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Is Katla Warming Up In the Wings ?

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Katla, a giant volcano hidden beneath the ice cap of Mýrdalsjökull glacier, is busy filling its magma chambers, new research confirms. An eruption in Katla would dwarf the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, scientists have warned. The volcano is long "overdue" for an eruption, as it has historically erupted once every 40-80 years. The last known eruption in Katla was in 1918.


Image- 1918 Eruption of Katla



Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Well, Iceagenow.info can go a little far on the upcoming ice age. But I find that when I read the news articles or magazine articles from legitimate periodical they reference, I can rely on those.


I find that the planet is certainly in a period of change. Areas are hotter while others are colder or wetter that normally are not. It's a bit like a washing machine out of whack.


The cause? I'd ask Phil on that as he may be better equipped to address solar impact, which I think is the culprit. There's no doubt the planet, and likely the other planets in the solar system, are in a state of change. I think we're going into a chilling period. I don't think it's the end of the world. And it may not look like what we think it will.

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Katla, a giant volcano hidden beneath the ice cap of Mýrdalsjökull glacier, is busy filling its magma chambers, new research confirms. An eruption in Katla would dwarf the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, scientists have warned. The volcano is long "overdue" for an eruption, as it has historically erupted once every 40-80 years. The last known eruption in Katla was in 1918.


Image- 1918 Eruption of Katla



That would not be a coincidence either. That would totally drop earths temperature in a hurry. It would be very sudden by earths standards and even our own.

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Well, it's overdue.  But just because it erupts doesn't mean it will be  a climate changing event.  

Air traffic won't be happy, but if it does what it did in 1918, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. Katla is just one of those big volcanoes that can affect us.  Pinatubo altered the temps for a few years, but we're still here. 

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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What do you think of Iceagenow.info website? I find it on the "quack" level as they censor comments that don't agree with them. This article almost sounds like one of theirs and at first thought you pulled it from there but it's not quite extreme enough with it being "everywhere" kind of article.

Geos posts on there sometimes he a fan of Robert Filex work and in fact is one of the few that interduced Phil and others of his work and site here a few years ago I find he lets a very even Amount of opinion.Robert books are not by fire but by ice which I have read and magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps which I have not read yet.but do like Roberts work over all,
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Well, it's overdue. But just because it erupts doesn't mean it will be a climate changing event.

Air traffic won't be happy, but if it does what it did in 1918, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. Katla is just one of those big volcanoes that can affect us. Pinatubo altered the temps for a few years, but we're still here.

I'm not worried. :) I've been waiting on the earths temperature to crash for over 15 years.

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Well, I'm not sure about the use of the word crash, but I think we'll see extremes. But that includes drought too. During the Mini ice age there was a good deal of dry weather, crops failed for all kinds of reason. Cold. Drought. Etc.


In 1710, my family in NE Switzerland left for America. The winters were so bad even fruit trees died. A family of 6 left Kyburgh, Switzerland for New York ( New Amsterdam) and only 3 made it. The father was killed by Mohawk Indians trying to get to the Green Mts. In the Vermont area. The 2 children were then placed under the care of Governor Hunter. I'm descended from the son, 12 generations later.


Climate IS history.

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Well, I'm not sure about the use of the word crash, but I think we'll see extremes. But that includes drought too. During the Mini ice age there was a good deal of dry weather, crops failed for all kinds of reason. Cold. Drought. Etc.


In 1710, my family in NE Switzerland left for America. The winters were so bad even fruit trees died. A family of 6 left Kyburgh, Switzerland for New York ( New Amsterdam) and only 3 made it. The father was killed by Mohawk Indians trying to get to the Green Mts. In the Vermont area. The 2 children were then placed under the care of Governor Hunter. I'm descended from the son, 12 generations later.


Climate IS history.

Right. Crash was an excessive word.


Yes. Climate is history for sure.


My family origin (Kent, UK) is 585 miles from Switzerland. My family arrived here around 40 years before yours I think.

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another major player is the microscopic pieces of plastic in the ocean.  In the end of the Bush era it was just bigger then Texas and now is as large as the west coast!  what that does is due to the Bernoulli Effect slows/stop movement making things not go right which in turn alters the jet stream.  that drives our weather and without a proper jet stream we won't get organized storms.without them dying before thyey reach us.  thus the models flipping around as they do not have the proper data inputted.  the models expect historical climate which without these changes would work better.


Even a broken clock is better!

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Right. Crash was an excessive word.


Yes. Climate is history for sure.


My family origin (Kent, UK) is 585 miles from Switzerland. My family arrived here around 40 years before yours I think.

my only beef is his constant use of the word crash which stirs hype!  He only got popular when that one Russian scientist made the prediction which he later retracted after more data was done and held back on the crash longer which turns out is correct!  The 2008 thru 2012 cool down was due to fresh water from melting glaciers which the scientist said was going to "kill" the gulf stream: it was messed up for a short while but bounced right back!  during this cool down global temps dropped 0.9C causing the media to say a "pause" on global warming but by 2015 would return. guess whom was correct.

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Geos posts on there sometimes he a fan of Robert Filex work and in fact is one of the few that interduced Phil and others of his work and site here a few years ago I find he lets a very even Amount of opinion.Robert books are not by fire but by ice which I have read and magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps which I have not read yet.but do like Roberts work over all,

I have the first one.

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I'm not worried. :) I've been waiting on the earths temperature to crash for over 15 years.

well keep on waiting. :)  last wam period was from 1,000AD to 1200AD with the most extreme at the latter end when Lake Tahoe went totally dry and the SW unlivable/arid even though 1,000 AD was the peak of warmth.  we have at minimum 2000 years of this crap with the peak in 1998  but lag effects to observation.

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Well, Iceagenow.info can go a little far on the upcoming ice age. But I find that when I read the news articles or magazine articles from legitimate periodical they reference, I can rely on those.


I find that the planet is certainly in a period of change. Areas are hotter while others are colder or wetter that normally are not. It's a bit like a washing machine out of whack.


The cause? I'd ask Phil on that as he may be better equipped to address solar impact, which I think is the culprit. There's no doubt the planet, and likely the other planets in the solar system, are in a state of change. I think we're going into a chilling period. I don't think it's the end of the world. And it may not look like what we think it will.

I sure don't feel chilled here on the west coast!  2008-2011 was colder! Hardly any sun

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my only beef is his constant use of the word crash which stirs hype!  He only got popular when that one Russian scientist made the prediction which he later retracted after more data was done and held back on the crash longer which turns out is correct!  The 2008 thru 2012 cool down was due to fresh water from melting glaciers which the scientist said was going to "kill" the gulf stream: it was messed up for a short while but bounced right back!  during this cool down global temps dropped 0.9C causing the media to say a "pause" on global warming but by 2015 would return. guess whom was correct.

Not the media, as per usual.

Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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well keep on waiting. :) last wam period was from 1,000AD to 1200AD with the most extreme at the latter end when Lake Tahoe went totally dry and the SW unlivable/arid even though 1,000 AD was the peak of warmth. we have at minimum 2000 years of this crap with the peak in 1998 but lag effects to observation.

We'll never agree and I'm ok with that.

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Feelings should have never been brought into climate "science".

Feelings are all over the place. Science, politics, news,you name it.


I'm sick of it.

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Throw another witch in the fire! It's getting chilly! People can be so stupid.


You know, Felix was looking to move to central Texas at one time. I don't know if he did it.

Many of their images dealt with the great ice age. We might see a mini ice age. So, if you're south of the Missouri River, you should be able to grow food.


Thing is....we just don't know how deep this thing will be. May not be the dreadnaught everyone is fearing.

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Throw another witch in the fire! It's getting chilly! People can be so stupid.

You know, Felix was looking to move to central Texas at one time. I don't know if he did it.

Many of their images dealt with the great ice age. We might see a mini ice age. So, if you're south of the Missouri River, you should be able to grow food.

Thing is....we just don't know how deep this thing will be. May not be the dreadnaught everyone is fearing.

talking about it and or speculating about it is alot more easyer then preducting it and I think we are all gulty of that in some aspact.theres no question another major glacer cycle is coming but is it 50 200 or a thousands years away is something that's impossable to predict but at the same time its good to prepare because this nice faverble climate that we as humans have been idoreing isnt going to last forever.
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No, it won't last. The earth has always existed with its cycles.


I do worry about some people on public forums misleading the public that we'll all be starving or plowing under our yards and growing vegetables en masse. Proportion is the key to any argument.


I don't know when the temps will dip. Or how much. Neither do they.

Since I live in Texas, I'll likely fair better than many if it hits in my lifetime. For now, I think we will see cooler temps. Heavier winters in areas globally will be the norm, much as it did last winter. Remember the Alps in Switzerland last winter?


I'm expecting a wet cold winter this winter in Texas, but it's El Niño. How much you wanna bet everyone will be shouting ice age?

Bottom line,...we don't know, what we don't know. We'll just have to take the facts as they present themselves.

It will get colder. We just don't know when.

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Earthquake/volcanic activity is up all over the world, esp. the ring of fire...  I'm even seeing that there's been increasing activity at certain areas in the Yellowstone caldera.  Still waiting for "the big one" up here in Washington state....

"Avoiding unwanted weather is a key element of happiness."

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Earthquake/volcanic activity is up all over the world, esp. the ring of fire... I'm even seeing that there's been increasing activity at certain areas in the Yellowstone caldera. Still waiting for "the big one" up here in Washington state....

Yeah. The left coast is gonna have a tough time one of these days.

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