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Rubus Leucodermis

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52 minutes ago, hawkstwelve said:

Trump is now touting his endorsement from a BLM leader in Rhode Island and that he's very honored to have BLM's support. This is the same group that he once said "hates our country" and that they are "turning our communities into war zones". I guess they don't hate our country anymore since one of them likes Trump, because obviously you can only love our country if you love Trump.

Honestly, Hamas could endorse Trump tomorrow and he would thank them for their support. The guy has no moral compass besides who is with him or who is against him. Freaking ridiculous.


I'm pretty sure there are many good (somewhat misinformed) people who support BLM without supporting some of their ideas such as elimination of the nuclear family, abolishing capitalism, socialist-style redistribution of wealth and rioting.

The reason I don't like BLM is because Black Lives Matter.

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12 minutes ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

I'm pretty sure there are many good (somewhat misinformed) people who support BLM without supporting some of their ideas such as elimination of the nuclear family, abolishing capitalism, socialist-style redistribution of wealth and rioting.

The reason I don't like BLM is because Black Lives Matter.

Also favors one group over the other

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Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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On 11/29/2023 at 12:09 PM, Andie said:

Gas prices in No Tx at $2.70.  
How’s it going where you are?

Wow, just paid $5.70 to fill up my rental car in San Luis Obispo before turning it in.  I think we are in the 4.30-4.50 range in northern Washington state.

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7 hours ago, hawkstwelve said:

Trump is now touting his endorsement from a BLM leader in Rhode Island and that he's very honored to have BLM's support. This is the same group that he once said "hates our country" and that they are "turning our communities into war zones". I guess they don't hate our country anymore since one of them likes Trump, because obviously you can only love our country if you love Trump.

Honestly, Hamas could endorse Trump tomorrow and he would thank them for their support. The guy has no moral compass besides who is with him or who is against him. Freaking ridiculous.


I guess it’s certainly election time.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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8 hours ago, hawkstwelve said:

Trump is now touting his endorsement from a BLM leader in Rhode Island and that he's very honored to have BLM's support. This is the same group that he once said "hates our country" and that they are "turning our communities into war zones". I guess they don't hate our country anymore since one of them likes Trump, because obviously you can only love our country if you love Trump.

Honestly, Hamas could endorse Trump tomorrow and he would thank them for their support. The guy has no moral compass besides who is with him or who is against him. Freaking ridiculous.


Are you honestly surprised?

Watch the Trumpers do an about-face on BLM now.  They love Russia now, so it could happen.

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DeSantis vs. Newsom tonight. Another chance for Ron to try and come across as a real person, and a chance for Newsom to continue flexing his 2028 muscles. 

DeSantis has a lot more to lose, in my opinion. His campaign is in a free fall, the more people get to know him the less they like him, and he is getting increasingly eclipsed by Haley. On the other hand, while I disagree with practically all of governmental ideologies, I watched Newsom's interview with Hannity during the summer and he came across incredibly well. Very polished, well spoken, and actually owned up to some of the sh*t he's done to California. That was my first time really listening to him and I left the interview fairly impressed. If he wipes the slate clean tonight and really drills into Ron, it could be the final nail in DeSantis's coffin.

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Desantis is done-zo.



“What do you think about stimulus checks?” an old man in an American flag-patterned hat asked DeSantis one day in November, as the governor addressed a row of veterans in wheelchairs in Marshalltown, Iowa.

It was the perfect opportunity for DeSantis to contrast his approach with Trump’s, and he launched into standard GOP criticisms of pandemic-era government spending that contributed to inflation.

“They printed and borrowed trillions of dollars, starting in March of 2020, both Republicans and Democrats, both Trump and Biden —” DeSantis said.

“Trump started that,” the man echoed.

“Exactly,” DeSantis said.

But the man interrupted as DeSantis continued his explanation.

“I think he was helping the country by doing that,” he said of Trump.

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Oh no! A "transphobic" DEMOCRAT! Leftists, hit the panic button!

Erin Friday, a Democrat and an activist for Protect Kids California, criticized Newsom's job performance, saying that people, including fellow Leftists, are sick of his lies and not putting children and families first. 

"This man put men into women's prisons. This man has said that he wants schools to lie to parents… when their children are suffering from gender dysphoria. We've had enough of Gavin Newsom. It's time for him to go," Friday told Fox & Friends First. 

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A dead longhorn was found on the front lawn of a UT Fraternity prior to the UT/OU game.  I don’t have to tell you how ‘onery’ they are or how heavy.  This took organization and some muscle/equipment.  
It should be able to trace to owner and perhaps fraternity that’s involved.  Some rancher is going to be mighty pissed off.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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44 minutes ago, Andie said:

A dead longhorn was found on the front lawn of a UT Fraternity prior to the UT/OU game.  I don’t have to tell you how ‘onery’ they are or how heavy.  This took organization and some muscle/equipment.  
It should be able to trace to owner and perhaps fraternity that’s involved.  Some rancher is going to be mighty pissed off.  

There was one before the OSU/TU game in front of the OSU Fraternity

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Well... If North Korea attacks us, then this is how World War 3 starts

North Korea says interference in satellite operations would be considered declaration of war -KCNA (msn.com)

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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DeSantis Had to Order Bible on Amazon for Swearing-In

December 1, 2023 at 6:25 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 333 Comments

Ron DeSantis’ staff had to quickly purchase a Bible for $21.47 on Amazon just days before the governor’s inauguration in January 2019, NBC News reports.

DeSantis, who has made big push to appeal to evangelical voters, told staffers that his family did not own a Bible.

Said a former aide: “People are typically sworn in on something that is historic — a family Bible or something with historic value. It was profoundly strange that he did not care at all and treated it like it was nothing.”

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40 minutes ago, Iceresistance said:

There was one before the OSU/TU game in front of the OSU Fraternity

It’s despicable.  The lack of regard for life.  There are a lot of young people out there with little or no conscience.  I blame their parents.  That has to be instilled before the age of 4. Then reinforced to adulthood.  
Doesn’t look good for the future.  I hope the rancher sues the schools so the schools will track down the perps.  
Cattle are not cheap today, btw. 

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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1 minute ago, Andie said:

It’s despicable.  The lack of regard for life.  There are a lot of young people out there with little or no conscience.  I blame their parents.  That has to be instilled before the age of 4. Then reinforced to adulthood.  
Doesn’t look good for the future.  I hope the rancher sues the schools so the schools will track down the perps.  
Cattle are not cheap today, btw. 

Also factor the absolute entitlement too, when the kids were never told "No" when they were younger

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Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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On 11/30/2023 at 12:45 AM, roadtonowhere08 said:

An outstanding write up on Henry Kissinger:


"To Mr. Kissinger, there were superpowers and there was everything else, and it was the everything else that got him into trouble."

Indeed.  Enjoy Hell, Henry.


On 11/30/2023 at 2:45 AM, SnarkyGoblin said:

Not a fan of his policies, but also not surprised to see both of you piling on a Jewish person in the most macabre way imaginable.

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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On 11/30/2023 at 6:00 PM, Rubus Leucodermis said:

It's around CAD$1.66/litre here, which works out to USD$4.64/gallon.

Salem area is about $3.39 a gallon right now. Looks like Tulsa is paying about $2.50.

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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2 hours ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:


Not a fan of his policies, but also not surprised to see both of you piling on a Jewish person in the most macabre way imaginable.

Oh, you again.  You know you're still on my ignore list, right?  I figured you would slip in the good old "Anti-Semite" innuendo for good measure.  You are a rather predictable troll after all.

Let's play a game of "Who Said This?"

"Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?"

"The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern."

Done Googling yet?

Quite the conundrum for you, eh?  Can a Jew be an Anti-Semite?  Or do we call him a "self-hating Jew?"  Perhaps a "self-serving Jew" as he liked to say, since he cared not for human rights clearly... only himself.

Do you see how little regard he had for people, Jews included?

Or do you still want to be lazy and try to shut me up by going with the old standby tactics that have failed you thus far?

Either way, piss off you sad little man.  Get back to me when you find a shred of evidence that I do not like Jewish people.

Or don't.

You won't.


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6 hours ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:


Not a fan of his policies, but also not surprised to see both of you piling on a Jewish person in the most macabre way imaginable.

Oh eff off with that nonsense. I shared a rolling stones article that praised the death of 100 year old war criminal.

Worry about your own awful words you choose to put on this site.

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1 hour ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

Oh eff off with that nonsense. I shared a rolling stones article that praised the death of 100 year old war criminal.

Worry about your own awful words you choose to put on this site.

It’s just interesting both of you went wild the minute the old geezer croaked. It dovetails well. It’s just interesting, everyone is an anti racist until it comes to commenting on Jewish folx. Then the gloves come off…

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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6 hours ago, roadtonowhere08 said:

Oh, you again.  You know you're still on my ignore list, right?  I figured you would slip in the good old "Anti-Semite" innuendo for good measure.  You are a rather predictable troll after all.

Let's play a game of "Who Said This?"

"Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?"

"The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern."

Done Googling yet?

Quite the conundrum for you, eh?  Can a Jew be an Anti-Semite?  Or do we call him a "self-hating Jew?"  Perhaps a "self-serving Jew" as he liked to say, since he cared not for human rights clearly... only himself.

Do you see how little regard he had for people, Jews included?

Or do you still want to be lazy and try to shut me up by going with the old standby tactics that have failed you thus far?

Either way, piss off you sad little man.  Get back to me when you find a shred of evidence that I do not like Jewish people.

Or don't.

You won't.


Thank you for taking the opportunity to respond. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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Why leftists and leftism are stupid 

1. The equality and freedom they claim to be fighting for is only for other leftists. Take Mao's "democratic dictatorship" to be the prime example of this.

2. They complain that European settlers introduced ideas such as the gender binary and civilization to society. 

3. They hate a culture dominated by offensive Judeo-Christian values where people are expected to follow rules because true freedom to them depends not on individual responsibility, but on hedonism and anything goes.

4. A large number of them are dumb people who are jealous that people who are smarter or work harder get ahead. Since they are the foolish ones who fall behind in a meritocracy, they want everything to be stolen from others and given to them so that they don't have to work hard and everyone ends up in the same place. 

5. They don't realize that inequality creates competition and competition leads to innovation.

Life is not fair. Learn to accept it. Even Bill Gates used to say that before the woke pandemic began to destroy America and the world and make it more unfair than it already is.


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1 minute ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

Why leftism is stupid 

1. The equality and freedom they claim to be fighting for is only for other leftists. Take Mao's "democratic dictatorship" to be the prime example of this.

2. They complain that European settlers introduced ideas such as the gender binary and civilization to society. 

3. They hate a culture dominated by offensive Judeo-Christian values where people are expected to follow rules because true freedom to them depends not on individual responsibility, but on hedonism and anything goes.

4. A large number of them are dumb people who are jealous that people who are smarter or work harder get ahead. Since they are the foolish ones who fall behind in a meritocracy, they want everything to be stolen from others and given to them so that they don't have to work. Life is not fair. Learn to accept it.

5. They don't realize that inequality creates competition and competition leads to innovation.


Why MML is stupid

1. See theweatherforums.com for all you need to know!

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On 12/1/2023 at 9:47 AM, Iceresistance said:

I would say that sealed his fate, and allow Nikki Haley to gain ground against Trump

Maybe this sealed Nikki's fate as well. 


Ouch, Nikki busted!🤣 I bet she was fuming later 

Saw this last week, but good enough to still share. 





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19 minutes ago, Stormy said:

Maybe this sealed Nikki's fate as well. 


Ouch, Nikki busted!🤣 I bet she was fuming later 

Saw this last week, but good enough to still share. 





Did you forget that little kids don't understand certain things like adults do?

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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10 hours ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

Not a fan of his policies, but also not surprised to see both of you piling on a Jewish person in the most macabre way imaginable.

And they pile on Bernie Sanders regularly, too!

Oh, wait… they don’t. Almost as if being a Jew is irrelevant and the real issue is the individual’s politics.

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It's called clown range for a reason.

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Many young people want this today

An analogy of Socialism and grades in a classroom

Let’s say there are 30 students in a classroom. Ten of the students work very hard and get A’s. Ten of the students do minimal work and get C’s. The remaining ten students hardly work at all and get F’s. The socialist-teacher (government) decides to distribute all of the grades (goods) evenly for the betterment of the whole. Therefore, he averages all the grades and decides that everyone gets a grade of C. When the A-students discover that their grades do not reflect their hard work, they complain. The teacher disregards their complaints. The A-students are demotivated and don’t work as hard. The C-students realize that the hard work of the A-students is given to them. So, they don’t need to work even less because they are getting the redistributed-benefit of someone else’s work. The F-students realize that if they do nothing, they will still get a better grade. So, they don’t work at all. This causes a further reduction of overall, hard work (goods) in the classroom (society). The overall control of the grade distribution (socialism) required by the socialist-teacher (government), then drops from a C to a D. Seeing this, the A and C Students realize the lack of fairness of this system and are further demotivated.  But when they complain, they are threatened by the teacher with even lower grades (fines and imprisonment) if they resist his socialist governance. The lazy students, of course, like the system because it rewards their laziness. Therefore, the producers don’t want to work at all, and everyone ends up failing. The teacher sees that the overall production of quality of grades (goods) has plummeted and that almost everyone is now suffering from a lower quality product. Therefore, he passes a classroom rule requiring that everybody work harder, and he imposes the threat of giving an F to everyone if they don’t work harder (fines and imprisonment). But this is met with resistance and futility since the system rewards the unproductive and penalizes the producers and bad grades (goods) are the new norm. Eventually, the whole system collapses, the productive students abandon the class and go elsewhere.

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