regarding the babies and mass sexual violence. I am sure there was most likely some violence toward women (it's angry men we are talking about here), but in the context of how many dead and dismembered Gazan women and children there are now... the outrage is kind of greatly overshadowed now, isn't it? I was onboard with the claims right after Oct. 7th, but the more I look for evidence and see how Israel has a long history of lies, I'm inclined to believe it was kneejerk desperate propaganda to cover up their ineptitude and give them clearance to flatten Gaza. Again, if you have objective proof, post it! Silence will be accepted as a means to convey either your agreement or lack of finding fault.
  3. Today
  4. My mom pushed the "all A's" thing, which was pretty tough with my un-diagnosed learning disability. I pretty much knew I had it and went to my mom to try to get help, but she said I was just lazy. I managed to get into the "gifted" program in high school, and my teacher in the program tried to get me on the right track but I had already given up. At one point she she told me that while she could not tell me my IQ score, she said it was pretty incredible. I feel bad, in hindsight she was really invested in trying to help me succeed, and I didn't care. I ended up failing a core class senior year and graduated a "C" student with a "basic" high school diploma (most of the class got a "college prep" diploma). I showed up for my SAT hung over and I think I barely cracked 1000. It took me until the age of 47 to get my college degree. I finally got a proper diagnosis on the learning disability at the age of 30. For our kids, we told them to do their best, and if a C was their best, and they sought help from the school and asked us for help, then we would be perfectly happy with that. One kid didn't do so well that philosophy, but the other did have that scenario and "had the receipts": He asked us for help, kept in communication with us about his struggles, and when the final grade came in, there really wasn't any discussion or drama about it. I think he was harder on himself about it than we were.
  5. 72/39 day here today. Also the last loose zebra in North Bend was found!
  6. I got it...granted there was a "wait....whaaaat" moment as my brain is pretty fried from a rather exhausting day.
  7. I guess I should have checked the models this morning. I busted my a** to try to get 15 yds of soil moved today thinking I was racing the rain. in the end, I came up about a yd or 2 short when my Alleve wore off. The top soil was really wet which slowed me down big time. Hopefully it stays dry tomorrow and my aching bones can recover enough to finish the job. Almost hit up @MossMan at one point to see if he felt like taking a little road trip with his tractor! It was a beautiful sunny day for most of the day, with high clouds moving in mid-afternoon. Topped out at 68 after a low of 40
  8. Looking over the over 300 cocorahs locations across Iowa mby has 3rd most precip in 2024! And even more shocking given how far SE I am, I recorded the 2nd most snowfall in Iowa! Only Coralville eeked out a inch more snow. No doubt about after December 2023 this area a magnet for precip! Doesn't really surprise me though. In 2017 I spent a couple days researching and Ottumwa Iowa Kirksville Mo have the wildest swings and deviations from averages in the midwest! Bermuda triangle here of crazy ups and downs in precip. The past 13 months totally bear this out. Yes all location flucuate but the swings here historically are mind blowing!
  9. 55 here but lovely and dry…Frogs are partying on this Friday night!
  10. Meanwhile, what a lovely and variable day here. Morning fog, then sunshine giving way high clouds and mild temps, with rain moving in by late afternoon and temps quickly falling into the 50s. 65/41 spread. 54 with rain currently. Really nice vibe out there this evening with rain falling and everything being so lush and green. Really like the lighting on these cloudy or rainy evenings in May or June. Have picked up .20” on the day so far and counting.
  11. 12z EPS not quite as promising, but still shows a gradual move toward average.
  12. Beautiful pictures! I’m not sure if avalanches are going to be an issue for you this weekend but someone loss their life at St. Helens last month. Take care and be safe to you all!
  13. 18z ensembles were nice. Keeps the variability party going.
  14. Went outside for a minute before heavy rain came again. We have holes in our siding. Going to be a lot of damage around the area. Looks like a new roof, siding, gutters, downspouts, etc. for me. Calling insurance in the morning.
  15. 54 and rainy currently in Ashford, and it was 7 degrees with pretty light wind on top of rainier this morning. 46 at home 61/27 day with .03" rain, 51/31 day yesterday.
  16. Moving east. Don’t know if it moves up to your area or not. Keep watching the radar.
  17. Holy smokes it looks like there was some circulation with the rain bands!! I jgot home from mowing about an hour ago and I still have my mower and trailer all hooked up for tomorrow. I’m debating whether I should go put everything in the garage…
  18. Horrible storm. Going to be a lot of hail damage. Been in the basement for the tornado warning. Lost power for awhile. Got this before it got worse and we had to run to the basement IMG_2065.mov
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