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Coming Economic/Markets Crash

Front Ranger

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DOW is below 32,000

Gas is posed to be 100% over $4, with the National Average over $4.40

I'm seeing a massive economic meltdown that even China & Russia can't avoid, and Russia would be forced to either pull out, or go on WW1 style warfare.


And Biden with the Democrats are doing nothing, they think that this can resolve on it's own.

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Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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1 minute ago, IMoveALot_Weather said:

Disinformation board!

I'm being honest, the inflation rate is higher than they expected. They expected 8.1% Inflation rate.

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Just now, Iceresistance said:

I'm being honest, the inflation rate is higher than they expected. They expected 8.1% Inflation rate.

I know. And I'm saying where their priorities lie instead of potentially the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes.

Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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1 minute ago, IMoveALot_Weather said:

I know. And I'm saying where their priorities lie instead of potentially the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes.

I take things way too seriously.

  • lol 1

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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7 minutes ago, Front Ranger said:

Someone I know in real estate claimed Bend's median home price dropped from 773K to 770K. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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On 5/12/2022 at 9:47 AM, Iceresistance said:

The DOW is sinking again . . . 



I'm also worried about this: The threat for insurrection is increasing again . . . 

Seems every time this country goes through a recession, global tension, political extremes, we see an uptick in hate crimes and shootings.  
Reminds me of the experiments we did in Psych class in college with overcrowding of animals. They’d get violent every time.  Add another stressor, it just got worse.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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I don't think the housing bubble is "ready to pop" quite yet (need to build a lot more inventory first, and that's coming), but this sums up the overall state of things pretty well: https://wolfstreet.com/2022/05/18/this-housing-bubble-is-cooked-mortgage-applications-plunge-amid-holy-moly-mortgage-rates-croaking-stocks-and-ridiculous-home-prices/

A forum for the end of the world.

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I read an article today on housing prices dropping some and demand easing.  

Also, new trend is people living out of their RV.  Now that’s a real reversal.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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50 minutes ago, Front Ranger said:

If this doesn't scream imminent recession, I'm not sure what does: https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/18/investing/target-earnings-inflation/

Could actually be a good sign as consumer demand is a basic tenant of inflation.

Things aren’t pretty, but it could be a sign that the self-inflicted wounds of necessity may not have to be as protracted as first thought. 

My preferences can beat up your preferences’ dad.

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The stock market is correcting, prices climbing, product availability sinking, fuel up, crime up, rent up, streets more dangerous, loan rates up, bankruptcies up. People opting to live in their RVs up recently.  Quarterly earnings down, all indices down, stock market down, 401’s down.

This is called a Recession.  (And a hum-dinger)
Just heard the Petroleum Industry is reprograming pumps to handle $10/ gal.  

“Buddy can ya spare a dime/gallon of gas”

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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10 hours ago, Deweydog said:

Could actually be a good sign as consumer demand is a basic tenant of inflation.

Things aren’t pretty, but it could be a sign that the self-inflicted wounds of necessity may not have to be as protracted as first thought. 

Yeah, demand destruction already appears to be happening in retail, but inflation in energy/commodities will probably be more difficult to reign in.

A mixed bag, but the stagflation thesis still seems solid for at least a year or two to me - unless we have a major economic crash leading to serious short term deflation.

A forum for the end of the world.

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I’m having flashbacks of Jimmy Carter. 
Did that once.   Enough was enough.  
Believe me, it was rough.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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34 minutes ago, Andie said:

I’m having flashbacks of Jimmy Carter. 
Did that once.   Enough was enough.  
Believe me, it was rough.  

I was thinking this morning about how the Biden presidency will probably be looked upon similar to the Carter presidency in history books.

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Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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1 hour ago, IMoveALot_Weather said:

I was thinking this morning about how the Biden presidency will probably be looked upon similar to the Carter presidency in history books.

This administration has been far worse than I imagined was possible. 

  • Sad 1
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Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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4 hours ago, Front Ranger said:

Yeah, demand destruction already appears to be happening in retail, but inflation in energy/commodities will probably be more difficult to reign in.

A mixed bag, but the stagflation thesis still seems solid for at least a year or two to me - unless we have a major economic crash leading to serious short term deflation.

Stagflation is a given at this point. There doesn’t appear to be any kind of conduit to avoid it. There are still several conduits for avoiding a significant prolonged recession, though, even if they have tightened in recent weeks.

Regardless, I think we ultimately come out of this strong assuming a doomsday WW3 scenario continues to stay on the back burner. A catharsis of sorts was long overdue, and it became evident over the last 4-5 years that it was going to take a sledgehammer to the temple to get the Fed to start taking the bitter medicine. The hammer officially dropped, although the delayed pain response didn’t help.

My preferences can beat up your preferences’ dad.

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1 hour ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

This administration has been far worse than I imagined was possible. 

So you're saying the Republicans have been doing an EXCELLENT job!


Not that there was much in the way of expectations from this administration, but the level of partisan sabotage being exercised by McConnell and friends is pretty f*cking pathetic.

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42 minutes ago, Chewbacca Defense said:

So you're saying the Republicans have been doing an EXCELLENT job!


Not that there was much in the way of expectations from this administration, but the level of partisan sabotage being exercised by McConnell and friends is pretty f*cking pathetic.

It is interesting to compare Trump's first couple of years with Biden. Both had control of both chambers of congress and failed to get much of an agenda through. Both were stymied by moderates in their party. 

It remains to be seen if Biden/Dems will lose control of congress, but it seems very likely they will at least lose the House. 

I don't think the Republicans get a free pass for what they went along with in 2020, along with Trump. They handed out massive stimulus, paid people for not working, etc... That contributed to some of the inflation we are dealing with now. Biden came in and doubled down on it. If anything Republicans deserve a lot of credit, along with Manchin and Sinema, for blocking this administrations destructive policy agenda. If "Build Back Better" had passed, we would be in an even worse situation now. So I look at what Republicans have done as a positive, if we are talking about stopping some of these destructive policies. On the other hand they are probably more motivated by partisanship than principle. 

It's pretty clear that Biden is merely a figurehead put forth to represent the policymakers who are running the show. In a way he is the perfect example of the person who has sold their soul in order to achieve their ultimate goal. For Biden it was always about becoming President, there was no altruism involved, or even an end game from a policy perspective, it was purely selfishness, he never had any principles or real believes. Which is why he doesn't mind being used. He has definitely slowed down with age, but I do think to an extent he knows what he is being used for and has made his own peace with that. 

Of course you can come back with, but TRUMP. Sure, and two wrongs don't make a right. I don't believe Trump was good for the United States. I agreed with him more than Biden from a policy perspective, but he clearly puts himself over anyone else. And at some level no one is going to run and be elected President if they aren't a selfish prick at some level. I disagree with Obama on a lot of things, but he had a plan, he had objectives, he had a clear direction he wanted to move our country in. 

So I guess in short... I don't know that Republicans will save us either, maybe just destroy us a little more slowly. There probably is not much that can be done to get our country back on track, from my perspective we need someone who needs to aggressively take on the media, progressives, academia, and teachers unions, but not get as wrapped up in petty personal insults as Trump was. On the foreign policy side we need to continue hitting China hard, pivot back to the Western Hemisphere and build more strategic partnerships in the Americas. American manufacturing has done wonders for Mexico's economy, let's continue that, and expand our supply chains/partnerships in Latin America. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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Many have not returned to work yet.  The work force is lethargic. Maybe due to continued govt money going out.  
Announce the money will cease in 4-6 weeks and a lot of those folks will get back in the work force.  
My husband worked straight through it.  As the only Fleet and Fuel Manager for Ft Worth he didn’t have a choice.  
People need to get back to work.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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59 minutes ago, Mr Marine Layer said:

Who will Trump be compared to?

He's a 1 of 1. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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3 minutes ago, Andie said:

Many have not returned to work yet.  The work force is lethargic. Maybe due to continued govt money going out.  
Announce the money will cease in 4-6 weeks and a lot of those folks will get back in the work force.  
My husband worked straight through it.  As the only Fleet and Fuel Manager for Ft Worth he didn’t have a choice.  
People need to get back to work.  

I'm not familiar with the numbers in terms of workforce participation. I know here in Oregon unemployment is down to 3.7%. About where it was before the pandemic, and extremely low. Nationally we have 11 million open jobs right now. 

The next and looming recession will be interesting, in that will companies be able to absorb some of these open positions and delay having to make cuts to their active work force? Also YOU KNOW people are going to start expecting stimulus checks and government handouts as soon as things really start to tank. It's very hard to bail people out for one recession and then not with the next... 

  • Like 1

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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The DOW finished down for the 8th week in a row.   

Last time it did that was……1932.

Buddy can you spare $5 for a gal of gas?


Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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4 hours ago, Deweydog said:

Stagflation is a given at this point. There doesn’t appear to be any kind of conduit to avoid it. There are still several conduits for avoiding a significant prolonged recession, though, even if they have tightened in recent weeks.

Regardless, I think we ultimately come out of this strong assuming a doomsday WW3 scenario continues to stay on the back burner. A catharsis of sorts was long overdue, and it became evident over the last 4-5 years that it was going to take a sledgehammer to the temple to get the Fed to start taking the bitter medicine. The hammer officially dropped, although the delayed pain response didn’t help.

Nothing is healthier for the economy in the long term than a legit recession after an unprecedented bull market built on cheap credit.

A forum for the end of the world.

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2 hours ago, Front Ranger said:

Nothing is healthier for the economy in the long term than a legit recession after an unprecedented bull market built on cheap credit.

If it’ll knock fuel down….

However, my husband is the fuel contractor for the City of Ft Worth and he said tonight there’s no end in sight as of now.  
It’ll stay high most likely while Uncle Bozo is in office.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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35 minutes ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

It is interesting to compare Trump's first couple of years with Biden. Both had control of both chambers of congress and failed to get much of an agenda through. Both were stymied by moderates in their party. 

It remains to be seen if Biden/Dems will lose control of congress, but it seems very likely they will at least lose the House. 

I don't think the Republicans get a free pass for what they went along with in 2020, along with Trump. They handed out massive stimulus, paid people for not working, etc... That contributed to some of the inflation we are dealing with now. Biden came in and doubled down on it. If anything Republicans deserve a lot of credit, along with Manchin and Sinema, for blocking this administrations destructive policy agenda. If "Build Back Better" had passed, we would be in an even worse situation now. So I look at what Republicans have done as a positive, if we are talking about stopping some of these destructive policies. On the other hand they are probably more motivated by partisanship than principle. 

It's pretty clear that Biden is merely a figurehead put forth to represent the policymakers who are running the show. In a way he is the perfect example of the person who has sold their soul in order to achieve their ultimate goal. For Biden it was always about becoming President, there was no altruism involved, or even an end game from a policy perspective, it was purely selfishness, he never had any principles or real believes. Which is why he doesn't mind being used. He has definitely slowed down with age, but I do think to an extent he knows what he is being used for and has made his own peace with that. 

Of course you can come back with, but TRUMP. Sure, and two wrongs don't make a right. I don't believe Trump was good for the United States. I agreed with him more than Biden from a policy perspective, but he clearly puts himself over anyone else. And at some level no one is going to run and be elected President if they aren't a selfish prick at some level. I disagree with Obama on a lot of things, but he had a plan, he had objectives, he had a clear direction he wanted to move our country in. 

So I guess in short... I don't know that Republicans will save us either, maybe just destroy us a little more slowly. There probably is not much that can be done to get our country back on track, from my perspective we need someone who needs to aggressively take on the media, progressives, academia, and teachers unions, but not get as wrapped up in petty personal insults as Trump was. On the foreign policy side we need to continue hitting China hard, pivot back to the Western Hemisphere and build more strategic partnerships in the Americas. American manufacturing has done wonders for Mexico's economy, let's continue that, and expand our supply chains/partnerships in Latin America. 


It is interesting that you completely omit any role the extremists right is having.  Sure...media (and I hope you include left & right media) academia and teachers unions all need to be called to task, but right now, the conservative movement is doing the most damage to the foundation/integrity of our democracy.

Ted Cruz just got a Supreme Court ruling in his favor regarding the limitations  on how much a candidate can loan his campaign, which makes it much easier for the wealthy to basically "buy" their way into office.  Trump said and one point if he could spend a billion dollars on his campaign, he would......well now he can.  You don't stand a chance at winning a national office unless you have an 8+ figure portfolio to tap into.  How is that good for America?

Ole 2 timing Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham and their bullsh*t blocking Obama from Supreme Court picks because of an upcoming election only to turn around and cram picks through when their party is in power with even LESS time before an election.....Utter and complete BULLSH*T  And the even bigger load of bullsh*t is that the democrats let them get away with it. 

DeSantis has been making very Putinist moves with his government in Florida, getting rid of people who do not fall in lockstep with him and replacing them with people who will.  He also has the legislature giving him more power...he got the Florida legislature to basically give him the power to draw the redistricting maps.  Thankfully a judge that HE appointed chose to do what is right and threw out the map.

As I have said many times before, I also have plenty of problems with the liberal side of the equation, especially the radical left.  I am sick of all the "woke-ness"  I've always held the view of "whatever floats your boat is fine as long as it doesn't sink mine.  I'm starting to take on water with all this political correctness.  And all BLM has become is a way for white people to ease their guilt.  I have no doubt that there is still racial inequality, and racial bias when it comes to law enforcement.  But it was also interesting to see that *most* of the people doing the *most* damage during the BLM riots were.....white.


I have to say, that if I were in the position to, I would probably be busting out of here.  I just don't see how we can turn this ship around.  I hope like hell I am wrong, but the corruption and power grabbing (which has always been there to some extent) is spiraling at an alarming rate.




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54 minutes ago, Chewbacca Defense said:


It is interesting that you completely omit any role the extremists right is having.  Sure...media (and I hope you include left & right media) academia and teachers unions all need to be called to task, but right now, the conservative movement is doing the most damage to the foundation/integrity of our democracy.

Ted Cruz just got a Supreme Court ruling in his favor regarding the limitations  on how much a candidate can loan his campaign, which makes it much easier for the wealthy to basically "buy" their way into office.  Trump said and one point if he could spend a billion dollars on his campaign, he would......well now he can.  You don't stand a chance at winning a national office unless you have an 8+ figure portfolio to tap into.  How is that good for America?

Ole 2 timing Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham and their bullsh*t blocking Obama from Supreme Court picks because of an upcoming election only to turn around and cram picks through when their party is in power with even LESS time before an election.....Utter and complete BULLSH*T  And the even bigger load of bullsh*t is that the democrats let them get away with it. 

DeSantis has been making very Putinist moves with his government in Florida, getting rid of people who do not fall in lockstep with him and replacing them with people who will.  He also has the legislature giving him more power...he got the Florida legislature to basically give him the power to draw the redistricting maps.  Thankfully a judge that HE appointed chose to do what is right and threw out the map.

As I have said many times before, I also have plenty of problems with the liberal side of the equation, especially the radical left.  I am sick of all the "woke-ness"  I've always held the view of "whatever floats your boat is fine as long as it doesn't sink mine.  I'm starting to take on water with all this political correctness.  And all BLM has become is a way for white people to ease their guilt.  I have no doubt that there is still racial inequality, and racial bias when it comes to law enforcement.  But it was also interesting to see that *most* of the people doing the *most* damage during the BLM riots were.....white.


I have to say, that if I were in the position to, I would probably be busting out of here.  I just don't see how we can turn this ship around.  I hope like hell I am wrong, but the corruption and power grabbing (which has always been there to some extent) is spiraling at an alarming rate.




At the end of the day maybe we both see the sinking ship and point our finger in the opposite direction about whose fault it is, and maybe we are both right to an extent. And perhaps we are both wrong thinking our folks are any better than the other. Maybe there is no moral high ground at this point.

  • Like 3

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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1 hour ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

At the end of the day maybe we both see the sinking ship and point our finger in the opposite direction about whose fault it is, and maybe we are both right to an extent. And perhaps we are both wrong thinking our folks are any better than the other. Maybe there is no moral high ground at this point.

As John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

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16 hours ago, Andie said:

Many have not returned to work yet.  The work force is lethargic. Maybe due to continued govt money going out.  
Announce the money will cease in 4-6 weeks and a lot of those folks will get back in the work force.  
My husband worked straight through it.  As the only Fleet and Fuel Manager for Ft Worth he didn’t have a choice.  
People need to get back to work.  


During our travels in Montana, last week, we stayed with my wife's cousin and his wife.  She is the HR Director for a very high end resort in Montana ($3,000/guest/day kind of place).  She said their guest list includes a "who's who among current movie stars and celebrities."  She could not say who specifically due to NDAs but she said a lot of actors filming in the region inevitably end up spending time there.  The resort offer about every outdoor experience you can have in Montana: riding, fishing, shooting, mountain biking...the works, and of course staff accordingly.

They pay extremely well to get the best of the best, ensure that their people are happy and honor the NDA's they have in place.  She said it is an absolute dream job that she loves.  All employees are encouraged to use the facilities during their days off so that they can relate with guests about the experiences there at the ranch.  They get free lodging, meals, etc.  The relative (HR director) even got sent to another resort located in the Caribbean owned by the same company for 6 weeks, all expenses paid.  It was intended to share/exchange ideas about the running of these resorts.


She targets college aged kids/recent college graduates.  Normally, she gets hundreds of applicants beating down their door for each position.  It includes people who "rode a horse once when they were 5" want to be wranglers and people who "shot a gun once with their pappy when they were 9" wanting to be gunsmiths.

This year....crickets....they are struggling to get enough applicants to fill the open positions, and she has been on a nationwide recruiting campaign, going to job fairs at universities all over the countries.  She said she has talked to recruiters for "the competition" and they are having the same problem.


That really highlights the issue...I could understand McDonald's or Home Depot struggling to find employees (to an extent), but my discussion last week was a real eye opener.  Hell, the only reason I didn't apply for a job there myself (in their finance department) was because it was my son's senior year an I was still in school myself.  I did not have the bandwidth to go through a relocation, and I did not want to be moving during my son's senior year.


Something that occurred to me as I am typing this:  Are there really *that* many people working in the gig economy doing Lyft, Uber, Door Dash, etc?  Up here in Bellingham, we recently started getting pretty much all of our deliveries directly from Amazon.  Driving towards Seattle in the morning, I often pass a massive parade of Amazon delivery vans headed towards Bellingham, Burlington and Mt. Vernon.  Is that where all of the workers have disappeared to?


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