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2016 Fall Off Topic Thread AKA Football or Politics


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One man's backpedaling is another man's clarifying!


Look man, I'm sorry if you felt I wasn't fairly evaluating your statement earlier. But you really do have a distorted and narrow view of my intent much of the time. Just not accurate.


Well all I was doing in the conversation that happened earlier this afternoon, that you were not a part of, was clarifying my viewpoint. Of course you just picked a bolded sentence to scrutinize and completely missed the context of the discussion.

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You usually come late in the evening, presumably catch up on posts and then proceed call out small phrases in the posts of anyone who is debating the Trump crowd. Maybe you just hold us to a higher standard? Whatever the case it comes off as pretty blatantly one-sided.


It would also be nice to start responding to the entirety of people's posts as opposed to one bolded sentence. Although granted it is easier to quickly condense their argument to a strawman just pick out one part of it!


Well, no one seems to view me as blatantly one-sided as you do. At least no one else spends so many posts saying it. It's possible I'm not as one-sided as you personally feel I am.


As for the second paragraph...all I can say is we all do this, yourself included. It doesn't mean we didn't read or didn't care about the rest of the post necessarily, it just means we wanted to respond to a particular part of it. Whether it's highlighted in bold or not.

A forum for the end of the world.

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Well all I was doing in the conversation that happened earlier this afternoon, that you were not a part of, was clarifying my viewpoint. Of course you just picked a bolded sentence to scrutinize and completely missed the context of the discussion.


I'm sorry you felt that way. Knowing my own intent, I think you kind of misread what I was saying.

A forum for the end of the world.

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I agree. Conflicts of interest are an issue, regardless of which side of the aisle has them.


I was more pointing to the fact that this issue (Flynn) is in it's infant stages and to say that he may need to resign while backing that up with a statement from a top Democrat seems like a big confirmation bias.

Fair enough. I appreciate the fact that you seem to be more willing than some to meet in the middle for this sort of thing.

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He's the NYT's version of "conservative".  ;)


I read the whole article and didn't see him say he hoped Trump is impeached. He hopes Trump has a change of heart.

A forum for the end of the world.

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Well again, I'll point out that you're the only one acting outraged and giving me so little benefit of the doubt. That may mean something.


Well obviously none of the "conservative" crowd here has gotten on your case because you are usually defending them. Myself, Tim, Bainbridge, tenoctitaln and others seem to be your focus. I know that Tim and others have tangled with you over the same sort of thing. Your attempts to completely absolve yourself of any and all guilt are cute, though.

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Well obviously none of the "conservative" crowd here has gotten on your case because you are usually defending them. Myself, Tim, Bainbridge, tenoctitaln and others seem to be your focus. I know that Tim and others have tangled with you over the same sort of thing. Your attempts to completely absolve yourself of any and all guilt are cute, though.


I believe I've had constructive conversations with all of them on here. It helps when the focus isn't constantly on the other person's motives or other nonsense.

A forum for the end of the world.

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All of my points were valid there. 


Agree to disagree. Though I am a jackass.


One of the first posts I made today was a harmless joke with zero partisan intent, and it still drew your ire, because you were sure my motive was detracting from SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT. Can't win!

A forum for the end of the world.

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Too much pragmatism to handle.


What is your beef? I have been anything but an extremist.


I don't like my points being picked apart and misepresented. Especially when it is in regard to a conversation that happened hours ago with somebody else. I don't understand what that has to do with pragmatism or a lack thereof.

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Agree to disagree. Though I am a jackass.


One of the first posts I made today was a harmless joke with zero partisan intent, and it still drew your ire, because you were sure my motive was detracting from SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT. Can't win!


Good point.


See what happens when you just bold one part and ignore context? ;)

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What is your beef? I have been anything but an extremist.


I don't like my points being picked apart and misepresented. Especially when it is in regard to a conversation that happened hours ago with somebody else. I don't understand what that has to do with pragmatism or a lack thereof.


Just seems like a rather odd way to build up the persona of sensible forum moderate by flying off the handle at Jared's fairly innocuous comments. If you're gonna talk the talk.....

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Just seems like a rather odd way to build up the persona of sensible forum moderate by flying off the handle at Jared's fairly innocuous comments. If you're gonna talk the talk.....

I think you are failing to see the history in this instance. I am reacting less to an isolated incident and more to a pattern. I do know that you yourself have tangled with Jared's flare for the obtuse numerous times over the years. So you must have some idea where I'm coming from.


I also have no desire to be seen as a moderate. I am mostly liberal. But I have always been open to reason and attempting to see other viewpoints. Of course there are some traditionally covervative ideas I genuinely like as well.

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I think you are failing to see the history in this instance. I am reacting less to an isolated incident and more to a pattern. I do know that you yourself have tangled with Jared's flare for the obtuse numerous times over the years. So you must have some idea where I'm coming from.


I also have no desire to be seen as a moderate. I am mostly liberal. But I have always been open to reason and attempting to see other viewpoints. Of course there are some traditionally covervative ideas I genuinely like as well.


In the best interest of adopting a "positive discourse" as you have personally pined for many times, most here would agree that it's probably a good idea to refrain from straying off the course of simply addressing the direct content of a person's posts. If you can't do so without reverting to ad hominems or getting too deep into editorial territory, then you're not doing it right. 

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In the best interest of adopting a "positive discourse" as you have personally pined for many times, most here would agree that it's probably a good idea to refrain from straying off the course of simply addressing the direct content of a person's posts. If you can't do so without reverting to ad hominems or getting too deep into editorial territory, then you're not doing it right.

For sure. I don't think either you or I have always been a shining example of this sentiment, though. ;)


The best time to start is always now!

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Jesse, on 10 Feb 2017 - 10:06 PM, said:

******* Jared. Gets on here every night and quotes posts from Tim and I out of context. Jumps into the middle of arguments that happened hours ago and only picks apart one side. Why don't you post your own opinions jackass?


Pollyanna want a cracker?

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The insane intolerance of the left continues. Left wing loons are calling for country singer Toby Keith to be excluded from an upcoming music festival, because he had the audacity to perform at Trump's Inauguration. Oh the horror! Protestors also had a very proud moment yesterday when they physically blocked Betsy DeVoss from entering a public school she was scheduled to visit. I guess all of Trump's Cabinet members will need their own Secret Service detail now. Not sure what these people think they are accomplishing other than making the general public hate them more than ever. These social justice warriors just need to grow up and get a life! A recent study done in Germany shows 92% of protestors in that country still live with mommy and daddy. What a bunch of losers. :lol:

Death To Warm Anomalies!


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snow_wizard, on 11 Feb 2017 - 10:26 AM, said:

The insane intolerance of the left continues. Left wing loons are calling for country singer Toby Keith to be excluded from an upcoming music festival, because he had the audacity to perform at Trump's Inauguration. Oh the horror! Protestors also had a very proud moment yesterday when they physically blocked Betsy DeVoss from entering a public school she was scheduled to visit. I guess all of Trump's Cabinet members will need their own Secret Service detail now. Not sure what these people think they are accomplishing other than making the general public hate them more than ever. These social justice warriors just need to grow up and get a life! A recent study done in Germany shows 92% of protestors in that country still live with mommy and daddy. What a bunch of losers. :lol:


I am concerned as well. A Republican congressman needed a police escort at town hall meeting in NorCal. But older folks are telling GOP to improve health care and strengthen Medicare/ SS. Did you see the angry town hall in Salt Lake City?

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Everyone knows how Jim is so I don't feel the need to call out the obvious. He has a narrow world view and paints liberals in broad strokes. Does that really need to be stated?



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I am concerned as well. A Republican congressman needed a police escort at town hall meeting in NorCal. But older folks are telling GOP to improve health care and strengthen Medicare/ SS. Did you see the angry town hall in Salt Lake City?



I would almost guarantee any left wing protestors in SLC were bussed in.  There are almost no liberals in that state.  This just reeks of phoniness.  

Death To Warm Anomalies!


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snow_wizard, on 11 Feb 2017 - 10:38 AM, said:

I would almost guarantee any left wing protestors in SLC were bussed in.  There are almost no liberals in that state.  This just reeks of phoniness.  


Did that include the Republicans in the meeting? :lol:

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I would almost guarantee any left wing protestors in SLC were bussed in.  There are almost no liberals in that state.  This just reeks of phoniness.  



That was the real deal there.  


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My very concern is people are going to start getting hurt or killed.  Some people believe the country has the deepest divisions amongst our citizens since just before the Civil War.  The hyperbole and anger are getting to the point of being venomous.  


Does anyone really believe Trump has not done one good thing since he got into office as the media would have you believe?  The recent court rulings which obviously ignore a clearly written 1952 law concerning immigration has served to pour gasoline on a fire of unrest already beginning to stir on the right.  You're not going to convince me the Seattle judge wasn't bought and paid for.  There are provisions in the Constitution for Congress to be able reign in out of control judges.  If these kind lunatic rulings continue that might have to be explored.  


No doubt all of this anger is a two way street, but the anger coming from the right side of spectrum is mostly in response to the constant goading from the left.  The Republican's won in the 2016 elections, but the democrats just can't accept that.  You can say Hillary won the popular vote, but there is now way to sugar coat the blowout in congressional and gubernatorial races.  The American people have made it clear they want to follow a different course.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

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Did that include the Republicans in the meeting? :lol:


Poll after poll has shown people want restrictions on immigration.  The town hall unrest is manufactured.  Very easy to do.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


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Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

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Coldest Low = 13

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snow_wizard, on 11 Feb 2017 - 10:52 AM, said:

My very concern is people are going to start getting hurt or killed.  Some people believe the country has the deepest divisions amongst our citizens since just before the Civil War.  The hyperbole and anger are getting to the point of being venomous.  


Does anyone really believe Trump has not done one good thing since he got into office as the media would have you believe?  The recent court rulings which obviously ignore a clearly written 1952 law concerning immigration has served to pour gasoline on a fire of unrest already beginning to stir on the right.  You're not going to convince me the Seattle judge wasn't bought and paid for.  There are provisions in the Constitution for Congress to be able reign in out of control judges.  If these kind lunatic rulings continue that might have to be explored.  


No doubt all of this anger is a two way street, but the anger coming from the right side of spectrum is mostly in response to the constant goading from the left.  The Republican's won in the 2016 elections, but the democrats just can't accept that.  You can say Hillary won the popular vote, but there is now way to sugar coat the blowout in congressional and gubernatorial races.  The American people have made it clear they want to follow a different course.


What do you think of Senator Graham's response to Flynn?

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The latest Rasmussen poll shows 52% of likely American voters approve of President Trump's performance.  I consider that a small miracle given the anti Trump onslaught from the media.  If the media was actually fair that number would be much higher.  


The Rasmussen poll is generally recognized as being the most accurate.  It was one of the only polls that showed Trump had a good chance of winning.  While all other polls showed a Clinton blowout the Rasmussen showed it being a tight race.


You would think President Trump's poll numbers would be like 20% to hear the media talk about him.  This is another thing making many American's angry.  The only ones the mainstream media is fooling is the ones who have already drank the cool-aid.  This is ten times worse than how they treated Reagan.  It's laughable when people say President Trump has thin skin.  Very few people could handle the vitriol being thrown at him without either giving up or exploding.  The media is acting in a very shameful manner IMO.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

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What do you think of Senator Graham's response to Flynn?


I can't seem to find the remarks you are referring to.


One thing to bear in mind is Trump is an anti establishment populist.  As such he will have some Republican's against him.  The interesting thing is the establishment he is against are the people who have been attacking the Constitution for years now.  He want's to fix the damage that has been done.  Anti establishment in this case means a return to following the Constitution.  Even people like Glenn Beck has misconstrued what Trump is all about.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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You would think the mainstream media might take this seriously.  Their polling numbers are in the toilet and sinking.  This is a Gallop poll.  Kind of insane to keep doing what is costing them the public trust.  I'm sure their heads are exploding over Trump's numbers being higher than theirs.



Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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Back at ya.

I can easily criticize both sides.   Try it.   Criticize Trump.   There is so much to pick from!


I have criticized the left repeatedly here.   And the Democrats in Congress.


As usual... you want to make up stuff or focus on tiny things and extrapolate to everyone to enable your fantasies about everyone else being miserable.    Sign of a miserable person.


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