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Reason #1,000 why raising min wage cuts jobs

Yeah not a huge fan of raising the minimum wage myself. Or at least not a nation-wide, uniform raise. Honestly, though, automation is probably coming no matter what in those jobs. Reason #1,000 why manufacturing jobs being the backbone of our economy is a thing of the past.


But what I also don't get, if you want to help the middle class and improve the lives of the working class, why would you want not want to raise their wages?

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Yeah not a huge fan of raising the minimum wage myself. Or at least not a nation-wide, uniform raise. Honestly, though, automation is probably coming no matter what in those jobs. Reason #1,000 why manufacturing jobs being the backbone of our economy is a thing of the past.


But what I also don't get, if you want to help the middle class and improve the lives of the working class, why would you want not want to raise their wages?

You do that by getting more good paying jobs to start up not making it easier for companies to lay people off

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Well, if that's all it takes, should be easy!


I don't disagree with you at all money, and I00% understand the appeal of Trump and why people feel the way they do. I just don't think he's the man to get it done, and I think he conned a lot of people. That's where we differ. Not on principle, but on execution. 

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His comment about Time's changing it to "Person" of the Year instead of "Man" was also weird as hell..


And his supporters boo'd John Glenn today.... like wtf?

Deplorables. IMO Hillary was spot on when she said 1/2 of Trump's followers would fit into that basket. There were plenty of polls that showed that number was pretty accurate.


I saw a Facebook post somewhere from a friend of a friend of a friend, that said the only people that voted for Trump were Americans, and that Hillary wouldn't have won the vote if you don't allow people who aren't American vote. So in other words, apparently only white people voted for Trump and immigrants shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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Trump says he doesn't need to go to intelligence meetings because he doesn't need to be told the same things every day for 8 years. He's smart he says Shouldn't the commander in chief be a little more involved? Not when you're the moron named Trump and you have to produce your TV show and go on a "thank you" tour. Of course when an attack happens on his watch he won't take any blame, it'll be someone else's fault. His ego is going to lead to blood on his hands.


Hillary had blood on her hands..

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Hillary had blood on her hands..

No she doesn't. She was never found guilty of anything despite the Republican Party spending millions to find otherwise. But let me guess this is just another example of THE WORLD'S GREATEST CRIMINAL getting away with it again? You could blame the Republican congress though that voted to cut spending for defense of embassies around the world that led up to this. Of course there were also lots of lives lost at embassies under Bush's watch but you guys seem to forget that too.

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Trump's making America great again, one billionaire at a time and by never going to any intelligence meetings and supporting Russia over the CIA. What a patriot and representative of the middle class.

The best part is that Trump said he doesn't need to go to intelligence meetings because he's too smart for them and doesn't need to be told the same thing again and again. In 2012 when Obama was out campaigning for re-election and still going to at least 1/2 of the meetings(Trump's been to maybe one a week so 4-5), Trump went to his Twitter account(shocking) to bash the president for never going to intelligence meetings! How ironic. Trump isn't going to intelligence meetings because he's out on a "thank you suckers" tour and meeting with Kanye West. What a buffoon.

After he nominated Tillerson, Russia's next favorite American after Trump, I've decided to go out and but a Russian flag to fly in front of my house. I live in Nebraska so that should actually get plenty of cheers and honks as people drive by.

Rick Perry for head of department of Energy? Sure, nevermind the fact he wanted to get rid of that department. Head of the EPA? He's actually sued the EPA.

He's already "postponed" his meeting to announce his plans of how he is going to separate himself from his businesses, and now it's for January. Probably going to try and delay this until after the inauguration and then announce he's not going to do anything. However, that would be breaking the Constitution. Of course his plan to have his kids run his business was a joke anyway as if he wouldn't be talking to them at all about his businesses. That's like putting a steak on a plate for your dog, but then leaving a sign up that says, "do not eat." 

Go Trump!!

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Net favorability of Putin:


Democrats July 2014: -54

Dec 2016: -62


Republicans July 2014: -66

Dec 2016: -10 (YouGov/Economist)





R net favorables:

Putin: -10

Obama: -64

Clinton: -77



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The president elect was busy on Twitter again today. This time he attacked Vanity Fair's editor. The reason why? There was a not so positive review of one of his restaurants in their magazine. So because Trump is a thin skinned child with a fragile ego, he attacked the magazine just like he did to Boeing when there was story about them questioning his leadership. And again this is the man in charge of our nukes and military and foreign relationships. So sad, I really almost feel sorry for the guy.

Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFair Magazine. Way down, big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!

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