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Rubus Leucodermis

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5 hours ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

More evidence the Democrats want to flood us with immigrants who don't share our American values.

Massachusetts Governor and Lt. Governor Declare Emergency Over Migrant Crisis, Ask Residents to House Illegal Immigrants in Their Homes

If Oregon is next, will you house them @SnarkyGoblin?

NYC Students Forced to Go Remote as City Houses Nearly 2K Migrants at Their School

Biden Regime Files Emergency Application Demanding Supreme Court Allow Border Agents to Chop Down Razor Border Barriers Installed By Texas

There’s no rational, material, this-worldly rationale for any of this. Congress never voted to open our southern border — all this is happening in defiance of our democratically enacted laws. The Biden regime is waving in millions of people on the pretense that they might be “refugees” from regimes that aren’t persecuting them. And they deserve their day in court, at U.S. taxpayer expense. And free healthcare from our government, while Americans go uninsured.

Textbook example of begging a question.

What is an "American value?" Who gets to define what such values are?

Are the values of an anarchist in Portland equally American to the values of Republican rancher in Wyoming? Both are Americans, both have values.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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2 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

Only in (ignorant and provincial) right-wing circles in the USA could present-day France be considered “far left.” Its president is a centrist, and centrist and right parties command a decisive majority in its parliament.

I don’t get the part no one is demanding that these countries citizens are bailing from step up and reform.  Central and South American nations are operating like post WW2  dictator Narco states. 
Then citizens wouldn’t flee.  No one is calling them on their hand on emptying their prisons into our country.  Not knowing who they are will prove to be more than financially expensive.  
We will be paying for this for many decades to come in treasure and crime. I’ve lived with this for all my long life and it’s only getting worse.  

Texas will do everything it can to slow or stop this.  And you watch - the D**n government will sue US, not the countries kicking out their criminals.  
We should be sueing them all in international court and closing our border. 
We will regret it and we can’t correct the course of this river. Innocent Americans willI pay in crime against their families.
i want to know who’s truly driving the bus?  It certainly is not Joe Biden.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Rainfall - 62.65" High Temp. - 110.03* Low Temp. - 8.4*

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6 hours ago, Andie said:

I don’t get the part no one is demanding that these countries citizens are bailing from step up and reform.  Central and South American nations are operating like post WW2  dictator Narco states
Then citizens wouldn’t flee.  No one is calling them on their hand on emptying their prisons into our country.  Not knowing who they are will prove to be more than financially expensive.  
We will be paying for this for many decades to come in treasure and crime. I’ve lived with this for all my long life and it’s only getting worse.  

Texas will do everything it can to slow or stop this.  And you watch - the D**n government will sue US, not the countries kicking out their criminals.  
We should be sueing them all in international court and closing our border. 
We will regret it and we can’t correct the course of this river. Innocent Americans willI pay in crime against their families.
i want to know who’s truly driving the bus?  It certainly is not Joe Biden.  

Well, sure they have.

And US foreign policy is one reason for this. For most of the Cold War, it read like an MML rant: every politically progressive movement was seen as Marxist this or Communist that, and any scoundrel on the right who was willing to use force to suppress such movements was deemed worthy of aid, no matter how corrupt or how awful his methods.

Probably the best president to turn away from that dismal history was Bill Clinton, whose standard was that so long as those countries stuck to minimum democratic standards, the USA would let the process play out.

His wife unfortunately, and the man who hired him to be his Secretary of State, did not share these standards. Honduras was actually doing OK-ish until Obama and Hillary destabilized the left-leaning populist government there. After a few years, it became the No. 1 source of migrants fleeing to the USA.

So much of this, in other words, is chickens coming home to roost. I would have respect for Texas if they included this in their criticism. (It shouldn't be too hard, Hillary Clinton, a bete noire of the right, played a role in it.)

But instead it's mostly the same xenophobic garbage that was responsible for the St. Louis being sent back. (And if you don't know what I am talking about and had to summon Google, it sort of proves my point about people operating from a state of historical ignorance.)

So far as emptying prisons, in many cases the actual situation is 180˚ from that. The USA has long had a process of emptying its prisons into Central American countries. That has already destabilized the flawed but still relatively open and free democracy in El Salvador into becoming a dictatorship (next comes corruption, then comes economic stagnation, then comes more migrants).

It's mainly chickens coming home to roost, and they will continue to do so, so long as Americans play the role of dumb herd animals and respond to the rhetoric of their manipulators so predictably.

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It's called clown range for a reason.

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13 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

Textbook example of begging a question.

What is an "American value?" Who gets to define what such values are?

Are the values of an anarchist in Portland equally American to the values of Republican rancher in Wyoming? Both are Americans, both have values.

Things like Judeo-Christian ethics, independence and self-reliance, equality (of opportunity), individualism, nationalism (being proud of your country), work ethic and merit, innovation and time and efficiency. Basically everything the left hates.

Judeo-Christian ethics: This includes the ideas are all people are sinful, the government is subject to a higher authority, rights are endowed by our Creator (not the government) and that there are moral absolutes of what is right and wrong. The left believes people are generally good, government should be the highest authority and that society or popular opinion determines what is right or wrong. They say it is arrogant to insist that any worldview or religion is better than another. They believe there is no Creator and people are an accidental result of billions of years of evolution, with humans being the most developed of all the animals.

Independence and self-reliance: The left hates this because they want you to be dependent on the government. They were very angry during Trump's SOTU where he said millions of people were able to get off of food stamps.

Equality (of opportunity): The left hates this because they want "equity" or equality of outcome instead. They don't like the idea that "all people are created equal" or that there is only one race: the human race.

Individualism: The left hates free enterprise and favors the rights of the collective over the individual.

Nationalism (being proud of your country): The left wants open borders, global citizenship and a one-world socialist government. They are spoiled brats who constantly whine about how horrible our country is because it's not perfect, much like I complain about gloomy weather in one of the world's best climates. They say you're a white supremacist if you're proud of your country.

Work ethic and merit: The left hates this as well. They constantly grumble about meritocracy that it's either a myth (people who are successful are only so because of their privilege) or that it allows white people to stay in power.

Innovation: The left hates this as well because it requires free enterprise. Bernie complains there are too many brands of deodorant. Yet the angry social justice warriors still complain about how there are no dark band-aids for black people.

Time and efficiency: The left complains that timeliness is an aspect of whiteness. Obviously they must think that black people don't like to be on time or keep schedules.






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6 minutes ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

Things like Judeo-Christian ethics, independence and self-reliance, equality (of opportunity), individualism, nationalism (being proud of your country), work ethic and merit, innovation and time and efficiency. Everything the left hates.


In other words, it involves your tribe forcibly imposing its values on all other tribes, who are held unworthy.

Rule by force, nothing more.

Thank you for your honesty.

  • Weenie 1
It's called clown range for a reason.

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3 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

In other words, it involves your tribe forcibly imposing its values on all other tribes, who are held unworthy.

Rule by force, nothing more.

Thank you for your honesty.

That's exactly what the left does. They want to dominate society and replace everything with their values. If you are a concerned parent who complains about what schools are teaching your children, you are considered a domestic terrorist. Biden said children belong to the government and not their parents. That is straight from the communist manifesto.

You are considered a bigot and an evil person if you believe there are only 2 genders, men cannot become pregnant, people with a penis should not be in the women's room, etc. and it can cost you your livelihood. Some Democrats even wanted to send unvaccinated people to quarantine centers like concentration camps.

I guess when 25 years ago, 75% of Democrats were against same-sex marriage they must have all been bigoted far-right fascist Christian nationalists and so were the majority of people in other countries. That's a whole lot of right-wing extremists they had back then. More than 75% of the global population.


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3 hours ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

Things like Judeo-Christian ethics, independence and self-reliance, equality (of opportunity), individualism, nationalism (being proud of your country), work ethic and merit, innovation and time and efficiency. Basically everything the left hates.

Judeo-Christian ethics: This includes the ideas are all people are sinful, the government is subject to a higher authority, rights are endowed by our Creator (not the government) and that there are moral absolutes of what is right and wrong. The left believes people are generally good, government should be the highest authority and that society or popular opinion determines what is right or wrong. They say it is arrogant to insist that any worldview or religion is better than another. They believe there is no Creator and people are an accidental result of billions of years of evolution, with humans being the most developed of all the animals.

Independence and self-reliance: The left hates this because they want you to be dependent on the government. They were very angry during Trump's SOTU where he said millions of people were able to get off of food stamps.

Equality (of opportunity): The left hates this because they want "equity" or equality of outcome instead. They don't like the idea that "all people are created equal" or that there is only one race: the human race.

Individualism: The left hates free enterprise and favors the rights of the collective over the individual.

Nationalism (being proud of your country): The left wants open borders, global citizenship and a one-world socialist government. They are spoiled brats who constantly whine about how horrible our country is because it's not perfect, much like I complain about gloomy weather in one of the world's best climates. They say you're a white supremacist if you're proud of your country.

Work ethic and merit: The left hates this as well. They constantly grumble about meritocracy that it's either a myth (people who are successful are only so because of their privilege) or that it allows white people to stay in power.

Innovation: The left hates this as well because it requires free enterprise. Bernie complains there are too many brands of deodorant. Yet the angry social justice warriors still complain about how there are no dark band-aids for black people.

Time and efficiency: The left complains that timeliness is an aspect of whiteness. Obviously they must think that black people don't like to be on time or keep schedules.






Seek help.

  • Weenie 1
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Left Chicago Mayor pleads for mercy on migrants.  How do you think Texas feels, Pendejo!

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Rainfall - 62.65" High Temp. - 110.03* Low Temp. - 8.4*

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3 hours ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

Democrat says that illegal immigrants are needed to pick our vegetables, and also talks about replacement. No, this is not Tucker Carlson in disguise.



Can you *for once* be honest about what "Democrats" or "they" or whatever actually are saying?? Half of your posts talk about how you know exactly what Democrats or whatever are feeling.  You just repeat and copy/paste the garbage you find on the Internet. 

Gotta be one of your most annoying habits.

Here's the full quote:

“We need immigrants in this country,” Nadler said. “Forget the fact that the farm that our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants — the fact is that the birthrate in this country is way below replacement level, which means our population is going to start shrinking. And the ratio of people on Social Security and Medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting them.”

And you have the nerve to try to make parallels what he said to what the neo Nazis say about "replacement"?!?


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6 hours ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

Seek help.

You're hopeless. It's obvious the Democrats despise traditional American values. Slavery is not one of them. The founders hoped to abolish slavery, but it could not be done overnight.

1. A teacher was fired in Virginia because she believed in traditional American values, defended the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and said socialism was not compatible with democracy. She immigrated here from India. They called her a "far-right extremist". 

Do you think they made the right decision to fire this teacher?

2. Biden planned to remove a statue of William Penn in a federal park in Philadelphia that commemorates the founding of Pennsylvania, and that the purpose of the removal was to “provide a more welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience for visitors". Penn established a Quaker colony for religious freedom and other fundamental rights that would later make their way into the U.S. Bill of Rights. Yet, Biden clearly found the statue to be offensive because, probably because Penn was a Christian white male.

Do you support Biden for trying to remove this statue?

3. Kamala Harris supports the following idea: “Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.” Notice the similarity of Karl Marx's quote "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

If equity were to be implemented in America as Kamala Harris desires, where are the resources to make all outcomes equal going to come from? Who is going to decide who gets what?

4. Despite one of the founders of Black Lives Matter saying "We are trained Marxists" and Richard Delgado calling himself a Marxist in an interview in which he also said he's proud his ideas are being taught his ideas in public schools, you think I'm crazy to compare the Democrats today to Marxists. Yet, you find everything you possibly can to comparing Trump to Hitler and post it on here.

If you have no problem comparing Trump to Hitler, why am I so crazy to compare some of the things the Democrats support today (such as children belong to the state and not to their parents) to what Karl Marx said?

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2 hours ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

Can you *for once* be honest about what "Democrats" or "they" or whatever actually are saying?? Half of your posts talk about how you know exactly what Democrats or whatever are feeling.  You just repeat and copy/paste the garbage you find on the Internet. 

Gotta be one of your most annoying habits.

Here's the full quote:

“We need immigrants in this country,” Nadler said. “Forget the fact that the farm that our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants — the fact is that the birthrate in this country is way below replacement level, which means our population is going to start shrinking. And the ratio of people on Social Security and Medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting them.”

And you have the nerve to try to make parallels what he said to what the neo Nazis say about "replacement"?!?


1. The person who made the quote is a Democrat. He stereotypes immigrants (especially illegal ones) as people who pick our vegetables for us. This is the same idea as calling the Black people cotton pickers. The quote is flat out racist, but it gets a pass for you since it's not Tucker Carlson or some conservative who said so.

2. He says the birthrate of American citizens (below the replacement level) is causing a decline in our population and to make up for that we need to fill in the void with immigrants, (who are more likely to rely on welfare and government handouts and to vote Democrat). In other words, it's going to change the voting demographic, since Democrats champion welfare programs. This is exactly what Tucker Carlson says in his watered down version of Great Replacement Theory.

Why do you think they are giving the illegal immigrants free healthcare funded by our taxpayer money while citizens must pay for their own healthcare? They obviously want a lot of immigrants to come in (as many as possible), and if that's not clear to you, there's something seriously wrong with your brain.



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I just watched the debate from a few days ago for the first time. I'll say this: As much as I want Haley to be the nominee, it feels like she was on defense for most of the debate, especially on the abortion issue. DeSantis said all of the right things. It was a horrible debate for Haley. Dare I say she paralleled some of Hillary's terrible qualities.

They just need to quit bringing up Trump in these debates. He's hurting himself, and only himself, by not showing up. Stop worrying about him.

Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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Democrats Talk About Illegal Immigrants The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves

Nadler’s remarks recall the Democratic party’s past reasoning for supporting slavery. Federalist Senior Editor Mark Hemingway pointed out that Democrats in 1823 were backing slavery because if there were no slaves, “Who would pick our cotton?” Today, Democrats are making the argument that low-wage working illegal migrants are necessary to pick “our vegetables.”

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11 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

In other words, it involves your tribe forcibly imposing its values on all other tribes, who are held unworthy.

Rule by force, nothing more.

Thank you for your honesty.


10 hours ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

That's exactly what the left does. They want to dominate society and replace everything with their values. If you are a concerned parent who complains about what schools are teaching your children, you are considered a domestic terrorist. Biden said children belong to the government and not their parents. That is straight from the communist manifesto.

You are considered a bigot and an evil person if you believe there are only 2 genders, men cannot become pregnant, people with a penis should not be in the women's room, etc. and it can cost you your livelihood. Some Democrats even wanted to send unvaccinated people to quarantine centers like concentration camps.

I guess when 25 years ago, 75% of Democrats were against same-sex marriage they must have all been bigoted far-right fascist Christian nationalists and so were the majority of people in other countries. That's a whole lot of right-wing extremists they had back then. More than 75% of the global population.



7 hours ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

Seek help.

God I wanna mute all three of you so bad

  • lol 1
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Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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11 hours ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

That's exactly what the left does. They want to dominate society and replace everything with their values. If you are a concerned parent who complains about what schools are teaching your children, you are considered a domestic terrorist. Biden said children belong to the government and not their parents. That is straight from the communist manifesto.

You are considered a bigot and an evil person if you believe there are only 2 genders, men cannot become pregnant, people with a penis should not be in the women's room, etc. and it can cost you your livelihood. Some Democrats even wanted to send unvaccinated people to quarantine centers like concentration camps.

I guess when 25 years ago, 75% of Democrats were against same-sex marriage they must have all been bigoted far-right fascist Christian nationalists and so were the majority of people in other countries. That's a whole lot of right-wing extremists they had back then. More than 75% of the global population.

You're the one saying that anyone who disagrees with you or wants change you don't want isn't fully American (and by implication does not fully deserve the rights of an American citizen). Not I.

One of us wants an open society where groups can compete on policy and where society can change if people want it. The other seems to feel threatened by that.

  • Like 1
It's called clown range for a reason.

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57 minutes ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

Democrats Talk About Illegal Immigrants The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves

Nadler’s remarks recall the Democratic party’s past reasoning for supporting slavery. Federalist Senior Editor Mark Hemingway pointed out that Democrats in 1823 were backing slavery because if there were no slaves, “Who would pick our cotton?” Today, Democrats are making the argument that low-wage working illegal migrants are necessary to pick “our vegetables.”

“BuT aKsUaLLy, dEmOcRatS wErE oNcE PrO sLaveRY.”


  • Weenie 1
It's called clown range for a reason.

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3 hours ago, Minny_Weather said:

I just watched the debate from a few days ago for the first time. I'll say this: As much as I want Haley to be the nominee, it feels like she was on defense for most of the debate, especially on the abortion issue. DeSantis said all of the right things. It was a horrible debate for Haley. Dare I say she paralleled some of Hillary's terrible qualities.

I wonder what the female readers out there think about this.

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More left-wing news


Please make sure to follow the science

Fauci testified this week before the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic that the six-feet distancing rule — you know, the one that helped force school lockdowns, business shutdowns and millions of snarls and nasty stares — was a fiction. He said it was not based on science and “just sort of appeared.” Just sort of appeared? Like what, the millions in royalties he got from Big Pharma?

Or maybe Fauci’s a snake. The former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) also admitted the Wuhan Lab Leak theory was not a “conspiracy theory” … even though he personally worked tirelessly to kill debate and discussion on the matter, and vilified the scientists who suggested it.

And if that's still not enough for you:

1) Biden and company have been seeking funding for gender equity movements around the world to the tune of 2.6 billion dollars despite the U.S. being $34 trillion in debt.

2) The CIA conspired in the 2020 election to throw the election in Biden's favor and away from Trump, said a CIA whistleblower speaking to Jesse Watters of the Fox News Network.

3) The whistleblower told Watters that the CIA feels it's under-budgeted every year. To reduce the shortfall, they run an illicit drug program in selected regions around the world, receiving the compensation they think they deserve without having to run anything through Congress. They know that Joe Biden, an empty suit, is far easier to fool than Donald Trump, who would shut this down. 

4) In a lecture she gave in Chapel Hill, NC, journalist Heather McDonald of the Manhattan Institute pointed out that more than one in three children in grade school today identify themselves as LGBTQ. This is an astounding rise from less than a few percent just a decade ago. 

5) Why the explosion of LGBTQ self-identifiers? Such students feel as if they have power over their parents if they can choose their gender, and no one can interfere. 

6) Tucker Carlson interviewed an expert on the transgender movement who offered startling information on why the Left vehemently pushes transgenderism: If you can convince the populace that male and female are arbitrary markers, you can get people to believe anything. The Left’s assault on objective reality is their primary tool of control.

7) The top internet tech companies, in collaboration with Stanford University, created algorithms to ensure that top conservative voices, such as Molly Hemingway and Victor Davis Hansen, were muted on the internet while top Democrat voices were given huge fanfare -- a complete contortion of the right to free speech in America!

😎 Dinesh D'Souza’s new documentary, following “2000 Mules,” is titled “Police State.” He pinpoints how and where the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have violated their oaths of office, breaking into the homes of political enemies with guns drawn when a simple knock on the door would do. They intentionally terrorize the families of the targets whom they wish to incarcerate.

9) Anthony Fauci, as now fully documented, has been lying to Congress and lying to the nation for years. He has funded gain-of-function research in China, in the U.S., and possibly elsewhere. He has funded dangerous projects, and while the press continues to cover for him, he is likely responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak that killed 6.96 million globally. Lately, in testifying before Congress, he can’t seem to recall anything.

10) The Biden Administration’s massive scheme to ship illegal aliens throughout the country, primarily to weaken the conservative communities, is more pervasive than anyone could have imagined, is amply funded and coordinated, and has been ongoing for years. 

More details on the last one here

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19 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

You're the one saying that anyone who disagrees with you or wants change you don't want isn't fully American (and by implication does not fully deserve the rights of an American citizen). Not I.

One of us wants an open society where groups can compete on policy and where society can change if people want it. The other seems to feel threatened by that.

And you're the one who wants conservatives to be stripped of all of their rights and thinks it's a good idea to teach white students that they are oppressors and America was rotten to the core with nothing good about it.

Also, the left-wing fanatics believe that any policy that increases inequality between the races (whether intended to do so or not) is racist and any policy that decreases inequality between the races is anti-racist.

However they're full of hypocrisy:

1. Extended lockdowns during the pandemic mainly supported by the left caused the poor to get poorer and caused worldwide famines, mostly affecting poor people and minorities. By the left's own definition, the lockdowns were systemically racist

2. It's poor people and minorities who depend most on fossil fuels. If they are banned, they will suffer the most. Once again, classic systemic racism the way the left defines it

3. Studies have shown people are more likely to be successful and have a good economic status if they grow up with a mother and a father who remain married for life. Yet it's the left that wishes to get rid of the nuclear family. Another textbook example of systemic racism the way the left defines it, since black people are more likely to have single parent families (as they get more government handouts that way)

4. Defunding the police caused higher crime rates in communities where mostly black people live. It increased murder of black people by other people who are not policemen. The left just loves to accuse the other side of everything they are doing to make our economic status worse. Systemic racism at its finest.


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Sometimes I think all Haley has to do is let Trump and DeSantis talk and argue with one another and her ratings improve.  😄

It has yet to get interesting 

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Rainfall - 62.65" High Temp. - 110.03* Low Temp. - 8.4*

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16 hours ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

So you can continue to be in your echo chamber? :)

You know I didn't only quote you there, right?

If my echo chamber is one that doesn't have either obnoxious political extreme, then I think it's a pretty solid echo chamber.

Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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On 1/13/2024 at 10:32 PM, Minny_Weather said:



God I wanna mute all three of you so bad

What and miss all this free entertainment? 

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Rainfall - 62.65" High Temp. - 110.03* Low Temp. - 8.4*

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On 1/13/2024 at 10:25 PM, Minny_Weather said:

I just watched the debate from a few days ago for the first time. I'll say this: As much as I want Haley to be the nominee, it feels like she was on defense for most of the debate, especially on the abortion issue. DeSantis said all of the right things. It was a horrible debate for Haley. Dare I say she paralleled some of Hillary's terrible qualities.

They just need to quit bringing up Trump in these debates. He's hurting himself, and only himself, by not showing up. Stop worrying about him.

I knew that Haley would have a bad day at the debates at some point

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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But who cares, anyhow. They are members of a culture-destroying race. Interfering with a final solution to our immigrant problem is counterproductive. /sarc

Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say

  • Sick 1
It's called clown range for a reason.

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5 minutes ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

But who cares, anyhow. They are members of a culture-destroying race. Interfering with a final solution to our immigrant problem is counterproductive. /sarc

Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say

What they did was not right.

Brings up a good question though: If a conservative family member and an LGBTQ activist you never met before were both drowning and you could only save one of them, which one would you save?  

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Well tonight we will get the first real indication of how much of my party is still controlled by MAGA Republicans and how the rest of this race may shape up. Obviously Trump will win tonight but by how much? Is it historic margins or just a decent-sized amount? Does Haley make second? If so, does DeSantis drop out?

We finally start moving away from polls and punditry to actual results. I'm fearing the worst but trying to remain optimistic we can somehow still escape a Trump/Biden rematch.

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If this doesn't cause a panic in the Democrats, then I don't know what does

I found this on the RCP polling for Biden Approval rating

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Been focusing on the weather, so I've been a stranger over here. Not much has changed. I guess Fani Willis may be going to jail. 

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Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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I will remember this downvote if you die in a plane crash because the pilot has a grand-mal seizure or if you are in a dire life-threatening situation and the ER puts you on a queue because there is a Black, transgender overweight patient with a much less severe emergency who gets treated first because of their intersectionality score. 

  • Weenie 1
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