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November 2022 PNW weather Discussion. #NoRidgeNovember


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5 minutes ago, High Desert Mat? said:

Just got off the conference call with Culver Josh and bassaholic meat wagon. Next week isn’t looking too snowy for the lowlanders and people south of about 48 degrees latitude unless you’re over 4000’. Temps are pretty marginal this go round. The southerlies will take over. I wanna thank Dewey Matt for chiming in on the call,  he has a lot of knowledgeable info on people that live near Stampede Pass, i.e. Phil which led me to believe that in about two weeks the pattern will reset again but with much more AAM and less +pna. How he knows is anyones guess. 

Hitting the bottle already?

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3 minutes ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

This is exactly one of the reasons I'm drawn to weather events west of the cascades,  the element of surprise is fascinating to me and right when we think we've experienced every situation when it comes to producing snowfall around here we have something like Feb 2021.  I've spent 35 years watching and learning about snow events in the hood canal area and I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on looking at a set up and knowing if it will deliver a good snowfall or not and to this day February 2019 still blows my mind what I witnessed out here. I knew it had the potential to be a big event but it exceeded what I thought was possible out here for a heavy snow event. To this day it was one of the most amazing moments I spent with my son standing on our deck together watching the thunder snow happen. I told him it was a special moment we spent together and we might never see anything like it again! We stood outside for 1 hr watching in amazement as it snowed 4 inches in 1 hr. Pics are that night during the thunder snow and the next morning.  Most I measured was 38 inches on the ground but we had about 50 inches of snowfall in a 3 day period. post-66-0-12600900-1549946740.jpg




Me and Andrew have gotta get up to y'all's place sometime. Looks like fun!

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Springfield, Oregon regular season 2023-24 Stats:

  • Coldest high: 25F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Coldest low: 20F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Days with below freezing temps: 24 (Most recent: Mar 8, 2024)
  • Days with sub-40F highs: 4 (Most recent: Jan 16, 2024)
  • Total snowfall: 0.0"
  • Total ice: 2.25”
  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021 (1.9")
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 15, 2024 (27F)
  • Last White Christmas: 1990
  • Significant wind events (gusts 45+): 0

Personal Stats:

  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 16, 2024 (32F)
  • Last White Christmas: 2008
  • Total snowfall since joining TheWeatherForums: 42.0"
  • Sub-freezing highs since joining TheWeatherForums: 4



GoFundMe "College Basketball vs Epilepsy": gf.me/u/zk3pj2

My Twitter @CBBjerseys4hope


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3 minutes ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

This is exactly one of the reasons I'm drawn to weather events west of the cascades,  the element of surprise is fascinating to me and right when we think we've experienced every situation when it comes to producing snowfall around here we have something like Feb 2021.  I've spent 35 years watching and learning about snow events in the hood canal area and I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on looking at a set up and knowing if it will deliver a good snowfall or not and to this day February 2019 still blows my mind what I witnessed out here. I knew it had the potential to be a big event but it exceeded what I thought was possible out here for a heavy snow event. To this day it was one of the most amazing moments I spent with my son standing on our deck together watching the thunder snow happen. I told him it was a special moment we spent together and we might never see anything like it again! We stood outside for 1 hr watching in amazement as it snowed 4 inches in 1 hr. Pics are that night during the thunder snow and the next morning.  Most I measured was 38 inches on the ground but we had about 50 inches of snowfall in a 3 day period. post-66-0-12600900-1549946740.jpg




I've seen you post that second pic of the road 100 times, yet my brain still can't process that it's the Hood Canal and not Omak or Leavenworth.

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Weather stats for MBY


-Total snowfall since joining: 50.25"

-2018-19: 21"

-2019-20: 2.5"

-2020-21: 13"

-2021-22: 8.75"

-2022-23: 5.75"

-2023-24*: 0.25"

-Most recent snowfall: 0.25”; January 17th, 2024

-Largest snowfall (single storm): 8.5"; February 12-13, 2021

-Largest snow depth: 14"; 1:30am February 12th, 2019


-Warmest: 109F; June 28th, 2021

-Coldest: 13F; December 27th, 2021

-Phreeze Count 2023-24: 40

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2 minutes ago, TT-SEA said:

I remember that second pic when you posted it... such an amazing sight.    

Tim that second pic is probably my favorite snow pic in this area I've ever taken.  That was 2 miles down road from my house. Looks like Snoqualmie pass or something.  

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We come from the land of the ice and snow.

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Thoughts on TMRW night? Obviously, there's no hope of a lot of snow but looks like an inch or less if a CVZN forms is reasonably likely.

My Weather Station:  https://ambientweather.net/dashboard/b415ff35b2d13f00c899051028f04466 

Located in North Seattle, elevation ~150ft. Highest temperature ever recorded is 110.3, lowest is 14.5.

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4 minutes ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

Tim that second pic is probably my favorite snow pic in this area I've ever taken.  That was 2 miles down road from my house. Looks like Snoqualmie pass or something.  

That upslope in Hood Canal is legendary.  I believe it was Nov 2005, it was snowing in Everett but you guys were getting the craziness. Something like 2-3 inch per hour rates.  I almost hopped in my truck and cruised out there.

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20 minutes ago, Meatyorologist said:

I feel something biiiig brewing this winter. Maybe not next week though ;)

My bones are telling me it'll be Febrewary (pun intended) for some sneaky snow.

My Weather Station:  https://ambientweather.net/dashboard/b415ff35b2d13f00c899051028f04466 

Located in North Seattle, elevation ~150ft. Highest temperature ever recorded is 110.3, lowest is 14.5.

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The EPS settles into a nice chilly groove after the initial period of potential snow.

The way I'm looking at this is we have already clinched the coldest November of the century and worse case scenario is some lowland snow and solidly below normal temps for the first third of December.  Pretty hard to complain with most of the winter still ahead of us.  This could easily be shaping up to be something special this season.

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Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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11 minutes ago, gusky said:

My bones are telling me it'll be Febrewary (pun intended) for some sneaky snow.

I think December will have something pretty solid.  January is the big wild card.  If we can break the January curse this could be a big winter.

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Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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While I agree the blocking is probably going to be a bit too far west for the ultimate scenario to happen there is still time for the models to shift a tad more impressive in the home stretch which would equate to a pretty nice event.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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16 minutes ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

That pic is not at my cabin that's home at hood canal.

Booya! Love the look! Hope business picks up and y'all get some proper employees.

Springfield, Oregon regular season 2023-24 Stats:

  • Coldest high: 25F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Coldest low: 20F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Days with below freezing temps: 24 (Most recent: Mar 8, 2024)
  • Days with sub-40F highs: 4 (Most recent: Jan 16, 2024)
  • Total snowfall: 0.0"
  • Total ice: 2.25”
  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021 (1.9")
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 15, 2024 (27F)
  • Last White Christmas: 1990
  • Significant wind events (gusts 45+): 0

Personal Stats:

  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 16, 2024 (32F)
  • Last White Christmas: 2008
  • Total snowfall since joining TheWeatherForums: 42.0"
  • Sub-freezing highs since joining TheWeatherForums: 4



GoFundMe "College Basketball vs Epilepsy": gf.me/u/zk3pj2

My Twitter @CBBjerseys4hope


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1 minute ago, Terreboner said:

Just watched Snyder's new video.  Euro and GFS sure showing a nice Anafront signature Thursday-ish, very similar to February 2019.  Surprised nobody has mentioned this too much.  TWL, Andrew, High Desert Mat, Dareduck, Me :).

I mentioned it last night, but you were drunk. 😜

  • Popcorn 1

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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The EPS stays chilly forever.  This is getting impressive from a sustained below temperature standpoint alone.

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Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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Just now, snow maniac said:

Yep. NW flow sucks for south, and south central sounders.

nothing worst then seeing snow piling up everywhere around me and nothing here.

Take with a grain of salt at this point.

Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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21 minutes ago, Deweydog said:


March 10th

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Weather stats for MBY


-Total snowfall since joining: 50.25"

-2018-19: 21"

-2019-20: 2.5"

-2020-21: 13"

-2021-22: 8.75"

-2022-23: 5.75"

-2023-24*: 0.25"

-Most recent snowfall: 0.25”; January 17th, 2024

-Largest snowfall (single storm): 8.5"; February 12-13, 2021

-Largest snow depth: 14"; 1:30am February 12th, 2019


-Warmest: 109F; June 28th, 2021

-Coldest: 13F; December 27th, 2021

-Phreeze Count 2023-24: 40

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2 minutes ago, TigerWoodsLibido said:

Booya! Love the look! Hope business picks up and y'all get some proper employees.

We are very busy at my shop just need more help.  I have work booked out over a month. Very hard to find solid people and I'm extremely picky who works for me. I'm very ocd and very attention to detail working on people's cars and trucks and its very hard to find good automotive technicians. 

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We come from the land of the ice and snow.

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Just exciting to see the EPS showing the PNA, EPO, and NAO all being solidly minus for a long period.  Good things happen with that.  Pacific is basically shut down except right along the coast.

I'm thinking people are going to be feeling pretty good about things a week from now.

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Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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3 minutes ago, Snownerd3000 said:

Imagine living outside a LES band around Buffalo and getting skunked while the next zip code over gets buried 

At least they can forecast the location with decent accuracy.  I would say the forecasting in the PNW has to be the most challenging in the country.

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11 minutes ago, Terreboner said:

Just watched Snyder's new video.  Euro and GFS sure showing a nice Anafront signature Thursday-ish, very similar to February 2019.  Surprised nobody has mentioned this too much.  TWL, Andrew, High Desert Mat, Dareduck, Me :).

Those are some of our classic events. We shall see what happens.

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Springfield, Oregon regular season 2023-24 Stats:

  • Coldest high: 25F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Coldest low: 20F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Days with below freezing temps: 24 (Most recent: Mar 8, 2024)
  • Days with sub-40F highs: 4 (Most recent: Jan 16, 2024)
  • Total snowfall: 0.0"
  • Total ice: 2.25”
  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021 (1.9")
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 15, 2024 (27F)
  • Last White Christmas: 1990
  • Significant wind events (gusts 45+): 0

Personal Stats:

  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 16, 2024 (32F)
  • Last White Christmas: 2008
  • Total snowfall since joining TheWeatherForums: 42.0"
  • Sub-freezing highs since joining TheWeatherForums: 4



GoFundMe "College Basketball vs Epilepsy": gf.me/u/zk3pj2

My Twitter @CBBjerseys4hope


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10 minutes ago, Terreboner said:

I haven't been drunk in a while.  Been taking it easy.

Im teasing. I think there is some anafront  potential. 

  • Popcorn 1

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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6 minutes ago, Brian_in_Leavenworth said:

Gotta like the last few days of the EPS.  


The run is nothing but cold.  This might be one of those seasons.

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Death To Warm Anomalies!


Winter 2023-24 stats


Total Snowfall = 1.0"

Day with 1" or more snow depth = 1

Total Hail = 0.0

Total Ice = 0.2

Coldest Low = 13

Lows 32 or below = 50

Highs 32 or below = 3

Lows 20 or below = 3

Highs 40 or below = 9


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22 minutes ago, snow_wizard said:

The EPS settles into a nice chilly groove after the initial period of potential snow.

The way I'm looking at this is we have already clinched the coldest November of the century and worse case scenario is some lowland snow and solidly below normal temps for the first third of December.  Pretty hard to complain with most of the winter still ahead of us.  This could easily be shaping up to be something special this season.

Coldest November of the millennium too!

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I find it bizarre that this is going to be the coldest November of the century so far. It has seemed like anything but that up here in Bellingham. I work at BLI and start at 4am. We send a 5:45AM flight out every morning, and we've only deiced a handful of times, and I've yet to even wear gloves! I'm sure that'll change next week... But anyway, I'm shocked by the data Snowwiz.. I haven't looked at it, but taking your word for it! 

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6 minutes ago, High Desert Mat? said:

His in a while and your in a while may be perspective Andrew. Lol

Last time was Nov. 5th, on the way home from Vegas.  Just slightly buzzed a couple times since.

Now, if that anafront comes through middle of the week then that would change :).

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40 minutes ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

I look at that pic all the time lol. 

Tue-Sat could be an incredible stretch for your location

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Weather stats for MBY


-Total snowfall since joining: 50.25"

-2018-19: 21"

-2019-20: 2.5"

-2020-21: 13"

-2021-22: 8.75"

-2022-23: 5.75"

-2023-24*: 0.25"

-Most recent snowfall: 0.25”; January 17th, 2024

-Largest snowfall (single storm): 8.5"; February 12-13, 2021

-Largest snow depth: 14"; 1:30am February 12th, 2019


-Warmest: 109F; June 28th, 2021

-Coldest: 13F; December 27th, 2021

-Phreeze Count 2023-24: 40

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3 minutes ago, Brennan said:

I find it bizarre that this is going to be the coldest November of the century so far. It has seemed like anything but that up here in Bellingham. I work at BLI and start at 4am. We send a 5:45AM flight out every morning, and we've only deiced a handful of times, and I've yet to even wear gloves! I'm sure that'll change next week... But anyway, I'm shocked by the data Snowwiz.. I haven't looked at it, but taking your word for it! 

Totally agree... it has been one of the most pleasant Novembers I can remember.   It has not seemed unusually cold.    But its all relative since wind and rain every day like we often have in November would be warmer but seem colder.  

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