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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/28/23 in all areas

  1. Gorge run today. Started out at the Vista House where 60-70mph winds nearly claimed my hat. Coldest windchill I've ever personally experienced, guesstimating it was around -10. Went down to the waterfall corridor and not surprisingly it got progressively more frozen the further east you went. Horsetail was completely frozen over at the basin. Also came across some snapped trees along the trail in the area near Wahkeena Falls. Wrapped up in Hood River for dinner with the kickass sunset and temps around 12.
    42 points
  2. Well since we are on the subject…My dad passed away peacefully last evening. Rough stuff but both my sister and I have an odd calmness over us, he battled so many health issues since the late 1980’s which escalated in the early 2000’s and then nailed him hardcore in early August…Knowing he is no longer in pain (pain that I’m sure many people will never experience) is very calming. Definitely the strongest person I will ever be around when it comes to battling every infection that tried to get him for so many years, but he battled on and tried his hardest to not have it effect his life too much. One of the last things we talked about on Saturday when he was still semi coherent at the hospital was the Christmas lights I put up on the house and I told him that he taught me everything I know about exterior illumination as I was showing him pictures of my lit up house. I still remember being about 5 years old and helping him put up the Christmas lights, they were those big bulbed multi colored lights, it felt so magical helping him and seeing them light up the house knowing Santa was going to come now since he could see those bright lights! I always think of those times when I am putting up the lights that now my kids are helping me with!
    41 points
  3. Said goodbye to our 17-year old lab today. He was such a great companion for my sons growing up. So many adventures. He has been on every mountain peak around here. Sad day... but it was time. Hopefully he is chasing deer in a field in heaven now.
    37 points
  4. @Meatyorologist @SouthHillFrosty @Cold Snap @RentonHill all here
    35 points
  5. Meetup goodies!!!! Dumping downtown
    34 points
  6. Rooster Rock state park, Wahkeenah, Multnomah, Oneonta and Horsetail. The amount of ice on the edge of the Columbia at Rooster Rock was the most I’ve ever seen personally. The falls and their creeks were choked with ice as well. Temps were around 15 out there this afternoon.
    33 points
  7. A photo of my kids first snow yesterday. I think he enjoyed it
    31 points
  8. I swear to god guys it’s not AI generated! Or from 1990! This is has got to be one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Got absolutely blasted by that wave BTW lol
    30 points
  9. It had melted a fair bit by sunrise. We ended up with 4”. Lots of tree damage on the deciduous trees. Power, internet, cable, and cell phones have been down most of the day here. Seems like things are coming back online now.
    29 points
  10. Thanks @SilverFallsAndrew for coming and hanging out this morning. I don’t get a chance to interact with people since I’m stuck at home all the time. Truly a great friend and a reason I know we would have a blast whenever we do some sort of forum meetup. I’d love for any of y’all to stop by and see what it’s like here in the south valley. @Meatyorologist had the chance to see how unique and different this area is with its terrain profile and the furthest north extent of the empty west. Nice and chilly morning, currently 47F with increasing clouds.
    29 points
  11. Just returning tonight from two weeks in South America. Started out in Lima and then headed to Cusco and saw Machu Picchu. Then flew up to Ecuador and spent the last week in the Galapagos Islands, checking out the variety of protected national park landscapes and endemic plants and animals there. Had pretty nice weather for the most part. The cool late fall nights in the Peru interior got us down to freezing on a couple of mornings, and there was fairly regular mist and drizzle where I was staying in the central part of the islands. But sunny afternoons daily in the dry northern parts of the islands. The early sunsets were a bit of a shock to the system after such long days back home. Would love to spend a whole June-August down in Patagonia one of these years, and get a double dose of winter.
    27 points
  12. From 2 separate storms but ~ 10” on the deck now.
    27 points
  13. I have been watching this forum for a couple days now. I’m new but you all have been very informative. It’s coming down pretty good as freezing rain in Gladstone/Milwaukie area.
    27 points
  14. God I missed this. Just hit 3”. I think we can reach 5-6”.
    27 points
  15. Apologies people can’t be as smart and as well informed as you are. as for the “worst of the worst”. It doesn’t seem any different than any other event. but you clearly know best.
    27 points
  16. And I apologize for my meltdown earlier. My bad day doesn't need to be projected onto y'all. I truly hope folks get snow and get to post amazing snow photos. Esp @MR.SNOWMIZER @snow_wizard @SilverFallsAndrew @TT-SEA @Meatyorologist @MossMan @Deweydog @Cold Snap and @iFred plus lots of others. Y'all are a class act and I'm truly grateful for this forum.
    27 points
  17. Fine. I’ve been lurking here for years. I live in Shoreline and do hyperlocal forecasting for friends between the ship canal and Everett since about 2018. I also work with mutual aid groups to help homeless communities get prepared for bad weather. I moved from Mississippi where I was into tornado and hurricane prediction and fell in love with Seattle weather during 2008 when I lived on Cap Hill. I was a UW grad student and therefore a Mass-hole for several years as I learned the region’s dynamics. I definitely have my favorite and not-favorite posters on this forum, too. I’ll let you guess who. I always thought it’d be bad luck to create an account preceding a possible snow event but never got around to it otherwise. So if this event busts, I blame Garfield.
    27 points
  18. Little photo dump of the new kid. He is currently in 9-12 month clothing even tho he is only 5 months lol
    27 points
  19. Big time lightning here on Snoqualmie ridge at the golf tourney. This photo from my golf cart. It screwed up my phone when taking
    27 points
  20. Happy 4th everyone! Had a beautiful day summiting St. Helens today. A little warm, but had great visibility, with some distant views of Mt. Baker, the Olympics, and the Three Sisters. Still decent conditions for glissading down the snow on the way back as well. The cornice up there appears to be on its last legs.
    26 points
  21. Super fun day backcountry skiing up on Tumalo Mountain! Sky opened up enough for some great views!
    26 points
  22. I measured 14.5” here in Mission, BC in a wind-sheltered area. It fell in a 12hr timeframe. Current temp: 26F
    26 points
  23. Probably time for me to go into why I was away for so long earlier this year. A big part of it was major health problems and the deaths of close family members including my mom and father in law. Also a number of other family members and a friend. A really terrible year in that regard. In the midst of all of this the weather has become slightly less of an obsession for me, and I feel I might have more clarity on the subject than I have in a long due to it being a less emotional thing for me at this point. We shall see how that plays out. I also want to bring up the fact that the deterioration of my relationship with Jesse on here was also really making me depressed earlier in the year. I really want to avoid all of that this season.
    26 points
  24. First snowfall of the year! About 8" in the hood.
    26 points
  25. Had a beautiful week in the Canadian Rockies visiting Banff and Yoho NPs. Had some very low snow levels on Monday, down around 5500', and gradually warmed and cleared in the days since. Amazing views everywhere you look!
    26 points
  26. Amazing weather today, I think it was nature's gift to me for my 59th bday. Got pretty good conditions to climb Mount Hood, although the winds at the summit were around 40mph, forecast was calling for winds in the 20s which unfortunately did not verify. Here's a photo dump from our climb, sadly my camera fogged up little bit, so all of the photos are slightly blurry.
    25 points
  27. 25 points
  28. Wanna say a huge thank you to @MR.SNOWMIZER @Deweydog @Phil for helping our family get through this. I never imagined something like this could happen here. Y’all are so very kind in showing your support for us!
    25 points
  29. https://x.com/seattlewxguy/status/1748094211398811816?s=46&t=wti5sHI_eE4tVdzY0rtEQA
    25 points
  30. 7" so far. Heaviest snow falling now. Could make a run at 9"!
    25 points
  31. It snowed a lot the last couple days. Solid overrunning event. Things are tapering down now and the town is a little bit of a mess.
    25 points
  32. We have confirmation. It snow 20240111_115345.mp4
    25 points
  33. Your overbearing need to try and preach and tell people how to feel or interpret things is kind of annoying honestly. The forum is fine the way it is. We don’t need your long monologues anyways.
    25 points
  34. Downtown Juneau from the cruise ship dock as of 15 minutes ago. Love watching the ice gulleys on Mt Juneau form in winter. Later in winter its south aspect makes it not form up as easily.
    25 points
  35. I have been posting here now for over a year. Since most you all know each other by name and I am on this forum basically every day, I figured it was time to really introduce myself and give some background as to why I am how I am. So here goes: My name is Daniel. I’m 35. I was born in Miami. After Hurricane Andrew destroyed our house in homestead, we moved to Franklin TN (30 mins south of Nashville). I graduated high school there. I got my love of gardening and weather growing up in the South. Hurricane Andrew started it all. I did 7 years of college back in Florida at the University of Florida (go Gators). Undergrad in Nuclear Engineering and Masters in Medical Physics. Then moved to Little Rock Arkansas for two years of Residency where I met my now wife. My first job out of residency (I work in radiation oncology) was in Naperville Illinois. The wife and I always wanted to live in the mountains of the PNW, even though neither of us had lived West of the Mississippi. Originally we figured Bend was the place to be, but August 18th 2017 I interviewed for my current job in Sequim. We actually came out 2 days earlier and took our rental car down to Mt. Hood to see the eclipse. We moved out here October 2017. The climate took some getting used to. Especially the gardening. My first year I put zucchini and squash out in April . My favorite season out here is hands down Summer. You can’t beat the wall to wall sunshine, long days and mild temps with no humidity. It’s a dream. The worst is winter. I love snow, so I’m glad I’m at elevation, but without the snow the winters here would be impossible to manage. My favorite weather event so far was easily Feb 2019. I’ve never seen so much snow. Close second would be our wedding, June 20th 2021. Just before the heat dome. Anyway, if you got through that wall of text, congrats.
    24 points
  36. Just had a very intense snow shower move through. Looks like it's wrapping up, but it ended up dropping about 0.5" with some truly massive snowflakes up over 2" in diameter. It was hard to measure depth because the snowflakes themselves created such large variations. Temperature is down to 33F, but snow is melting very quickly now that it has let up.
    24 points
  37. Had an AMAZING sunset at Crater Lake this evening!
    24 points
  38. Received 12 inches yesterday. Should be good for a few more today.
    24 points
  39. 24 points
  40. This is insanity!!! 3-4” already. Absolutely puking
    24 points
  41. Can we please get this unpinned? I am tired of looking at his face every time I go to another page..
    24 points
  42. Leave the politics or politically themed reminiscing to the designated garbage pit on the forum. I don't need to hear how some of you think Viewpoint A is justified because Historical Person B was actually a radical terrorist sent by the the Soviet Union to destroy America for the right kind of American. Nor do I need to hear your counter point to Viewpoint A because 95% of us here already know what your counterpoint is going to be and 99% of us know that it will not do a damn thing but piss more people off.
    24 points
  43. For some reason our run of misfortune just continues unabated. About an hour ago our son had his first seizure in years, and last week our dentist, who we have been going to for years just up and died. This guy would have been one of the last people on anyone's list to die so young. I had some serious marathon sessions with this guy in the dentists chair. Anyway my son is fine now, and that makes six people who are either family, friends, or close acquaintances to die in the past three months.
    24 points
  44. Wanted to tell y’all how much you mean to me. Im having a really bad night cognitively and it’s getting worse. Im laying in the bed trting to stay positive but it’s not easy. The roller coaster ride of the models will be fun to follow as always. Thanks so very much to all of you. I keep having so many seizures and I’m genuinely scared. I hope that y’all get a huge snow event. Something truly unforgettable. I’m gonna think positively for you. @MR.SNOWMIZER @SilverFallsAndrew @Gradient Keeper @MossMan @Cold Snap @Phil @TT-SEA @iFred @Meatyorologist @Deweydog @snow_wizard Plus everyone I’m forgetting cuz of my terrible memory. Thank all of y’all so very much for teaching me so much more than I ever thought possible. For putting up with me. You’re truly class acts, all of you. Just really worried about my brain right now. Laying down and seeing if it helps and if the neurostimulator can work.
    24 points
  45. This is the best of the best forums I know of man, thank you for everything you do and keeping it running. We all appreciate it a ton!
    23 points
  46. Warning: long post inbound. Last weekend I took a solo trip to Orcas Island with my camera and captured some neat stuff. I only just developed them in Lightroom. Here they are, Some small things. Some big things. And some close things.
    23 points
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