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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/20/24 in all areas

  1. I actually have a picture of my dad and myself as a child fishing in Jasper National park. It’s hanging on the wall next to me. One of my favourite memories of us together. He passed away in 2017.
    21 points
  2. Garden update. No issue with some chilly nights.
    16 points
  3. Thunder and lightning woke me up at 2:00am and it still going. Just had a massive hit right by the house the windows are shaking from the thunder so epic!
    16 points
  4. 13 points
  5. My Boeing son... who is obsessed with snow and cold and skiing and the greatest defender of the Puget Sound area. He loves all seasons. And scolds me if I ever complain about anything. He has had 17 surgeries related to a birth defect and a different perspective on life.
    13 points
  6. Climbed Mount Adams today. Temps were very cold probably mid-20s at summit with strong winds.
    12 points
  7. Back to Medford after 2 amazing weeks going back home and seeing my parents in Puerto Rico. Looks like we dodge the heatmageddon down here but we were welcome with smoke. Here are some pictures
    11 points
  8. Spotted!!! They are the perfect bedtime shirts actually
    10 points
  9. The Colorado reservoir system did a great job of waking people up when the wildfires didn't. Talking to a friend in Philly, the persistent heat makes this year "feel" different. We are probably 3-5 years out for a wet bulb event in India which will be absolutely horrific and probably another 5 years for one in the US. By 2035 we will probably a wildfire hit a suburban area in Washington and Oregon, a significant Appalachian or Pine Barren fire, a glacial melt lahar on a west coast volcano, and probably an unprecedented meltwater event in Greenland (this year's rain-on-the-cap should be enough to give someone pause). In 2035, the forum will still be around even some personalities here will have changed, with a certain Wizard on the edge of his seat over a 63º low. All that said, people and the planet are pretty resilient and nearly every time someone has screeched from the rooftops or from Twitter that private vehicle ownership is the reason why your children will not see snow, they miss the mark.
    9 points
  10. 12Z EPS for Seattle... most people around the country would call this perfect summer weather.
    9 points
  11. Slushy was pointing to the thunderstorm potential NEXT weekend...here is the Euro
    8 points
  12. A PERFECT BALANCE to the barely noticeable heat of this month. I think we're due now for eight consecutive 100F burgers south of 50°N and four more decades of ridging
    8 points
  13. The Maligne Lodge has been confirmed lost. I was just looking at pictures of Maligne canyon the other day. I remember going there as a kid
    8 points
  14. Truly stunning day. 67 with marine layer making a bit of a comeback now. Shame that it's a Monday and not a Saturday.
    8 points
  15. The Euro has been sniffing out a real frontal passage in about a week. Might end up being a mostly dry one but at least a few members have a decent rain.
    8 points
  16. I woke up to some loud thunder and it looks like there must've been some rain. Really nice morning sky too! Hopefully we don't see too many fires though
    8 points
  17. My kids found the perfect Jesse book!!
    8 points
  18. 06Z ECMWF... initially looks like its trying to be a typical summer trough where the rain doesn't really move inland and fades over Vancouver Island and then this blob of moisture comes riding in the from the west to save the day. Looks so nice.
    7 points
  19. Not weather related but this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
    7 points
  20. This definitely has legs. First real stratiform rain here in July in about a decade. Never has been common, but it's gotten rarer and rarer.
    7 points
  21. 12Z GFS brings back the rain event on Monday and its farther south too.
    7 points
  22. Just saw the rain totals on the 00Z ECMWF... impressive and it goes all the way down into Oregon.
    7 points
  23. It literally felt just like January 6. Cold, clammy, cloudy, and like an insurrection against summer.
    7 points
  24. It’s perfectly within the realms of climo for that location to dip into the low 40s any time of year. I wouldn’t be surprised if every now and then in the right set up that it could hit upper 30s in late July or early August.
    7 points
  25. Yesterday morning vs now at Mt Bachelor:
    7 points
  26. A lot of active weather coming up from the South in Oregon 🌩 the first radar is Medford and the second is Portland.
    7 points
  27. Saw some lightning off to the west. We have some instability over us with some rain. Willamette Valley could see some action overnight.
    7 points
  28. First smoke-enhanced sunset of the season.
    7 points
  29. You take this place way too seriously. You say you don't care, when you clearly do. I do agree that this place is full of trolls and has a pretty awful vibe overall. There are a lot of strange personalities in here that like to antagonize. You are also unfortunately letting some of your bully tendencies show lately. You just have to ignore some of these comments and roll with the punches a little bit better. The random jokes in here don't change the reality of our climate change.
    7 points
  30. Awesome day on the water... the place to be on an 88 degree day. A cold beer and enjoying the warm sun and water with family makes everything else seem unimportant. Summer is short.. make the most of it. Can't change the weather. Can't change the storms of November either.
    7 points
  31. July and August in southern Chile sounds better every year.
    7 points
  32. It's a miracle that place didn't go up in smoke years ago. #thankyoujesse
    6 points
  33. 77 / 53 SUMMER PERFECTION today. Wish it were the rule rather than the exception.
    6 points
  34. A brewski with salt whipping up the nostrils
    6 points
  35. 6 points
  36. Just saw a flash to my southwest, wasn't expecting anything so soon
    6 points
  37. Getting rocked right now in Denver. Streets are rivers.
    6 points
  38. Happy early birthday! Mine is very soon TOO. 21 in two weeks. That makes what, six years on this forum now?
    6 points
  39. Not quite the 90 burger in my backyard but close. Gonna go out and enjoy the warm af evening
    6 points
  40. Really cool picture taken from our county fairgrounds looking north, as the storm was moving south towards town on Tuesday evening.
    6 points
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