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Rubus Leucodermis

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12 minutes ago, Stormy said:

And Mike Pence just shot himself in the foot and is done as well after what he said here in Iowa. You can tell he's totally ticked off! What a loser. 


That Mike Pence quote about Ukraine has really been mischaracterized by MAGA and now it's running rampant. Both the question and answer were phrased weird - Tucker charges that Pence's main concern was aid to Ukraine and then asks where his concern was for the US. Pence responded to the accusation of Ukraine being his main concern by saying it wasn't and then proceeded to talk about the issues in America. If he was saying issues in America was not his main concern, as it's been played by you guys, wouldn't he have continued to talk about aid to Ukraine, which was apparently his largest concern? 

Look, I'm not a Mike Pence fan in the slightest but that was a nothingburger. Let's try to call balls and strikes where we see them, yeah? 

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He’s clearly completely disconnected from the American people.   
Adios Mike!

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"  Record High Temp. - 120.00*F  Low Temp. - 8.4*F

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Regarding Vivek Ramaswamy - He wasn't on my radar at all originally. I heard that he wanted to pardon Trump and pretty much wrote him off as Trump-lite. But I've watched numerous interviews he has done and holy shmokes that guy is super smart, extremely articulate, always answers the question directly, and has some incredibly bold ideas for this country. Among some of those ideas:

  • Dissolve the Department of Education, effectively killing the federal stranglehold and bureaucracy on our education system and giving that power back to state and local municipalities. This goes hand-in-hand with trying to slow the indoctrination of Democrat policies on our children often at least partially originating from the federal level. Progressives will roll their eyes at this but most common sense folks recognize that schools, especially higher education, are pumping that stuff out as much as they can and it needs to be reigned in.
  • Solve the war in Ukraine by brokering a peace treaty where territorial lines are left exactly as they stand today but Putin has to give up his nuclear arms near Poland, no Russian military anywhere in the Western hemisphere, and has to cut all military ties with China. The idea behind this is China is by far our largest threat and Russia/China together pose a grave danger to our country. Right or wrong, and this is sure to cause some stir ("We're just going to give a dictator some land he stole?!"), he argues that breaking that up now by leveraging Ukraine is in the best interest for America. It's an interesting take.
  • "Civic Duty Voting" which requires high school graduates to either pass the same test immigrants pass to become legal in our country, or serve the United States in some capacity (military or civil) for six months; if neither of those are done, you cannot vote in our country until you turn 25. He has talked repeatedly about the lack of patriotism and basic understanding of American democracy in our youth. He believes a program like this will help reinvigorate what it means to be an American and have a more engaged youth participate in this country elections with more knowledge of how things work and our founding principles. 

While we can debate the likelihood of those positions coming to pass, you have to admit it's bold thinking and it's pretty refreshing in that regard. Something I have heard him talk a lot about as a pillar of his campaign, and I agree wholeheartedly, is we as Americans have lost our sense of identity. Faith, family, country - those general ideals that used to unite us have all gone to the wayside. Now you have a large section of the country (especially young people) who are looking for something, anything to latch on to. To give hope for. To feel a part of. That's why there is such a propensity of extremes on both sides - extreme activists, anarchists, conspiracy theorists... That lack of American identity has given rise to all these false prophets, if you will. People who have a hole that they need to fill and then latch on to something unhealthy to fill it. I personally know this accurately describes some of my ultra-MAGA family members. They speak like they are a part of something greater, like they know things and are involved with things beyond what us "normal folks" even know about. Otherwise, they lead a very ordinary and mundane life. Vivek's stance is lets erase those bad outlets and go back to the founding ideals of what this country was created on. We've become so focused on the diversity of our country and all our various differences while forgetting what truly unites us all - being Americans and what that means at its core.

I realize this has become a wall of text but I just wanted to share some of the things I've learned about this guy and throw out some of his ideas to the group on here. He has really impressed me over the past month or so and like I mentioned before, his poll numbers have slowly been rising. Something is catching on with voters. I'm keeping a close eye on him.

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2 hours ago, hawkstwelve said:

Regarding Vivek Ramaswamy - He wasn't on my radar at all originally. I heard that he wanted to pardon Trump and pretty much wrote him off as Trump-lite. But I've watched numerous interviews he has done and holy shmokes that guy is super smart, extremely articulate, always answers the question directly, and has some incredibly bold ideas for this country. Among some of those ideas:

  • Dissolve the Department of Education, effectively killing the federal stranglehold and bureaucracy on our education system and giving that power back to state and local municipalities. This goes hand-in-hand with trying to slow the indoctrination of Democrat policies on our children often at least partially originating from the federal level. Progressives will roll their eyes at this but most common sense folks recognize that schools, especially higher education, are pumping that stuff out as much as they can and it needs to be reigned in.
  • Solve the war in Ukraine by brokering a peace treaty where territorial lines are left exactly as they stand today but Putin has to give up his nuclear arms near Poland, no Russian military anywhere in the Western hemisphere, and has to cut all military ties with China. The idea behind this is China is by far our largest threat and Russia/China together pose a grave danger to our country. Right or wrong, and this is sure to cause some stir ("We're just going to give a dictator some land he stole?!"), he argues that breaking that up now by leveraging Ukraine is in the best interest for America. It's an interesting take.
  • "Civic Duty Voting" which requires high school graduates to either pass the same test immigrants pass to become legal in our country, or serve the United States in some capacity (military or civil) for six months; if neither of those are done, you cannot vote in our country until you turn 25. He has talked repeatedly about the lack of patriotism and basic understanding of American democracy in our youth. He believes a program like this will help reinvigorate what it means to be an American and have a more engaged youth participate in this country elections with more knowledge of how things work and our founding principles. 

While we can debate the likelihood of those positions coming to pass, you have to admit it's bold thinking and it's pretty refreshing in that regard. Something I have heard him talk a lot about as a pillar of his campaign, and I agree wholeheartedly, is we as Americans have lost our sense of identity. Faith, family, country - those general ideals that used to unite us have all gone to the wayside. Now you have a large section of the country (especially young people) who are looking for something, anything to latch on to. To give hope for. To feel a part of. That's why there is such a propensity of extremes on both sides - extreme activists, anarchists, conspiracy theorists... That lack of American identity has given rise to all these false prophets, if you will. People who have a hole that they need to fill and then latch on to something unhealthy to fill it. I personally know this accurately describes some of my ultra-MAGA family members. They speak like they are a part of something greater, like they know things and are involved with things beyond what us "normal folks" even know about. Otherwise, they lead a very ordinary and mundane life. Vivek's stance is lets erase those bad outlets and go back to the founding ideals of what this country was created on. We've become so focused on the diversity of our country and all our various differences while forgetting what truly unites us all - being Americans and what that means at its core.

I realize this has become a wall of text but I just wanted to share some of the things I've learned about this guy and throw out some of his ideas to the group on here. He has really impressed me over the past month or so and like I mentioned before, his poll numbers have slowly been rising. Something is catching on with voters. I'm keeping a close eye on him.

Do you really think he could overcome these folks who will be voting in the primaries?



Bristol Smith, a manager at a McDonald’s in Maryville, Tenn., came across Vivek Ramaswamy’s name this spring, shortly after Mr. Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur, announced he was running for president. Mr. Smith was intrigued. He liked the way Mr. Ramaswamy “stands up against the wokeness” and his plan to send the military to the southern border to combat drug cartels. He respected Mr. Ramaswamy’s acumen as a businessman worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Then Mr. Smith, 25, searched for Mr. Ramaswamy’s faith. Mr. Smith is an evangelical Christian who recently started a small church that meets at his parents’ house.

“I looked up his religion and saw he’s Hindu,” he recalled. “I was going to vote for him until that came up.” What the country needs is to be “put back under God,” as Mr. Smith sees it, and he doesn’t want to take a chance on someone who is not a Christian.

At that point, he said, “I got back on President Trump’s train.”



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8 hours ago, DareDuck said:

Unsurprisingly this didn’t receive a reply. Guess there wasn’t a link riddled with false info he could find. 

Looks like the July 26 thing is a scam, but Biden did say something about using digital currency to control what we can buy, such as how much meat we can buy if we're to save the world from climate change. Something like China's social credit system. 

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3 hours ago, hawkstwelve said:

Faith, family, country.

Sounds vaguely familiar.


No thanks.

Or maybe I should ask: what faiths, what families? I get the feeling some would be much more equal than others.


It's called clown range for a reason.

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49 minutes ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

Sounds vaguely familiar.


No thanks.

Or maybe I should ask: what faiths, what families? I get the feeling some would be much more equal than others.


Just because a similar phrase was once used for nefarious purposes doesn't discount it's intended effects in this context. It's suppose to signal commonalities that we can all have a sense of sharing as Americans, along with our inalienable rights. I think it's important to have that undercurrent regardless of whatever specific faiths or family makeups that may entail.

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30 minutes ago, hawkstwelve said:

Just because a similar phrase was once used for nefarious purposes doesn't discount it's intended effects in this context. It's suppose to signal commonalities that we can all have a sense of sharing as Americans, along with our inalienable rights. I think it's important to have that undercurrent regardless of whatever specific faiths or family makeups that may entail.

Faith in the human ability to use reason and science to create a more egalitarian and free world.

Families based on love, which can include same-sex love.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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2 hours ago, SnarkyGoblin said:

Do you really think he could overcome these folks who will be voting in the primaries?


I don't know. I said he's risen in the polls and is an interesting dark horse candidate, not that he'll win the Republican nomination. 

I realize it's pretty anecdotal but moving here to an area that has more faith in the community, of varying degrees, from an area that was lacking faith of just about any kind has been a nice change. We've had talks with other local families about how it's nice to just have that foundational base in common. It might be different flavors of religion but at least you know your neighbor has some sense of a moral compass. A north star guiding them, if you will. I would hope other Republican primary voters might view things similarly and not write him off just because he's Hindu.

Ultimately the First Amendment is still very important, even if you encourage leaning into overall faith as a bedrock principal of our country. Not everyone needs to follow that encourgement or agree with it but raising that sense of hope that faith can provide instead of shunning it to the corner is an important part of turning our country around, IMO.

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2 minutes ago, Rubus Leucodermis said:

Maybe if he weren’t such a criminal he wouldn’t get indicted so much.

Then why is Biden not being indicted from mishandling of classified documents?

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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17 hours ago, hawkstwelve said:

I don't know. I said he's risen in the polls and is an interesting dark horse candidate, not that he'll win the Republican nomination. 

I realize it's pretty anecdotal but moving here to an area that has more faith in the community, of varying degrees, from an area that was lacking faith of just about any kind has been a nice change. We've had talks with other local families about how it's nice to just have that foundational base in common. It might be different flavors of religion but at least you know your neighbor has some sense of a moral compass. A north star guiding them, if you will. I would hope other Republican primary voters might view things similarly and not write him off just because he's Hindu.

Ultimately the First Amendment is still very important, even if you encourage leaning into overall faith as a bedrock principal of our country. Not everyone needs to follow that encourgement or agree with it but raising that sense of hope that faith can provide instead of shunning it to the corner is an important part of turning our country around, IMO.

I am not religious in the slightest, but I totally understand why people are.  Faith bringing comforting hope cannot be understated as a powerful healing tool and source of personal power.  In that sense, I view some form of spirituality (including religion) as a very positive influence on humans for the reasons you pointed out.  Everyone needs some form of comfort and guidance when things get rough.

Where it all goes wrong is when people become dogmatic and tribalistic about it.  Good hearted religious people of all faiths have a LOT in common.  Same goes for good hearted agnostics and atheists.  Good people are good people.  I wish that was emphasized and celebrated more.

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29 minutes ago, roadtonowhere08 said:

Where it all goes wrong is when people become dogmatic and tribalistic about it.  Good hearted religious people of all faiths have a LOT in common.  Same goes for good hearted agnostics and atheists.  Good people are good people.  I wish that was emphasized and celebrated more.

And freedom of religion was intended to mean (in part) freedom for people to be openly athiest basically since day one.


The error seems not sufficiently eradicated, that the operations of the mind, as well as the acts of the body, are subjects to the coercion of the laws. But our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them. The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God. The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. [emphasis added]

— Thomas Jefferson

Source: https://tjrs.monticello.org/letter/2260

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It's called clown range for a reason.

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2 hours ago, Iceresistance said:

Then why is Biden not being indicted from mishandling of classified documents?

Good question.  
Likely same reason they destroyed the baggie of coke and didn’t at least check it for prints.  
Equal under the law….sure. 

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Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"  Record High Temp. - 120.00*F  Low Temp. - 8.4*F

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A Letter of Warning to Young Woke People

I think you’ll find what I have to say to you mostly incomprehensible, but you need to hear it. What you are participating in, whether you know it or not, is Western Maoism. This is what your schools and universities and influencers are miseducating you—brainwashing you—into. Western Maoism. Maoism with American characteristics. You might think that’s pretty cool because you don’t know much real history, but you need to know about where it goes because it doesn’t go well for you in the end. If your movement loses, you lose. If your movement wins, you lose. In the meantime, you lose yourselves. You are being molded into the Western equivalent of Mao Zedong’s infamous Red Guard, which he made use of for just two years before destroying them. He explained clearly that different things are needed at different phases of the revolution, and then they’re not needed anymore. He needed a youth rebellion to remove his political enemies and to consolidate his power—until he didn’t anymore. In 1967 they succeeded at defeating Mao’s political rival in the CCP, Liu Shaoqi, and within months, Mao declared the movement too Left, too radical, too destabilizing and unleashed his People’s Liberation Army to put it down. Some died. Most were sent to the countryside to get re-education in labor camps while living in squalor and primitive conditions. That was their reward. Yours will be similar. To get a little historical, the whole philosophy behind “Woke” is based upon the formulations of GWF Hegel’s vision from the early 19th century for how to move History to its intended “End” (the right side of history), and that’s through conflict. Manufacture the conflict, use the conflict, and move History with the conflict through a kind of social alchemy. You are the agents of that manufactured conflict: change agents, or “historical agents.” What Hegel said about you, though, is this: “History uses people and then discards them.” As a movement, Woke believes itself to be the movement of History. History is using you to move itself. Once it does, it will discard you. The conflicts of yesterday aren’t relevant today, and they won’t be needed tomorrow. The agents of History today lose their relevance in the instant they succeed, and History moves on, necessarily without you and the conflict you generated. You know how everything in Woke philosophy is “temporal,” “spacial,” and “contingent”? It’s all a matter of some time in some place? So are you. You are a contingency for the Woke movement. You have your time—until you don’t. When you become useless or a hindrance to the movement of History, you will be discarded. Every Marxist and Hegelian movement in history has proceeded this way, and this one will not be different. I wish you luck with that. In the past, activists like yourselves were seen as useful “political prostitutes,” and after the revolution, you were lined up against the wall and shot or deported to labor-reeducation camps and ground into destruction. Mao explained all of this in 1957, though if you’ve read it, you probably can’t realize it applies to you. He separated the world into “the people” and “enemies” and detailed how each are to be properly dealt with. The “enemies” are to be hated, silenced, bullied, even beaten and destroyed. That’s mostly your job, though the government will help just far enough so that it doesn’t look tyrannical. The “people” are to be handled differently: reeducated, brainwashed, criticized, struggled, until they hold all and only the right opinions and never the wrong ones, which is a process that takes their entire lives. That’s what you’ve signed up for, thinking yourselves virtuous, seeking absolution for your good fortune and privilege, seeking revenge for the inequities you perceive in your “lived experience.” Everyone in this system is abused, though. You know it. You live it. You give it, and you receive it—constantly. What you need to understand about the people you’ve been trained to see as your “enemies,” or “transphobes,” “racists,” “fascists,” “homophobes,” or whatever else, is that most of the people you think are those things are not those things at all. You have been trained to hate, allegedly in the name of “stopping hate.” These people are, by and large, trying to warn you, not trying to uphold “oppression.” What you need to know about the people in the movement you’re supporting, “the people,” including your friends in the movement, is that you’re less than disposable to them. Contingent barely covers it. The Woke movement pretends to care about you—or, worse, “people who look like you”—but it does not. It is using you so its sociopathic fringe can gain power over society, using you as cannon fodder for their unconventional political warfare apparatus. Instead of living your life, growing, learning, preparing a future, you’re doing activism, for them. And they will discard you. Will. Why? Because you are worse than disposable once they get power: you’re a problem. You don’t just become obsolete as the revolution succeeds; you become a liability to what follows. You are being trained by this movement to be a destabilizer. That’s what all that “disrupt and dismantle” stuff is about. You are misled to believe you’re disrupting and dismantling systems of oppression, but you’re merely displacing the existing society for one they’ll seize control over. You’re disrupting and dismantling the foundations of your own liberty so that tyrants can rule over not just the people you have been trained to hate but over everyone. They need you to destabilize the existing system but not the new one they have planned for us. Their intention is to establish a perfectly stable system with them (not most of you) on top of it, and people trained and brainwashed to be destabilizers are a problem in such a system. Mao said that himself too. Like I said, he said that the handling of the people is different in the different phases of the revolution. First you encourage and support destabilizers, and then you crack down on them so that there’s total stability under the new standard. He called it “socialist discipline” under “democratic centralism.” Today it’s called “sustainability and inclusion” under “stakeholder capitalism.” You are an asset today and will be a liability tomorrow. You will be discarded, coldly and violently, if necessary— not by your enemies but by the movement you are supporting. Make no mistake. This fate has awaited the “change agents” of every red revolution in history. Communist defectors have been trying to tell you for decades, longer than most of you have been alive. It’s written all over the pages of history of Communist and other tyrannical regimes, if you will just read them. It will not be different in anything except method this time. If you, as Wokes, “win,” you surely lose—all but the most sociopathic and sycophantic of you, in which case you hollow yourselves out, sell your souls (if you have one left by then), and become a true monster of history. If you don’t believe me, let me ask you: do you see any identity politics in China today? Is China Woke? Will it go Woke? No! They already did that, and that phase of their revolution is over. It is viciously suppressed there, and they laugh at you here in the West and call you baizuo, white left. They know what you are and how misinformed and misguided you are. Their operatives attempt to stoke these fires and use you because you are strategically useful to their anti-American aims, which you foolishly might share. In China, however, they’re openly encouraging patriarchy and masculinity. They’re 2 racially ruthless. They stamp out homosexuality. Why? They did Intersectionality already with red and black identity groups, got what they wanted out of it, and discarded it (and its change agents) in favor of power. That’s your future. Look at the screen, scan your face, and smile for the government, and don’t dare signal in any way that you think anything you shouldn’t be thinking. You have been falsely convinced that you’re the protagonists in a vast morality play called “the arc of History” and that you’re “bending it toward justice.” You’re “on the right side of History,” and that feels good—right up until the boot comes crashing down on your face. Then you’ll realize it. You are bending the arc of history, of course, if we can even indulge such a metaphor, and you’re bending it straight into a twenty-first-century gulag, whatever those will look like in our increasingly Black Mirror society. You will be “thought reformed,” or you will be discarded. Do you want to be its guard, Agent Smith? Would you like to be its corrupt administrator? Is it worth the sale of your soul? Some of you might aspire to such a demonic station in your lives, but most of you don’t. You’ll be subjected to it instead. Even if you take up this evil ambition, don’t you know where it goes? Constant paranoia. Constant fear. The Red Guard was utilized to destroy Mao’s political enemies in the CCP. And what will you do when they change the specifications of the ideology, perhaps deciding that trans rights are too expensive and disruptive for the new system that no longer needs that means of social agitation? What will you do? Resist? Good luck with that, comrade. So, if you win, you lose. You have a right to wonder how this happened to you. Why have your generations been co-opted into this horrible situation? Your education, your schools, your entertainment, your universities, your peers tried to make you “change agents” and “global citizens” instead of educated adults. If this system wins, you lose because you know too much and are too big a problem. Your only option will be to sell your soul to it, and how much is that worth to you? Think I’m kidding about that, by the way? Mao said, “not to have correct political opinions is like not having a soul.” Think about that and what this is costing you, whether you participate or cower against it. Doesn’t that ring true? That’s what you’re sacrificing. Every time you tell a lie to fit in, you sell part of your soul. How many lies have you told to fit in with the “critical” crowd around you? This corruption of you and your future is happening all around you, but most importantly in place of your education, which could otherwise protect you from it. You’re not getting the education you could be or perhaps aren’t getting a real education at all. You’re not learning to be informed, independent adults who can answer questions about reality and navigate it successfully. You’re being taught you have to defer to some kind of expert to answer a question like “what is a woman?” There are costs to this, and not just the obvious ones for you and your future on a personal level. The thing you consider your education is simultaneously being degraded in every meaningful sense of the word, corrupted at its most essential level. You are losing your chance to get educated while the thing we call education itself is corrupting itself into its opposite. You are becoming less functional for the world ahead of you, so your education is corrupted, and you are becoming less and less marketable in the future world, whichever system wins, so the credentialing function education serves is also being corrupted. Of course, the perversity of this is that they’re not just doing this to you, they’re making you demand they do it to you too—“for justice.” 3 Whichever system wins, you’re getting degrees that are increasingly being seen as liabilities, not assets, in the working world that lies around or ahead of you. If that future is not Woke, you’re a liability to it because you’ve been trained to be a Woke destabilizer and learned to focus on social theory instead of genuine education and skills. If that future is Woke, you’re a liability to it because you’ve been trained to be a destabilizer that the incoming system not only doesn’t want but can’t abide. And again, they’ve convinced you to demand this in place of a genuine education. It’s sick. You have at most one option: to sell out completely. To have nothing authentic left about yourself. The only place you will have a future is inside the most corrupt megacorporate sector that is our new Western Soviet—a council of “stakeholders” that knows “the Science of Right Human Relations” and the keys to “Sustainable Development.” If it supports trans rights and reducing emissions today, you will support those things. If it changes its mind tomorrow for the glory of the new system, so will you, or you will be eliminated. Your only path to success inside the system is to become a hollow, soulless functionary in a fascistic megacorporate and/or governmental public-private partnership machine. Your only path to success outside the system is to abandon it as soon as possible and start healing yourself psychologically, emotionally, and educationally. Your fate if the Woke system wins, to be disposed of or hollowed out and used as a functionary of its changing whims, should have little appeal. It certainly won’t bring about justice, and it won’t allow you to be a prosperous individual, or an individual at all. Your false prosperity will be available in direct proportion to your inauthenticity and corruptibility, the markers of your true utility to the machine you don’t seem to realize you’re supporting. On the other hand, your fate if the Woke system loses, is a hard life that’s made easier only by repenting of these errors and working to correct them, and the sooner the better. Already employers throughout the West increasingly suspect that if you have a college degree at all you’re probably Woke, radically Leftist, entitled, unlikely to work hard, likely to create a hostile working environment, underskilled, and likely to sue if fired even on perfectly solid grounds. If you’re Woke, they know it’s true. You’re a liability to them, and many of them are only still hiring you because they have to to keep their place in the corrupt corporate scoring schemes that control the way business is now done in the West. You are either unhirable or hirable only to satisfy the ESG demands of a sprawling corrupt bureaucracy. If that gives way, who are you? If it succeeds and you participate in it, what are you? So, why you? Because you happen to be the age you are at the worst time in Western history to be the age you are, and because many of you come from wealth and status and other resources the System covets and requires to succeed (they’re not really against “privilege,” they just want to redistribute and repurpose it). They need those resources. They need your enthusiasm and zeal. They need your impressionable minds. They need the future citizens and the future leaders, but History uses people and then discards them. They don’t need you for long, and they only need you for specific purposes, then you will be corrected or discarded, unless you choose to come off worse by selling out. My message to you about the Woke Marxist movement is simple. You need to know what you’re really involved in, stop participating, deprogram yourself and your friends, and start fighting for the blessings of Liberty that allowed you to have the privilege to think this way in the first place. You can and might lose it—the first generation in American history to face the loss of liberty, and you’re enslaving yourselves. You’ve been sold a false promise of “liberation” in place of liberty, and you need to realize you’ve been scammed. 4 “Liberation” movements are lies. Mao called his army—the same one he dispatched to destroy your counterparts in the Red Guard—the People’s Liberation Army for a reason. The oldest recorded cautionary tale in human history, the story of the Serpent and Eve in the third chapter of Genesis, warns you about liberation, whether you are religious or not. Liberation is a destructive lie. You need to fight for Liberty. Your chains are forged by frauds and locked only in your heads. You are the future. Your choices matter. Choose better. 5

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36 minutes ago, Anti Marine Layer said:


A Letter of Warning to Young Woke People

I think you’ll find what I have to say to you mostly incomprehensible, but you need to hear it. What you are participating in, whether you know it or not, is Western Maoism. This is what your schools and universities and influencers are miseducating you—brainwashing you—into. Western Maoism. Maoism with American characteristics. You might think that’s pretty cool because you don’t know much real history, but you need to know about where it goes because it doesn’t go well for you in the end. If your movement loses, you lose. If your movement wins, you lose. In the meantime, you lose yourselves. You are being molded into the Western equivalent of Mao Zedong’s infamous Red Guard, which he made use of for just two years before destroying them. He explained clearly that different things are needed at different phases of the revolution, and then they’re not needed anymore. He needed a youth rebellion to remove his political enemies and to consolidate his power—until he didn’t anymore. In 1967 they succeeded at defeating Mao’s political rival in the CCP, Liu Shaoqi, and within months, Mao declared the movement too Left, too radical, too destabilizing and unleashed his People’s Liberation Army to put it down. Some died. Most were sent to the countryside to get re-education in labor camps while living in squalor and primitive conditions. That was their reward. Yours will be similar. To get a little historical, the whole philosophy behind “Woke” is based upon the formulations of GWF Hegel’s vision from the early 19th century for how to move History to its intended “End” (the right side of history), and that’s through conflict. Manufacture the conflict, use the conflict, and move History with the conflict through a kind of social alchemy. You are the agents of that manufactured conflict: change agents, or “historical agents.” What Hegel said about you, though, is this: “History uses people and then discards them.” As a movement, Woke believes itself to be the movement of History. History is using you to move itself. Once it does, it will discard you. The conflicts of yesterday aren’t relevant today, and they won’t be needed tomorrow. The agents of History today lose their relevance in the instant they succeed, and History moves on, necessarily without you and the conflict you generated. You know how everything in Woke philosophy is “temporal,” “spacial,” and “contingent”? It’s all a matter of some time in some place? So are you. You are a contingency for the Woke movement. You have your time—until you don’t. When you become useless or a hindrance to the movement of History, you will be discarded. Every Marxist and Hegelian movement in history has proceeded this way, and this one will not be different. I wish you luck with that. In the past, activists like yourselves were seen as useful “political prostitutes,” and after the revolution, you were lined up against the wall and shot or deported to labor-reeducation camps and ground into destruction. Mao explained all of this in 1957, though if you’ve read it, you probably can’t realize it applies to you. He separated the world into “the people” and “enemies” and detailed how each are to be properly dealt with. The “enemies” are to be hated, silenced, bullied, even beaten and destroyed. That’s mostly your job, though the government will help just far enough so that it doesn’t look tyrannical. The “people” are to be handled differently: reeducated, brainwashed, criticized, struggled, until they hold all and only the right opinions and never the wrong ones, which is a process that takes their entire lives. That’s what you’ve signed up for, thinking yourselves virtuous, seeking absolution for your good fortune and privilege, seeking revenge for the inequities you perceive in your “lived experience.” Everyone in this system is abused, though. You know it. You live it. You give it, and you receive it—constantly. What you need to understand about the people you’ve been trained to see as your “enemies,” or “transphobes,” “racists,” “fascists,” “homophobes,” or whatever else, is that most of the people you think are those things are not those things at all. You have been trained to hate, allegedly in the name of “stopping hate.” These people are, by and large, trying to warn you, not trying to uphold “oppression.” What you need to know about the people in the movement you’re supporting, “the people,” including your friends in the movement, is that you’re less than disposable to them. Contingent barely covers it. The Woke movement pretends to care about you—or, worse, “people who look like you”—but it does not. It is using you so its sociopathic fringe can gain power over society, using you as cannon fodder for their unconventional political warfare apparatus. Instead of living your life, growing, learning, preparing a future, you’re doing activism, for them. And they will discard you. Will. Why? Because you are worse than disposable once they get power: you’re a problem. You don’t just become obsolete as the revolution succeeds; you become a liability to what follows. You are being trained by this movement to be a destabilizer. That’s what all that “disrupt and dismantle” stuff is about. You are misled to believe you’re disrupting and dismantling systems of oppression, but you’re merely displacing the existing society for one they’ll seize control over. You’re disrupting and dismantling the foundations of your own liberty so that tyrants can rule over not just the people you have been trained to hate but over everyone. They need you to destabilize the existing system but not the new one they have planned for us. Their intention is to establish a perfectly stable system with them (not most of you) on top of it, and people trained and brainwashed to be destabilizers are a problem in such a system. Mao said that himself too. Like I said, he said that the handling of the people is different in the different phases of the revolution. First you encourage and support destabilizers, and then you crack down on them so that there’s total stability under the new standard. He called it “socialist discipline” under “democratic centralism.” Today it’s called “sustainability and inclusion” under “stakeholder capitalism.” You are an asset today and will be a liability tomorrow. You will be discarded, coldly and violently, if necessary— not by your enemies but by the movement you are supporting. Make no mistake. This fate has awaited the “change agents” of every red revolution in history. Communist defectors have been trying to tell you for decades, longer than most of you have been alive. It’s written all over the pages of history of Communist and other tyrannical regimes, if you will just read them. It will not be different in anything except method this time. If you, as Wokes, “win,” you surely lose—all but the most sociopathic and sycophantic of you, in which case you hollow yourselves out, sell your souls (if you have one left by then), and become a true monster of history. If you don’t believe me, let me ask you: do you see any identity politics in China today? Is China Woke? Will it go Woke? No! They already did that, and that phase of their revolution is over. It is viciously suppressed there, and they laugh at you here in the West and call you baizuo, white left. They know what you are and how misinformed and misguided you are. Their operatives attempt to stoke these fires and use you because you are strategically useful to their anti-American aims, which you foolishly might share. In China, however, they’re openly encouraging patriarchy and masculinity. They’re 2 racially ruthless. They stamp out homosexuality. Why? They did Intersectionality already with red and black identity groups, got what they wanted out of it, and discarded it (and its change agents) in favor of power. That’s your future. Look at the screen, scan your face, and smile for the government, and don’t dare signal in any way that you think anything you shouldn’t be thinking. You have been falsely convinced that you’re the protagonists in a vast morality play called “the arc of History” and that you’re “bending it toward justice.” You’re “on the right side of History,” and that feels good—right up until the boot comes crashing down on your face. Then you’ll realize it. You are bending the arc of history, of course, if we can even indulge such a metaphor, and you’re bending it straight into a twenty-first-century gulag, whatever those will look like in our increasingly Black Mirror society. You will be “thought reformed,” or you will be discarded. Do you want to be its guard, Agent Smith? Would you like to be its corrupt administrator? Is it worth the sale of your soul? Some of you might aspire to such a demonic station in your lives, but most of you don’t. You’ll be subjected to it instead. Even if you take up this evil ambition, don’t you know where it goes? Constant paranoia. Constant fear. The Red Guard was utilized to destroy Mao’s political enemies in the CCP. And what will you do when they change the specifications of the ideology, perhaps deciding that trans rights are too expensive and disruptive for the new system that no longer needs that means of social agitation? What will you do? Resist? Good luck with that, comrade. So, if you win, you lose. You have a right to wonder how this happened to you. Why have your generations been co-opted into this horrible situation? Your education, your schools, your entertainment, your universities, your peers tried to make you “change agents” and “global citizens” instead of educated adults. If this system wins, you lose because you know too much and are too big a problem. Your only option will be to sell your soul to it, and how much is that worth to you? Think I’m kidding about that, by the way? Mao said, “not to have correct political opinions is like not having a soul.” Think about that and what this is costing you, whether you participate or cower against it. Doesn’t that ring true? That’s what you’re sacrificing. Every time you tell a lie to fit in, you sell part of your soul. How many lies have you told to fit in with the “critical” crowd around you? This corruption of you and your future is happening all around you, but most importantly in place of your education, which could otherwise protect you from it. You’re not getting the education you could be or perhaps aren’t getting a real education at all. You’re not learning to be informed, independent adults who can answer questions about reality and navigate it successfully. You’re being taught you have to defer to some kind of expert to answer a question like “what is a woman?” There are costs to this, and not just the obvious ones for you and your future on a personal level. The thing you consider your education is simultaneously being degraded in every meaningful sense of the word, corrupted at its most essential level. You are losing your chance to get educated while the thing we call education itself is corrupting itself into its opposite. You are becoming less functional for the world ahead of you, so your education is corrupted, and you are becoming less and less marketable in the future world, whichever system wins, so the credentialing function education serves is also being corrupted. Of course, the perversity of this is that they’re not just doing this to you, they’re making you demand they do it to you too—“for justice.” 3 Whichever system wins, you’re getting degrees that are increasingly being seen as liabilities, not assets, in the working world that lies around or ahead of you. If that future is not Woke, you’re a liability to it because you’ve been trained to be a Woke destabilizer and learned to focus on social theory instead of genuine education and skills. If that future is Woke, you’re a liability to it because you’ve been trained to be a destabilizer that the incoming system not only doesn’t want but can’t abide. And again, they’ve convinced you to demand this in place of a genuine education. It’s sick. You have at most one option: to sell out completely. To have nothing authentic left about yourself. The only place you will have a future is inside the most corrupt megacorporate sector that is our new Western Soviet—a council of “stakeholders” that knows “the Science of Right Human Relations” and the keys to “Sustainable Development.” If it supports trans rights and reducing emissions today, you will support those things. If it changes its mind tomorrow for the glory of the new system, so will you, or you will be eliminated. Your only path to success inside the system is to become a hollow, soulless functionary in a fascistic megacorporate and/or governmental public-private partnership machine. Your only path to success outside the system is to abandon it as soon as possible and start healing yourself psychologically, emotionally, and educationally. Your fate if the Woke system wins, to be disposed of or hollowed out and used as a functionary of its changing whims, should have little appeal. It certainly won’t bring about justice, and it won’t allow you to be a prosperous individual, or an individual at all. Your false prosperity will be available in direct proportion to your inauthenticity and corruptibility, the markers of your true utility to the machine you don’t seem to realize you’re supporting. On the other hand, your fate if the Woke system loses, is a hard life that’s made easier only by repenting of these errors and working to correct them, and the sooner the better. Already employers throughout the West increasingly suspect that if you have a college degree at all you’re probably Woke, radically Leftist, entitled, unlikely to work hard, likely to create a hostile working environment, underskilled, and likely to sue if fired even on perfectly solid grounds. If you’re Woke, they know it’s true. You’re a liability to them, and many of them are only still hiring you because they have to to keep their place in the corrupt corporate scoring schemes that control the way business is now done in the West. You are either unhirable or hirable only to satisfy the ESG demands of a sprawling corrupt bureaucracy. If that gives way, who are you? If it succeeds and you participate in it, what are you? So, why you? Because you happen to be the age you are at the worst time in Western history to be the age you are, and because many of you come from wealth and status and other resources the System covets and requires to succeed (they’re not really against “privilege,” they just want to redistribute and repurpose it). They need those resources. They need your enthusiasm and zeal. They need your impressionable minds. They need the future citizens and the future leaders, but History uses people and then discards them. They don’t need you for long, and they only need you for specific purposes, then you will be corrected or discarded, unless you choose to come off worse by selling out. My message to you about the Woke Marxist movement is simple. You need to know what you’re really involved in, stop participating, deprogram yourself and your friends, and start fighting for the blessings of Liberty that allowed you to have the privilege to think this way in the first place. You can and might lose it—the first generation in American history to face the loss of liberty, and you’re enslaving yourselves. You’ve been sold a false promise of “liberation” in place of liberty, and you need to realize you’ve been scammed. 4 “Liberation” movements are lies. Mao called his army—the same one he dispatched to destroy your counterparts in the Red Guard—the People’s Liberation Army for a reason. The oldest recorded cautionary tale in human history, the story of the Serpent and Eve in the third chapter of Genesis, warns you about liberation, whether you are religious or not. Liberation is a destructive lie. You need to fight for Liberty. Your chains are forged by frauds and locked only in your heads. You are the future. Your choices matter. Choose better. 5

I guess paragraphs are “woke” now.

It's called clown range for a reason.

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I watched a bit of the testimony of the IRS whistleblower hearings, and I had to laugh...Of course there was the usual Republican theatrics and pearl clutching.


The real "humor" is that their hero of these hearings, their whistleblower, appears to have "caught teh gay."  I have to admit I couldn't help but laugh when Tim Burchett of Tennessee, (who thinks we need to have a good 'ole fashioned revival to stop school shootings) stutter and stammer as he referred to the "husband" of the whistleblower.  Sadly, even  the whistleblower seemed to stammer a bit when referring to his husband.  It shouldn't be that way.

Just shows the levels that the Republicans are willing to stoop to (I saw that in reference to their perception) try to burn that criminal mastermind Biden and his crime family.  You, Mr. Whistleblower, cannot have any rights as a gay person, you are a sinner and a pariah but by god you can help us with our political theater!!

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1 hour ago, Anti Marine Layer said:


A Letter of Warning to Young Woke People

I think you’ll find what I have to say to you mostly incomprehensible, but you need to hear it. What you are participating in, whether you know it or not, is Western Maoism. This is what your schools and universities and influencers are miseducating you—brainwashing you—into. Western Maoism. Maoism with American characteristics. You might think that’s pretty cool because you don’t know much real history, but you need to know about where it goes because it doesn’t go well for you in the end. If your movement loses, you lose. If your movement wins, you lose. In the meantime, you lose yourselves. You are being molded into the Western equivalent of Mao Zedong’s infamous Red Guard, which he made use of for just two years before destroying them. He explained clearly that different things are needed at different phases of the revolution, and then they’re not needed anymore. He needed a youth rebellion to remove his political enemies and to consolidate his power—until he didn’t anymore. In 1967 they succeeded at defeating Mao’s political rival in the CCP, Liu Shaoqi, and within months, Mao declared the movement too Left, too radical, too destabilizing and unleashed his People’s Liberation Army to put it down. Some died. Most were sent to the countryside to get re-education in labor camps while living in squalor and primitive conditions. That was their reward. Yours will be similar. To get a little historical, the whole philosophy behind “Woke” is based upon the formulations of GWF Hegel’s vision from the early 19th century for how to move History to its intended “End” (the right side of history), and that’s through conflict. Manufacture the conflict, use the conflict, and move History with the conflict through a kind of social alchemy. You are the agents of that manufactured conflict: change agents, or “historical agents.” What Hegel said about you, though, is this: “History uses people and then discards them.” As a movement, Woke believes itself to be the movement of History. History is using you to move itself. Once it does, it will discard you. The conflicts of yesterday aren’t relevant today, and they won’t be needed tomorrow. The agents of History today lose their relevance in the instant they succeed, and History moves on, necessarily without you and the conflict you generated. You know how everything in Woke philosophy is “temporal,” “spacial,” and “contingent”? It’s all a matter of some time in some place? So are you. You are a contingency for the Woke movement. You have your time—until you don’t. When you become useless or a hindrance to the movement of History, you will be discarded. Every Marxist and Hegelian movement in history has proceeded this way, and this one will not be different. I wish you luck with that. In the past, activists like yourselves were seen as useful “political prostitutes,” and after the revolution, you were lined up against the wall and shot or deported to labor-reeducation camps and ground into destruction. Mao explained all of this in 1957, though if you’ve read it, you probably can’t realize it applies to you. He separated the world into “the people” and “enemies” and detailed how each are to be properly dealt with. The “enemies” are to be hated, silenced, bullied, even beaten and destroyed. That’s mostly your job, though the government will help just far enough so that it doesn’t look tyrannical. The “people” are to be handled differently: reeducated, brainwashed, criticized, struggled, until they hold all and only the right opinions and never the wrong ones, which is a process that takes their entire lives. That’s what you’ve signed up for, thinking yourselves virtuous, seeking absolution for your good fortune and privilege, seeking revenge for the inequities you perceive in your “lived experience.” Everyone in this system is abused, though. You know it. You live it. You give it, and you receive it—constantly. What you need to understand about the people you’ve been trained to see as your “enemies,” or “transphobes,” “racists,” “fascists,” “homophobes,” or whatever else, is that most of the people you think are those things are not those things at all. You have been trained to hate, allegedly in the name of “stopping hate.” These people are, by and large, trying to warn you, not trying to uphold “oppression.” What you need to know about the people in the movement you’re supporting, “the people,” including your friends in the movement, is that you’re less than disposable to them. Contingent barely covers it. The Woke movement pretends to care about you—or, worse, “people who look like you”—but it does not. It is using you so its sociopathic fringe can gain power over society, using you as cannon fodder for their unconventional political warfare apparatus. Instead of living your life, growing, learning, preparing a future, you’re doing activism, for them. And they will discard you. Will. Why? Because you are worse than disposable once they get power: you’re a problem. You don’t just become obsolete as the revolution succeeds; you become a liability to what follows. You are being trained by this movement to be a destabilizer. That’s what all that “disrupt and dismantle” stuff is about. You are misled to believe you’re disrupting and dismantling systems of oppression, but you’re merely displacing the existing society for one they’ll seize control over. You’re disrupting and dismantling the foundations of your own liberty so that tyrants can rule over not just the people you have been trained to hate but over everyone. They need you to destabilize the existing system but not the new one they have planned for us. Their intention is to establish a perfectly stable system with them (not most of you) on top of it, and people trained and brainwashed to be destabilizers are a problem in such a system. Mao said that himself too. Like I said, he said that the handling of the people is different in the different phases of the revolution. First you encourage and support destabilizers, and then you crack down on them so that there’s total stability under the new standard. He called it “socialist discipline” under “democratic centralism.” Today it’s called “sustainability and inclusion” under “stakeholder capitalism.” You are an asset today and will be a liability tomorrow. You will be discarded, coldly and violently, if necessary— not by your enemies but by the movement you are supporting. Make no mistake. This fate has awaited the “change agents” of every red revolution in history. Communist defectors have been trying to tell you for decades, longer than most of you have been alive. It’s written all over the pages of history of Communist and other tyrannical regimes, if you will just read them. It will not be different in anything except method this time. If you, as Wokes, “win,” you surely lose—all but the most sociopathic and sycophantic of you, in which case you hollow yourselves out, sell your souls (if you have one left by then), and become a true monster of history. If you don’t believe me, let me ask you: do you see any identity politics in China today? Is China Woke? Will it go Woke? No! They already did that, and that phase of their revolution is over. It is viciously suppressed there, and they laugh at you here in the West and call you baizuo, white left. They know what you are and how misinformed and misguided you are. Their operatives attempt to stoke these fires and use you because you are strategically useful to their anti-American aims, which you foolishly might share. In China, however, they’re openly encouraging patriarchy and masculinity. They’re 2 racially ruthless. They stamp out homosexuality. Why? They did Intersectionality already with red and black identity groups, got what they wanted out of it, and discarded it (and its change agents) in favor of power. That’s your future. Look at the screen, scan your face, and smile for the government, and don’t dare signal in any way that you think anything you shouldn’t be thinking. You have been falsely convinced that you’re the protagonists in a vast morality play called “the arc of History” and that you’re “bending it toward justice.” You’re “on the right side of History,” and that feels good—right up until the boot comes crashing down on your face. Then you’ll realize it. You are bending the arc of history, of course, if we can even indulge such a metaphor, and you’re bending it straight into a twenty-first-century gulag, whatever those will look like in our increasingly Black Mirror society. You will be “thought reformed,” or you will be discarded. Do you want to be its guard, Agent Smith? Would you like to be its corrupt administrator? Is it worth the sale of your soul? Some of you might aspire to such a demonic station in your lives, but most of you don’t. You’ll be subjected to it instead. Even if you take up this evil ambition, don’t you know where it goes? Constant paranoia. Constant fear. The Red Guard was utilized to destroy Mao’s political enemies in the CCP. And what will you do when they change the specifications of the ideology, perhaps deciding that trans rights are too expensive and disruptive for the new system that no longer needs that means of social agitation? What will you do? Resist? Good luck with that, comrade. So, if you win, you lose. You have a right to wonder how this happened to you. Why have your generations been co-opted into this horrible situation? Your education, your schools, your entertainment, your universities, your peers tried to make you “change agents” and “global citizens” instead of educated adults. If this system wins, you lose because you know too much and are too big a problem. Your only option will be to sell your soul to it, and how much is that worth to you? Think I’m kidding about that, by the way? Mao said, “not to have correct political opinions is like not having a soul.” Think about that and what this is costing you, whether you participate or cower against it. Doesn’t that ring true? That’s what you’re sacrificing. Every time you tell a lie to fit in, you sell part of your soul. How many lies have you told to fit in with the “critical” crowd around you? This corruption of you and your future is happening all around you, but most importantly in place of your education, which could otherwise protect you from it. You’re not getting the education you could be or perhaps aren’t getting a real education at all. You’re not learning to be informed, independent adults who can answer questions about reality and navigate it successfully. You’re being taught you have to defer to some kind of expert to answer a question like “what is a woman?” There are costs to this, and not just the obvious ones for you and your future on a personal level. The thing you consider your education is simultaneously being degraded in every meaningful sense of the word, corrupted at its most essential level. You are losing your chance to get educated while the thing we call education itself is corrupting itself into its opposite. You are becoming less functional for the world ahead of you, so your education is corrupted, and you are becoming less and less marketable in the future world, whichever system wins, so the credentialing function education serves is also being corrupted. Of course, the perversity of this is that they’re not just doing this to you, they’re making you demand they do it to you too—“for justice.” 3 Whichever system wins, you’re getting degrees that are increasingly being seen as liabilities, not assets, in the working world that lies around or ahead of you. If that future is not Woke, you’re a liability to it because you’ve been trained to be a Woke destabilizer and learned to focus on social theory instead of genuine education and skills. If that future is Woke, you’re a liability to it because you’ve been trained to be a destabilizer that the incoming system not only doesn’t want but can’t abide. And again, they’ve convinced you to demand this in place of a genuine education. It’s sick. You have at most one option: to sell out completely. To have nothing authentic left about yourself. The only place you will have a future is inside the most corrupt megacorporate sector that is our new Western Soviet—a council of “stakeholders” that knows “the Science of Right Human Relations” and the keys to “Sustainable Development.” If it supports trans rights and reducing emissions today, you will support those things. If it changes its mind tomorrow for the glory of the new system, so will you, or you will be eliminated. Your only path to success inside the system is to become a hollow, soulless functionary in a fascistic megacorporate and/or governmental public-private partnership machine. Your only path to success outside the system is to abandon it as soon as possible and start healing yourself psychologically, emotionally, and educationally. Your fate if the Woke system wins, to be disposed of or hollowed out and used as a functionary of its changing whims, should have little appeal. It certainly won’t bring about justice, and it won’t allow you to be a prosperous individual, or an individual at all. Your false prosperity will be available in direct proportion to your inauthenticity and corruptibility, the markers of your true utility to the machine you don’t seem to realize you’re supporting. On the other hand, your fate if the Woke system loses, is a hard life that’s made easier only by repenting of these errors and working to correct them, and the sooner the better. Already employers throughout the West increasingly suspect that if you have a college degree at all you’re probably Woke, radically Leftist, entitled, unlikely to work hard, likely to create a hostile working environment, underskilled, and likely to sue if fired even on perfectly solid grounds. If you’re Woke, they know it’s true. You’re a liability to them, and many of them are only still hiring you because they have to to keep their place in the corrupt corporate scoring schemes that control the way business is now done in the West. You are either unhirable or hirable only to satisfy the ESG demands of a sprawling corrupt bureaucracy. If that gives way, who are you? If it succeeds and you participate in it, what are you? So, why you? Because you happen to be the age you are at the worst time in Western history to be the age you are, and because many of you come from wealth and status and other resources the System covets and requires to succeed (they’re not really against “privilege,” they just want to redistribute and repurpose it). They need those resources. They need your enthusiasm and zeal. They need your impressionable minds. They need the future citizens and the future leaders, but History uses people and then discards them. They don’t need you for long, and they only need you for specific purposes, then you will be corrected or discarded, unless you choose to come off worse by selling out. My message to you about the Woke Marxist movement is simple. You need to know what you’re really involved in, stop participating, deprogram yourself and your friends, and start fighting for the blessings of Liberty that allowed you to have the privilege to think this way in the first place. You can and might lose it—the first generation in American history to face the loss of liberty, and you’re enslaving yourselves. You’ve been sold a false promise of “liberation” in place of liberty, and you need to realize you’ve been scammed. 4 “Liberation” movements are lies. Mao called his army—the same one he dispatched to destroy your counterparts in the Red Guard—the People’s Liberation Army for a reason. The oldest recorded cautionary tale in human history, the story of the Serpent and Eve in the third chapter of Genesis, warns you about liberation, whether you are religious or not. Liberation is a destructive lie. You need to fight for Liberty. Your chains are forged by frauds and locked only in your heads. You are the future. Your choices matter. Choose better. 5

Old Man Yells At Cloud GIFs | Tenor

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7 hours ago, Jim Tezeta said:

I can’t keep up. Mother Nature is gonna kill us all anyways. 

If this summer is any example,- yes. 

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"  Record High Temp. - 120.00*F  Low Temp. - 8.4*F

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On 7/18/2023 at 9:03 PM, Iceresistance said:

I was hoping Texas was on the list. 😂

That way the western states invasion would stop or slow. They voted for the Calif govt they got then run to Texas?  
What’s wrong with this picture?  

Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression or Low Self-Esteem,...First Make Sure You Are Not In Fact, Just Surrounded By A$$holes.

“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”  Gen. Sheridan 1866

2018 Record Rainfall - 62.65"  Record High Temp. - 120.00*F  Low Temp. - 8.4*F

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3 hours ago, Andie said:

I was hoping Texas was on the list. 😂

That way the western states invasion would stop or slow. They voted for the Calif govt they got then run to Texas?  
What’s wrong with this picture?  

I think we need to follow the example of the old Soviet Union and have a system of internal passports to regulate where Americans live. That would sure increase liberty! /sarc

  • Facepalm 1
It's called clown range for a reason.

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Loving this Jason Aldean music video controversy. Looks like it got 3.6m views yesterday with all the publicity. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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1 hour ago, Deweydog said:

I grew up in a small town and there was some pretty f*cked up sh*t that went down.

Depends on the town I guess. Nothing much ever happens in Silverton, Mt Angel, Sublimity, and a lot of the other east valley towns. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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4 minutes ago, roadtonowhere08 said:

Indeed.  The whole cities being more dangerous is a farce:


Turning people against each other for money.  How very elitist of Aldean.

It's also easier to get away with crime with fewer witnesses in more rural areas.

Never say Never with Weather, because anything is possible!

All observations are in Tecumseh, OK unless otherwise noted

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19 minutes ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

Depends on the town I guess. Nothing much ever happens in Silverton, Mt Angel, Sublimity, and a lot of the other east valley towns. 

Sounds like (Anglo) summer perfection, Andrew!

My preferences can beat up your preferences’ dad.

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2 minutes ago, Deweydog said:

Sounds like (Anglo) summer perfection, Andrew!

Many of these towns have 20-30% Hispanic populations so it’s not like some country club in North Bend. 

  • lol 1

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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1 minute ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

Many of these towns have 20-30% Hispanic populations so it’s not like some country club in North Bend. 

Well, as long as it’s the good ones I guess that’s okay.

-my grandma 

My preferences can beat up your preferences’ dad.

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