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Polite Politics

Rubus Leucodermis

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4 hours ago, Mr Marine Layer said:

Yes we need taxes, but there should also be private ownership of property. Some say socialism agrees with Christianity, as Christians are supposed to give to the poor, but the Bible also says that you should not covet the possessions of another person (which implies private ownership), and that you must work if you want to eat.

I have yet to meet a communist who is against all private ownership. Private ownership of personal possessions (clothing, furniture, toothbrushes, etc.) is something communists tend to have no issues with. The issue is with owning things outside the scope of one's own immediate life, and often within the scope of other people's lives, such as, say, a factory on the other side of the continent that one has never even visited. Oftentimes distinctions are made of possessions versus property in general.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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1 hour ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

I have yet to meet a communist who is against all private ownership. Private ownership of personal possessions (clothing, furniture, toothbrushes, etc.) is something communists tend to have no issues with. The issue is with owning things outside the scope of one's own immediate life, and often within the scope of other people's lives, such as, say, a factory on the other side of the continent that one has never even visited. Oftentimes distinctions are made of possessions versus property in general.

I've posted this before. It's supposed to be a parody, but then there are some accounts from real people who experienced communism in the comments.

What about land ownership? How can we live on "stolen land" if you don't own the land you live on?




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8 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

It is because the French working class is willing to raise holy hell whenever their ruling elite tries to game the system more in favor of the most powerful and wealthy that the French working class enjoys the above-average share of the national wealth, and the guaranteed access to social services, that it does.


I think that while it is a given that the elite class' raison d'être is to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else, the case can be made that the French retirement system does in fact need to be tweaked a bit in the name of long term viability due to lower birth rates and an aging population.  I am trying to find an objective analysis on the topic (news articles are either void of analysis or biased) but I am coming up empty on first pass.  I'd be interested in your take.

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42 minutes ago, roadtonowhere08 said:

I think that while it is a given that the elite class' raison d'être is to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else, the case can be made that the French retirement system does in fact need to be tweaked a bit in the name of long term viability due to lower birth rates and an aging population.  I am trying to find an objective analysis on the topic (news articles are either void of analysis or biased) but I am coming up empty on first pass.  I'd be interested in your take.

I mean, sure, it’s theoretically possible that they are running into a case of not being able to pay the bills, and in that case there’s really only three solutions: cut spending, increase revenue (i.e. taxes), or some combination of the first two. Would have to see the details. Just going on how elites are always saying that the non-elites are getting too big a share of the wealth, and claiming that things like pensions and retirement systems are always on the brink of collapse and will have to be dramatically scaled back Real Soon Now.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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4 hours ago, Andie said:

I have to agree on the testing sentiment 

I was a Psych major and my major professor was a Doctorate in counseling and testing.  He loved to test (torture) his majors et nauseam….so we learned a lot about ourselves AND testing.  
Apparently, I’m not able to be hypnotized.  Many people can’t be.  They just aren’t suggestible.  Had several pros try and suggestions just wouldn’t work on me. Am also a creative problem solver/ co built a chemical recycling company. One of the few.

SATs are developed for main stream students. Creative thinkers and problem solvers tend to have trouble with tests +like that.  If it’s any comfort, they’re the entrepreneurs, artists, complex problem solvers, +s

cientists….Rogues. Welcome to the Club!! 👍

I will say this though from being an educator: while deemphasizing standardized testing does have its merits, it also intensifies the flame under teachers to inflate grades due to bulldozer parents.  Parents these days at some schools are frigging' insane expecting their kids to be the next big thing and expecting teachers/admin to fulfill their every demand.  Having a standardized test at least adds some numerical objectivity to the overall metric.  That is not to say I like testing, but it is incredibly hard to try to objectively measure the subjective.

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I can understand that. Many parents think their offspring is the Einstein.  
They just won’t let the child find his gifts.  
My mother pushed me in directions I was unsuited for. It drove her crazy I was a natural engineer like my dad.  

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

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What about land ownership? How can we live on "stolen land" if you don't own the land you live on?

I assume other rhetoric would have to be developed. “Stolen land” is effective in a capitalist context, because it points out a hypocrisy of a capitalist society built upon transfers of land that the normal rules of property rights would regard as illegitimate. As the old quip about real estate goes: to prove clear title to a piece of land, you have to trace every transaction back to when the land was last stolen.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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12 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

Whatever that means. Care to elaborate?

She wants her students to promote riots and anarchy, there is a News Source that spotted her TikTok's promoting it!

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All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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15 hours ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

I have yet to meet a communist who is against all private ownership. Private ownership of personal possessions (clothing, furniture, toothbrushes, etc.) is something communists tend to have no issues with. The issue is with owning things outside the scope of one's own immediate life, and often within the scope of other people's lives, such as, say, a factory on the other side of the continent that one has never even visited. Oftentimes distinctions are made of possessions versus property in general.

Also the original John Lennon song does actually say "Imagine no possessions"

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38 minutes ago, Mr Marine Layer said:

Why is it always the rich and famous who have the loudest voices protesting against income inequality? 

Because it is always the rich and famous that have the loudest voices, period. Welcome to the natural ramifications of class society.

Fun fact: Friedrich Engels was a capitalist who inherited ownership of some textile mills, and that passive income is both why he had leeway to criticize the system and how could afford to pay his friend Karl Marx (who was not born into great wealth) generous stipends to do same.

But back to my point about Lennon: he wasn't very careful about either optics or rhetoric, and I don't really regard him as a serious theorist. He wrote a song based loosely on the Communist Manifesto, good for him, but that doesn't make him the absolute last authority on radical left ideology.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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4 hours ago, roadtonowhere08 said:

Dear lord, post the link, foo!

I am very sorry about that! 😳


Anti-capitalist teacher promotes anarchy, 'loves' when students have 'no respect for authority' | Fox News

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All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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40 minutes ago, Iceresistance said:

A TikTok video the teacher produced on her own free time? That is a totally different thing from classroom pedagogy done on the public dime. You DO understand that, do you not?

I will point out that the linked article contains essentially nothing about what that teacher is saying or presenting in the classroom. It does say that she has expressed pleasure that her students are not afraid to challenge her own authority, and her frustration at how some of her students project the capitalist boss-worker relationship onto that between a cellular nucleus and its other organelles. But again, on her own time, on her own TikTok channel.

Be careful. If it's OK to demand a teacher be fired because she has expressed anarchist and socialist sentiments on her own free time, it suddenly also becomes OK to demand a teacher be fired because s/he has expressed conservative or pro-Trump ones.

Moreover that article is crap journalism, because it then goes on to conflate that Minnesota teacher with what another teacher has done in a completely different school in Maryland. Or should I say purportedly done, because something makes me suspect that the other story is a bunch of smoke being blown about basically nothing as well.

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It's called clown range for a reason.

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8 minutes ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

A TikTok video the teacher produced on her own free time? That is a totally different thing from classroom pedagogy done on the public dime. You DO understand that, do you not?

I will point out that the linked article contains essentially nothing about what that teacher is saying or presenting in the classroom. It does say that she has expressed pleasure that her students are not afraid to challenge her own authority, and her frustration at how some of her students project the capitalist boss-worker relationship onto that between a cellular nucleus and its other organelles. But again, on her own time, on her own TikTok channel.

Be careful. If it's OK to demand a teacher be fired because she has expressed anarchist and socialist sentiments on her own free time, it suddenly also becomes OK to demand a teacher be fired because s/he has expressed conservative or pro-Trump ones.

Moreover that article is crap journalism, because it then goes on to conflate that Minnesota teacher with what another teacher has done in a completely different school in Maryland. Or should I say purportedly done, because something makes me suspect that the other story is a bunch of smoke being blown about basically nothing as well.

You will also understand a majority of kids are on TikTok, and a teacher doing it is very troublesome. When the students of her class find out, they will follow her.


And besides! TikTok is unfortunately #1 in Misinformation! It's really bad with the fake news and claims about the Coronavirus!

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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9 minutes ago, Iceresistance said:

You will also understand a majority of kids are on TikTok, and a teacher doing it is very troublesome. When the students of her class find out, they will follow her.

So a teacher can’t do anything of consequence off the clock because her students might hear about it? Is that the standard now?

Does this applies to teachers who express right-wing sentiments off the clock? Should they be demonized and targeted for dismissal as well?

It's called clown range for a reason.

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1 minute ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

So a teacher can’t do anything of consequence off the clock because her students might hear about it? Is that the standard now?

Does this applies to teachers who express right-wing sentiments off the clock? Should they be demonized and targeted for dismissal as well?

It depends on how extreme they go, "That Vegan Teacher" is an extreme leftist and she got banned from a lot of platforms.


Unfortunately, Karens who like to report content that does not deserve to be flagged get away with it because they take down the video when it should never be!


I'm one of the minority that will never get TikTok, the main reason is toxicity.

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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2 minutes ago, Mr Marine Layer said:

So why should anyone respect her?

The same reason anyone should respect anyone else: because of the content of their character. Their knowledge, honesty, ethical principles, etc. But not just because they hold a position of arbitrary power and authority.


It's called clown range for a reason.

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1 hour ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

So cancel culture is just fine as long as it’s your team that’s doing the cancelling?

No, Cancel Culture needs to be wiped out.


The only justification for someone who gets banned from basically every platform is if they are a threat with their extremism. That Vegan Teacher made the stupid move going after MrBeast by saying along the lines of "You are hurting animals by being too rich"

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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2 minutes ago, Iceresistance said:

No, Cancel Culture needs to be wiped out.

The only justification for someone who gets banned from basically every platform is if they are a threat with their extremism. That Vegan Teacher made the stupid move going after MrBeast by saying along the lines of "You are hurting animals by being too rich"

I am afraid you are contradicting yourself.
If you support cancelling individuals you believe are “a threat with their extremism,” then you support cancelling. Full stop.

That is, in fact, the exact reason cancelling is typically done: because the cancellers believe those being cancelled to be too extreme and therefore a danger.

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It's called clown range for a reason.

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43 minutes ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

I am afraid you are contradicting yourself.
If you support cancelling individuals you believe are “a threat with their extremism,” then you support cancelling. Full stop.

That is, in fact, the exact reason cancelling is typically done: because the cancellers believe those being cancelled to be too extreme and therefore a danger.

I may have gotten ahead of myself here... 🤦‍♂️

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Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Meatball Ron is wrong about Ukraine.


Finally, Zelensky posed a third question. During the war, Ukraine has been attacked by rockets, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles—“not hundreds, but thousands”:

So what will you do when Russia will use rockets to attack your allies, to [attack] civilian people? And what will you do when Russia, after that, if they do not see [opposition] from big countries like the United States? What will you do if they will use rockets on your territory?

And this was his answer: Help us fight them here, help us defeat them here, and you won’t have to fight them anywhere else. Help us preserve some kind of open, normal society, using our soldiers and not your soldiers. That will help you preserve your open, normal society, and that of others too. Help Ukraine fight Russia now so that no one else has to fight Russia later, and so that harder and more painful choices don’t have to be made down the line.

“It’s about nature. It’s about life,” he said. “That’s it.”


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14 hours ago, Mr Marine Layer said:

The first is the copyright owners (Dr. Seuss’s estate) choosing to not publish or to revise existing works. They are “cancelling” themselves! LOL! This stretches “cancel culture” so far that the term is basically a meaningless smear phrase. The right to free speech entails the right to remain silent, or to revise ones statements in light of progress.


It's called clown range for a reason.

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