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2 hours ago, Hoosier said:

Will be interesting to see what Haley does after super Tuesday.  I haven't looked into it in detail, but I don't think Trump can get enough delegates on Tuesday to officially clinch the nomination.  I don't know how the Haley people are going to be able to spin Tuesday's results... it'll be lame if they say something like "well he hasn't gotten to the magic number yet"

Unless she plans on being another loud anti maga politician going forward, she'll bow out after super Tuesday.

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1 hour ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

We were talking about trump and polling. You brought up Michigan as if he over performed.  I showed you he clearly underperformed. 

You refuse to acknowledge basic facts that don't line up with your dogma.  It's really sad maga has gotten such a tight grip on your frontal cortex.


Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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18 minutes ago, Anti Marine Layer said:

There's a city in Utah named after him. It's a very pretty place. 

OMG dude that made me laugh!

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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3 hours ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

The 100's of thousands of rapes a year in this country already reminds them they have to live in fear.

Your feigned respect for women's health and safety is laughable.

  • Thanks 1
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Then I’ll echo his words.  We SHOULDNT have to but we do.  
I’ve face several creeps and been attacked by one.  This a very long time ago but times haven’t changed.  
There are predators out there. Sadly we have not evolved.  Today I’m more likely to be robbed than raped but no matter which, society is no better today. Perhaps more dangerous.  
Certainly as a woman.
My husband is very cautious about where and when I go alone. Times haven’t changed and with Venezuelan prisoners free to roam it has not gotten better.  

  • Sad 1

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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There is a legit reason why they are doing this: Why is Biden blocking the cheapest, most popular EVs in the world? (msn.com)

It's related to this: 


Obviously, either the media is Pro-China, or has ZERO idea that they are that explosive!

  • Popcorn 1

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Haley wins DC primary. Just about says it all the insider of all insiders wins in the most corrupt place. Corporate loving war monger Nikki!

  • Like 1

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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18 minutes ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

Haley wins DC primary. Just about says it all the insider of all insiders wins in the most corrupt place. Corporate loving war monger Nikki!

Trump's Congressional endorsements: 193

Haley's Congressional endorsements: 3

But yes, please continue to try and gaslight us into believing Trump is still an outsider like he was in 2016. Let me guess - next you're going to try and tell us that Trump actually did drain the swamp like he said he would. The swamp that is now almost 100% behind him. I expect that will also include some mental gymnastics to understand, like most of your posts.

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Let’s hope that they can settle this at the ballot box.  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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17 minutes ago, hawkstwelve said:

Supreme Court reinstated Trump to Colorado's ballot, effectively ending the ability for Democrats to subvert democracy and remove him from various state's ballots. The right decision. 

And Illinois too

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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1 hour ago, Iceresistance said:

What is surprising is that SCOTUS was 9-0 in favor of Trump to stay on the ballot

We all MAGA now. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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It didn't take long for the media to start bashing SOCTUS for their unanimous ruling in favor of Trump

This Supreme Court Decision On The Colorado Ballot Is A Death Threat To The 14th Amendment (msn.com)

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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You know the Democrats are getting desperate when they want to use Congress to kick Trump off the ballot, when he was never found guilty of the Insurrection charges.

Democrats announce bill to kick Trump off the ballot (msn.com)

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Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Saw some very wild and unhinged comments on MSN articles on the SOCTUS ruling 9-0 in favor of Trump

You can't make this stuff up!

Screenshot 2024-03-04 174133.png

Screenshot 2024-03-04 175001.png

Screenshot 2024-03-04 174445.png

Screenshot 2024-03-04 174903.png

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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There are some very left people on the Supreme Court and their rendering their opinion that weighed in Trumps favor may have irked them politically, but in their role on the court they rendered an opinion in his favor.  

That may have been difficult personally but they love the law and weighed in as they did.  
I'm impressed.  
Too many people would have put politics 1st.  

Some words from Judge Barrett.


Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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Can’t wait to get home and watch MSNBC!

  • lol 1

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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I heard Trump was slurring his words.   The frenzy will be interesting.  Why don’t they point out Joe’s errors?  
Plenty to go around.  Time for younger stock.  

  • Like 2
  • Weenie 1

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"   Record High Temp. 120.0*F
Low Temp. - 8.4*F


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10 hours ago, Iceresistance said:

What is surprising is that SCOTUS was 9-0 in favor of Trump to stay on the ballot

I'm not surprised. I knew it would be unanimous. I did think their reasoning was interesting (it's a federal issue, not a state issue), but the potential ramifications of an opposite ruling would have been extremely damaging.

  • Like 1

Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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1 hour ago, Andie said:

I heard Trump was slurring his words.   The frenzy will be interesting.  Why don’t they point out Joe’s errors?  
Plenty to go around.  Time for younger stock.  


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2 hours ago, Andie said:

I heard Trump was slurring his words.   The frenzy will be interesting.  Why don’t they point out Joe’s errors?  
Plenty to go around.  Time for younger stock.  

I found it rather humorous and ironic because at least one of his slurred brain short-circuits came when he was talking about how mentally incompetent Biden is....Pot, meet kettle.

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Checking in on the MSNBC crowd over here. Who are you looking down your noses at tonight?

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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7 hours ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

Checking in on the MSNBC crowd over here. Who are you looking down your noses at tonight?

Every time I come on here I wonder why you haven't been banned yet. 

The only answer that I can come up with is that mods actually like your posts and think you bring value to the conversation - which is unfortunate.

  • Weenie 4
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16 hours ago, Iceresistance said:

Saw some very wild and unhinged comments on MSN articles on the SOCTUS ruling 9-0 in favor of Trump

You can't make this stuff up!

Screenshot 2024-03-04 174133.png

Screenshot 2024-03-04 175001.png

Screenshot 2024-03-04 174445.png

Screenshot 2024-03-04 174903.png

You would think the 9-0 aspect might give people a clue it was the right decision.  Trump haters are just morons.

  • Like 1

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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15 hours ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

Can’t wait to get home and watch MSNBC!

I actually go to MSN online to check up on what the lefties are thinking.  My conclusion is always thank God I'm not one of them.

I was just thinking last night....we go for a about a million years with man knowing their are two obvious genders, but now some "geniuses" on the left say there are 40 and we are just supposed to accept that as gospel.  If you don't buy in you become the worst most intolerant person on the planet.  Just stupid.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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A quick sum up of this interview...

"Mr. President, what will do to fix the economy?"

"Well those people in the diner were great. They were 100% for Trump. I love them. I love them so much. Did you see that? Not a single person for Nikki. Tell them I love them."

"Mr. President, what will you do about Israel and the pushback on the death in Gaza?"

"Well that would have never happened under my watch. It never would have happened. You know that, I know that, people know that. It's a disgrace."

"Mr. President, what will you do to unite the Republican Party?"

"Well Nikki is a liar, she misrepresents facts. It's important to be honest and truthful and she isn't. She's losing horribly and will continue to lose. She's a loser."

Just a complete moron...


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I'm lucky enough to live in a Super Tuesday state. I went ahead and voted for Haley as I've always promised. I doubt it matters at this point, but at least I get to take the moral high ground and say "well I TRIED to keep Trump out of the general election through legal means..."

  • Like 2
  • Weenie 1

Formerly *ahem*: LNK_Weather, TOL_Weather, FAR_Weather, MSP_Weather, IMoveALot_Weather.

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55 minutes ago, hawkstwelve said:

A quick sum up of this interview...

"Mr. President, what will do to fix the economy?"

"Well those people in the diner were great. They were 100% for Trump. I love them. I love them so much. Did you see that? Not a single person for Nikki. Tell them I love them."

"Mr. President, what will you do about Israel and the pushback on the death in Gaza?"

"Well that would have never happened under my watch. It never would have happened. You know that, I know that, people know that. It's a disgrace."

"Mr. President, what will you do to unite the Republican Party?"

"Well Nikki is a liar, she misrepresents facts. It's important to be honest and truthful and she isn't. She's losing horribly and will continue to lose. She's a loser."

Just a complete moron...


Why show a hand of crappy cards when you can keep it to yourself and still win?

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51 minutes ago, Minny_Weather said:

I'm lucky enough to live in a Super Tuesday state. I went ahead and voted for Haley as I've always promised. I doubt it matters at this point, but at least I get to take the moral high ground and say "well I TRIED to keep Trump out of the general election through legal means..."

Let me beat the troll to say that you support and neocon war mongering RINO!!!  For shame!!!

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4 hours ago, snow_wizard said:

I actually go to MSN online to check up on what the lefties are thinking.  My conclusion is always thank God I'm not one of them.

I was just thinking last night....we go for a about a million years with man knowing their are two obvious genders, but now some "geniuses" on the left say there are 40 and we are just supposed to accept that as gospel.  If you don't buy in you become the worst most intolerant person on the planet.  Just stupid.

Me too and it’s good for some super seriously delivered comedy gold. 


Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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