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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/22 in all areas

  1. Then we received a lovely snow. Could do this for 2 or 3 more hrs. 20*.
    12 points
  2. 11 points
  3. I never really post, but have been watching the forums since February 2019. We have also decided to move to Arizona, but to the north in Flagstaff. The price of our home has gone up 300k since we moved to Black Diamond in 2017, just seemed like the right time to sell. I love the snow but my wife loves the sun. Flagstaff averages 90 inches of snow a year and 266 days of sun. Seemed like the perfect compromise. Good luck on your move!
    10 points
  4. Man, it is coming down now. Winds are strong as well. I took a quick pic from the back of my house and it looks quite deep. Looks like a 10" and still not done.
    7 points
  5. I had just under 2.4 inches since 4pm with most of it coming overnight. I pulled my son in our sled to school which is about a quarter or half a mile from us. Tiring but better than clearing the car off. Our school district figures if the main hwy is clear they will have school but should have done a late start.
    6 points
  6. Since ppl are moving….. a seller accepted my offer and me and gf are moving in 20 days baring any changes…..
    6 points
  7. We don't go longer than a week without rain since I came to Kentucky. And I hear winter is the driest time of year. Probably two years worth of rainfall in Klamath Falls fell here since mid-November.
    6 points
  8. Its been more than 15 years since I've heard it roar and snow like this. At least more than 15 years. These days right here. That's why. That's all. I know it's so silly, but when I look outside on nights like tonight and it looks like a snowacane globe and I realize that I'm in Oklahoma and it's silly, I know. I just thank God for making me know what size I am and how very very special it is to still be thought highly of here and cared about after 6 years of my disappointments to you, failures beyond belief and disappointment in chasing hope sometimes like these little snowflakes flying by right now. If I was false hope, I'm so sorry and thank you for this moment. I've been checked out a bit after the warmest December in a millennium. Lol. Thsnk you all. Every one of you. Worst or first. I'm blessed beyond belief. Its a snowglobe outside! ❄
    6 points
  9. I'm not at all sorry for enjoying every last second of this. Thank you. Lol..
    6 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Part 2 of this storm has made it here in Macomb, thankfully. It has been snowing from midday and still snowing. Blowing and drifting snow. I will take measurements soon. It looks like i am in the 8-10inch range. Maybe more. Apparently "Part2" , came more west, instead of sliding to my south. Radar looks awesome. Currently getting moderate snow, along w blowing snow. and temps are in the frigid teens.
    5 points
  12. Just love this view out behind the house on a cool drippy late winter day. Makes it look like I live in the woods but just a random hill by my street.
    5 points
  13. Washington State also has a home buyers program, and I can personally vouch that it's awesome. Six of us at my job took the class in 2019, the certificate lasted for two years, and in that time all of us got a 4% grant for a downpayment on our homes. Combined with what I had saved up, I was able to put 10% down; others basically paid for the closing and put nothing down more than the 4%. If your credit is more than 620 and you make less than $150k a year (more for a couple) than you qualify. It's also great because it's not a first time home buyer program, but just a home buyer program. So you could sell your place and the next day be eligible again. http://www.wshfc.org/buyers/ Don't move to the desert. Isn't the Phoenix area supposed to run out of water in the next 15-20 years? I spent 6 years in a different sandbox, and let me tell you, it's borrrrrrring at best. And bloody hot. Even the occasional sandstorm was just annoying. Plus everyone looks like leather jerky by 50
    5 points
  14. It's been wet!! Raining for nearly 24 hours straight. It was lower 40's when I went to bed and 37 now. Close to an inch has fallen.
    5 points
  15. Pushing -40 at the "ICE BOX" of the lower 48- KINL's record is -40 in 1982 for this date.
    5 points
  16. Light snow falling this morning. I picked up an additional 1.5 overnight. Central Missouri has been hit 2 days in a row and 10-15 inch amounts are common from Sedalia east.
    5 points
  17. Did you let her know that? We got your back Randy......... way back..... from the opposite side of the globe.
    5 points
  18. Go to Joshua’s house. About as dry as it gets.
    4 points
  19. -9 and falling this evening. Deer hanging out by the bird feeder more and more
    4 points
  20. For all my disappointment in the way this played out here, I'm thrilled for you that you're finally getting treated to legit snowstorm down there. I remember posting those maps from the 70's mentioning that we don't seem to get those huge storms with massive coverage running through the OHV anymore. Well..maybe somebody was listening, lol.
    4 points
  21. 48/41 today in Tacoma. Mountain came out a little bit out here in eatonville again.
    4 points
  22. If you want still (relatively) affordable space, property, lack of people and consistent winter snow, Rural New England is your choice. (VT, NH, ME) NH is also tax free (income except capital gains, also no sales tax). I'm already targeting my return. Lived in the Conway area of NH from 2000-2004 and would love to return. Nor'eastas, Arctic Cold, all the annual winter fun
    4 points
  23. Here’s some pics from around 12:30pm today and it’s still snowing. Pretty awesome so far! IMG_1034.MOV
    4 points
  24. How about we all move to Winthrop…Currently 26 degrees and sunny with still nearly 2 feet of snow on the ground!
    3 points
  25. Yeah, Texas is not a place to move for winter weather. It's more likely to be in the 70s in February than in the 20s.
    3 points
  26. As for the home thing. It's really tough. The market got really hot in the mid-2000s, and then crashed with the Great Recession. With COVID we have seen the market continue to heat up. Inventory is extremely low, if we don't see inventory increase dramatically prices will just continue to go higher as supply stays tight. Part of the problem is people are just holding now, no one wants to sell unless they are moving out of state because it's so hard to buy. There is really no such thing as a "starter home" anymore it seems. I read California has a deficit of about 2.3 million single family homes. There is no chance that gets made up, I'm sure Oregon and Washington have a large deficit of homes needed to meet demand as well. Part of the problem, and I'll try not to make this too political, is that it is extremely difficult to get large housing tracts approved on the West Coast (And when new construction does get approved regulation and permitting can add 75-100K to the cost of a single family home in California.). One of the reasons housing is less expensive in places like Texas and Oklahoma is because there is almost no regulation around building, supply is constantly increasing, and families frequently upgrade, so there are always a lot of homes on the market. Also out there you see, low, medium, and high end construction. In the PNW almost all new construction is on the higher end of the market because it's so limited the builders are going to go where the profit is. I don't see the situation getting any better any time soon. Even if prices dropped 10-20% at some point they would still be extremely high. I worry about it because at some point if only high income earners can attain home ownership, then I think we could see not only a society where we do not value private property, but where private property owners are resented and eventually are targeted politically or through ever increasing tax burdens.
    3 points
  27. Just watched some news coverage out of the Dallas area... 22 degrees with snow covered freeways in the middle of the day.
    3 points
  28. I do want to live here in western WA…but there’s basically no chance of buying a house around here. Just too expensive. The more I think about it the more I want to move to a state where it’s not so d*mn expensive. Can’t imagine it’ll get any better in the next 10 years and I don’t want to be a renter my whole life. I know how some of y’all feel about texas…but my friends down there are getting a pretty decent snow right now so it might not be the worst place to go in terms of climo.
    3 points
  29. As soon as everyone on the forum moves away from Western Washington/Oregon we will most likely have a January 1950 repeat! A co-workers friend that bought a place in a development in Arlington on 1acre lots back in 2009 for $380k just sold it after being on the market for 1 day for $970k. They apparently just paid cash on a place somewhere in eastern Wa on 50 acres. Now is definitely the time to make a move if you have the desire.
    3 points
  30. See, I'm just not sure that's a good thing. I would definitely miss the cold, rain, and snow. But some things are more important than climate. Bleh, I feel dirty saying that.
    3 points
  31. Heck yeah, I would absolutely live in Flagstaff. Seems like the best of both worlds.
    3 points
  32. Yeah it is, I don't want to bring up politics but fertilizer needs quite a bit of dirty stuff to make it happen. Basically, a lot of fertilizer production is outsourced to China since we have too much green regulations to allow it to be made here, but China is increasing their green regulations which means the price is going up. A bit like recycling steel, where it's too dirty to do over here because of regulations, so it's all loaded into a ship and sent to the other side of the world to be done in the same polluting way it would be done here, if environmental regulations allowed it.
    3 points
  33. Yeah I probably should've accepted this a long time ago, but I'm waving the white flag. Looks warm and still no precip through at least mid Feb. I know stuff can randomly pop up in mid range, but if it's already been this dry for this long I don't see why it won't continue.
    3 points
  34. Yeah. My in-laws have a second home there and my brother in law (and this adorable dog, I can't leave her!) just moved down there. The neighborhood they are in is so clean, the people are all so friendly, and there are incredible facilities included in a cheap HOA. Of course, cost of living is much lower there as well, and I'm losing hope in being able to afford anything decent here. 450K gets you a newish 1800 square foot house and a pool. The summer heat might kill me, but at least they have monsoons.
    3 points
  35. Look at spring trying to fight for an early arrival!
    3 points
  36. Our company took 3 pieces of equipment to St Louis to snow fight. VID_49070305_234803_651.mp4
    3 points
  37. To my point above- no WC advisory for DSM but for OMA?? It should be the other way around. Splitting brass tacks some might say?? While-- many schools and busniess base their deals (limited) on what the NWS says. It still feels the same- but for many that just go on graphics alone- a disservice done -- unless OMX and DMX have different levels of wind chill advisory criteria which I doubt HIGHLY. --- but maybe I'am bored and need to find another hobby :O)
    3 points
  38. So, we managed to reach the 5" mark here this evening. Matches the Clippers total, lol. Ofc, with all the compaction of 4:1 ratio slopfest this morning, depth is pretty much the 3.5 to 4" we had prior to all this hoopla that some mega-dog was brewing for the "eastern sub". This place has been in a 2-4" snow depth rut all winter that it seems impossible to break out of. Talk about repeating patterns, lol. I'm beyond wanting to fast-forward to spring. At least my health continues to improve, but the cold is not helping at all in that dept. More like I am making progress in spite of it.
    3 points
  39. Remember, this storm that's just ending across the S OHV was originally portrayed as a rainer then seasonal suppression got involved and now S Indiana and OK are getting a storm. What I see in that loop above = congrats Florida if if follows the same progression. As shown, it barely scrapes Lwr Michigan and I wouldn't bet on a N trend this time of year.
    2 points
  40. We’re heading for a low of 14. Humidity is 75%. We’ll stay cloudy till Saturday. High tomorrow will crack freezing at 33*. The wind chills around No Tx are single digits. Husband put in a full day of Emergency Fleet management and another day ahead. No one else came in. He had the joint to himself. But Police and Fire were grateful. Fun times!!
    2 points
  41. A lot of us are really hurting. Pretty weird map for the start of February.
    2 points
  42. Nah, you are absolutely right. There is definitely a historical bias in favor of those old names that are...silly.
    2 points
  43. Looks like the GFS is trending towards the JMA way of thinking with the MJO staying in phase 3. I think there will be some big warm ups ahead of some of these storms down my way but hopefully they stay brief. GFS hitting at our next artic outbreak as well, this map may be a few days early with it. I've been looking forward to this one.
    2 points
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