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PNW March 2023 Weather Discussion (2012 Redux)


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4 minutes ago, SouthHillFrosty said:

How much do u average per year? Seems like a down year for you snow wise 

Hard to say... but I think it's probably around 50 inches.   But it's often feast or famine with some 100+ inch years and some with very little snow.    Doing some quick math... I would guess we are around 30 inches this year with one big event in December and lots of little events like we have had over the last 2 weeks.

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Just now, Omegaraptor said:

Probably still going to be waiting a while before vegetation really gets going for spring.

2019 was amazing in that regard... we had deep snow cover here for the first part of March and then a few days in the 70s and peaked at 80 and by the end of March the trees were already beginning to leaf out and I did the first lawn mowing.   Probably won't be that fast of a turn around this year.

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2 minutes ago, TT-SEA said:

2019 was amazing in that regard... we had deep snow cover here for the first part of March and then a few days in the 70s and peaked at 80 and by the end of March the trees were already beginning to leaf out and I did the first lawn mowing.   Probably won't be that fast of a turn around this year.

Yeah I was thinking of 2019. Last spring was basically the opposite. There was sufficient warmth in March and early April to get things going and then it was basically dead stopped or going at a snail’s pace for over a month. 

Completely bare trees in central OR in late May, completely green leaves on trees in early November. Weird year.

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5 minutes ago, TT-SEA said:

2019 was amazing in that regard... we had deep snow cover here for the first part of March and then a few days in the 70s and peaked at 80 and by the end of March the trees were already beginning to leaf out and I did the first lawn mowing.   Probably won't be that fast of a turn around this year.

i was talking to me neibor about the deep snow of 2019 and he said in 1996 there was 40 inches on the ground in december. I lived about 6 miles east of my current place and we had 26 inches so it sounds about right.  He keeps track and told me that season was around 60 inches. Man i've always wondered how much my area got in 68-69 or 1950.  1968 1969 was probable 100 inches i'd bet.

We come from the land of the ice and snow.

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Imo the perfect amount of deep snow to look neat but still be able do get around is about 16 inches deep. once you get around the 20 inch mark like Andrew has if you don't have a tall truck or chains on all 4 you are not going anywhere. 

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We come from the land of the ice and snow.

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Just now, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

Imo the perfect amount of deep snow to look neat but still be able do get around is about 16 inches deep. once you get around the 20 inch mark like Andrew has if you don't have a tall truck or chains on all 4 you are not going anywhere. 

Yeah, when it hit 20” here in 2019…it started getting insane in the city. Even once it started melting it kept re-freezing at night it was just a challenge. 

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Pretty cool thing about this winter is there was almost always something to model ride for (minus the period from late December to late January which was a snooze fest). We’ve had winters where there’s maybe a couple periods of model riding and that’s it. We had stuff to watch from late October to late December basically nonstop, and then from late January to March basically nonstop. Obviously a bummer that things didn’t turn out as good as they could have, but at least we were entertained for most of the winter.

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(Previous name: MillCreekMike)

Everett, WA (elev. 180’)

2023-2024 Snowfall:

1/11: Tr.

1/18: Tr.

Go M’s

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11 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

Yeah, when it hit 20” here in 2019…it started getting insane in the city. Even once it started melting it kept re-freezing at night it was just a challenge. 

We only maxed out 12-14in out here in South Hill. We turned to rain before even Ocean Shores did. I think Tacoma stayed snow 12-24 hours later than the swamp. It was a very solid year but nothing legendary 

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7 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

Yeah, when it hit 20” here in 2019…it started getting insane in the city. Even once it started melting it kept re-freezing at night it was just a challenge. 

I hope i see something like that again here, very good chance it will never happen again in my lifetime.  If that same pattern had happened in December it would of been crazy. I lost a bunch of my depth from daytime heating, i messed up though i should of checked my snowboards every few hrs and kept better measurements because i had much more actual snowfall than what i measured. I was loosing a lot from compaction and that period that i had 20 inches in like 24 hrs my actual snowfall was more like 26 inches. 

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We come from the land of the ice and snow.

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3 minutes ago, SouthHillFrosty said:

We only maxed out 12-14in out here in South Hill. We turned to rain before even Ocean Shores did. I think Tacoma stayed snow 12-24 hours later than the swamp. It was a very solid year but nothing legendary 

Really just depended on where you were. Areas out near the foothills got warm tounged early on in the final storm…took awhile for it to finally change over here. Gotta remember the swamp doesn’t allow legendary events lol. For me it was even better than December 2008…but not too far ahead of that one. 

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5 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

Really just depended on where you were. Areas out near the foothills got warm tounged early on in the final storm…took awhile for it to finally change over here. Gotta remember the swamp doesn’t allow legendary events lol. For me it was even better than December 2008…but not too far ahead of that one. 

December 2008 was just incredible for staying power. 2019 had deeper snow for me and bigger storms but 2008 was colder and just lasted forever.

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We come from the land of the ice and snow.

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1 minute ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

December 2008 was just incredible for staying power. 2019 had deeper snow for me and bigger storms but 2008 was colder and just lasted forever.

08 was like December 2021 on roids. Tons of small-moderate events that added up over time and stuck around for a long time. February 2019 was close in terms of staying power…but we had much bigger snow dumps. 

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6 minutes ago, MR.SNOWMIZER said:

December 2008 was just incredible for staying power. 2019 had deeper snow for me and bigger storms but 2008 was colder and just lasted forever.

2019 was much better here for staying power... 6 weeks of solid snow cover.    In 2008 we had about 3 weeks but the flooding rain event in early January 2009 wiped it all out in a hurry.

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2008 was legendary down this way. Parts of the West Hills had as much as 30 inches of snow from the 12/20-12/23 storm sequence. Just an insane event compounded by layers of thick ice in between the fresh snowfalls.

2019 on the other hand was relatively milquetoast. I'd even say this year was better for consistent snow.


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"Let's mosey!"


--Cloud Strife




Top 5 Snow Events (post 2014):


(1. January 10th, 2017: 18.5 in.

(2. February 6th, 2014: 7.5 inches

(3. February 20th, 2018: 5.0 inches

(4. February 21st, 2018: 4.0 inches

(5. December 14th, 2016: 3.5 inches


Honourable Mentions: December 7th, 2018, February 9th, 2019.


Total since joining the Weather Forums: 3"

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7 minutes ago, TT-SEA said:

2019 was much better here for staying power... 6 weeks of solid snow cover.    In 2008 we had about 3 weeks but the flooding rain event in early January 2009 wiped it all out in a hurry.

That flooding rain event in Jan. 2009 was super memorable up here and just made that stretch of weather even more historic and memorable. 2nd highest crest the Snohomish River at Snohomish has ever recorded. The Snohomish River valley turned into a lake which was insane. That actually happened in 2006 as well, pretty crazy that out of the three or four times that River has flooded that badly two of them happened in a stretch of 4 years. 

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(Previous name: MillCreekMike)

Everett, WA (elev. 180’)

2023-2024 Snowfall:

1/11: Tr.

1/18: Tr.

Go M’s

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February 2019 is the greatest stretch of snow and cold I have witnessed in my lifetime. Was about five days shorter than 2008 but we got about 5 more inches of snow total. Our snow depth peaked at 17” in Mill Creek before it turned to rain on the 12th. 

(Previous name: MillCreekMike)

Everett, WA (elev. 180’)

2023-2024 Snowfall:

1/11: Tr.

1/18: Tr.

Go M’s

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16 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

08 was like December 2021 on roids. Tons of small-moderate events that added up over time and stuck around for a long time. February 2019 was close in terms of staying power…but we had much bigger snow dumps. 

I was between the two big snow dumps in February 2019, to far south early in the month, to far north at the end of the month. Just small to moderate snow events almost daily, 18 days with at least an inch, never more than 6.5” in a day. 

Snowfall                                  Precip

2022-23: 95.0"                      2022-23: 17.39"

2021-22: 52.6"                    2021-22: 91.46" 

2020-21: 12.0"                    2020-21: 71.59"

2019-20: 23.5"                   2019-20: 58.54"

2018-19: 63.5"                   2018-19: 66.33"

2017-18: 30.3"                   2017-18: 59.83"

2016-17: 49.2"                   2016-17: 97.58"

2015-16: 11.75"                 2015-16: 68.67"

2014-15: 3.5"
2013-14: 11.75"                  2013-14: 62.30
2012-13: 16.75"                 2012-13: 78.45  

2011-12: 98.5"                   2011-12: 92.67"

It's always sunny at Winters Hill! 
Fighting the good fight against weather evil.


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February 2019 is the only time I've ever seen a foot on the ground here in Seattle. In December 2008 it got up to ~10" at the old Magnolia appartment where my family was living, but I was out of town in Spokane (there it was over two feet!)

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Weather stats for MBY


-Total snowfall since joining: 50.25"

-2018-19: 21"

-2019-20: 2.5"

-2020-21: 13"

-2021-22: 8.75"

-2022-23: 5.75"

-2023-24*: 0.25"

-Most recent snowfall: 0.25”; January 17th, 2024

-Largest snowfall (single storm): 8.5"; February 12-13, 2021

-Largest snow depth: 14"; 1:30am February 12th, 2019


-Warmest: 109F; June 28th, 2021

-Coldest: 13F; December 27th, 2021

-Phreeze Count 2023-24: 40

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Every time I look back at my camera roll to February 2019 I’m just mesmerized at the amount of snow we had, especially on the last day when the wet snow just kept piling up.




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(Previous name: MillCreekMike)

Everett, WA (elev. 180’)

2023-2024 Snowfall:

1/11: Tr.

1/18: Tr.

Go M’s

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32 minutes ago, Phishy Wx said:

Mt San Jacinto.


yeah you can take a tram to the top of it.


neat up there on a summer day

Pretty fun up there on a winter day also.  We went up in mid December last year and there was 8" of snow then.  I'm sure a lot more now.




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Another cool thing about Feb. 2019 is there was absolutely nothing exciting the whole winter prior to that, there wasn’t any exciting model riding that I can recall, and we were all ready to stick forks in that winter and then it probably did the biggest 180 ever and delivered like I never could have imagined.

(Previous name: MillCreekMike)

Everett, WA (elev. 180’)

2023-2024 Snowfall:

1/11: Tr.

1/18: Tr.

Go M’s

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21 minutes ago, SilverFallsAndrew said:

I was between the two big snow dumps in February 2019, to far south early in the month, to far north at the end of the month. Just small to moderate snow events almost daily, 18 days with at least an inch, never more than 6.5” in a day. 

We never had more than 5” in a daily total…but 2/8-2/9 we had 9.5”. 2nd biggest snowstorm I’ve recorded here besides February 2021s 13.5” total. 

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1 minute ago, MillCreekMike said:

I feel like a sports fan clinging to the past and talking about the good old days right now but in meteorological terms.

We’re entering the time of year that all we do is bicker about weather preferences and relive the snowy glory days. I usually stick around throughout the year…but I might try and avoid the warm season preference wars this year. 

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15 minutes ago, MillCreekMike said:

Every time I look back at my camera roll to February 2019 I’m just mesmerized at the amount of snow we had, especially on the last day when the wet snow just kept piling up.





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My preferences can beat up your preferences’ dad.

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2 hours ago, SouthHillFrosty said:

Could be a nice little event for Oregon! 



I think most people in the Oregon lowlands are pretty over it after all these marginal close calls that don’t really amount to much. As one of those people, I get it. Plus it’s freaking March. But the pattern this weekend is actually kind of intriguing based on a potential influx of colder air into columbia basin and a low placement that might pull some of that into Portland region. Still doubtful, but can at least see a scenario where a broader area sees accumulating snow at least for a bit than the previous few days. 

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9 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

We’re entering the time of year that all we do is bicker about weather preferences and relive the snowy glory days. I usually stick around throughout the year…but I might try and avoid the warm season preference wars this year. 

It’s gonna be weird seeing things slow down on here so much after the nearly endless model riding we had on here this winter

(Previous name: MillCreekMike)

Everett, WA (elev. 180’)

2023-2024 Snowfall:

1/11: Tr.

1/18: Tr.

Go M’s

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8 minutes ago, Andstorm said:

I think most people in the Oregon lowlands are pretty over it after all these marginal close calls that don’t really amount to much. As one of those people, I get it. Plus it’s freaking March. But the pattern this weekend is actually kind of intriguing based on a potential influx of colder air into columbia basin and a low placement that might pull some of that into Portland region. Still doubtful, but can at least see a scenario where a broader area sees accumulating snow at least for a bit than the previous few days. 

Welcome Andstorm!

Weather stats for MBY


-Total snowfall since joining: 50.25"

-2018-19: 21"

-2019-20: 2.5"

-2020-21: 13"

-2021-22: 8.75"

-2022-23: 5.75"

-2023-24*: 0.25"

-Most recent snowfall: 0.25”; January 17th, 2024

-Largest snowfall (single storm): 8.5"; February 12-13, 2021

-Largest snow depth: 14"; 1:30am February 12th, 2019


-Warmest: 109F; June 28th, 2021

-Coldest: 13F; December 27th, 2021

-Phreeze Count 2023-24: 40

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6 minutes ago, Port Angeles Foothiller said:



Feb 2019 up my neck of the woods. 

What a dream! On Redfin's property access tool I've seen some homes in that region sitting around 1500-2000'. The shadowing must be immense, but in the right upsloping situations I bet things get out of control real quick.

Weather stats for MBY


-Total snowfall since joining: 50.25"

-2018-19: 21"

-2019-20: 2.5"

-2020-21: 13"

-2021-22: 8.75"

-2022-23: 5.75"

-2023-24*: 0.25"

-Most recent snowfall: 0.25”; January 17th, 2024

-Largest snowfall (single storm): 8.5"; February 12-13, 2021

-Largest snow depth: 14"; 1:30am February 12th, 2019


-Warmest: 109F; June 28th, 2021

-Coldest: 13F; December 27th, 2021

-Phreeze Count 2023-24: 40

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1 minute ago, Meatyorologist said:

What a dream! On Redfin's property access tool I've seen some homes in that region sitting around 1500-2000'. The shadowing must be immense, but in the right upsloping situations I bet things get out of control real quick.

I'm right at 1000'. The shadowing is annoying as hell, but not as bad as say Port Townsend or Sequim. We have a good upslope event at least once a season that provides anywhere from 6" to 3'

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PWS: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KWAPORTA220

2023-2024 Snow Total: 18" (6 events)

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34 minutes ago, Meatyorologist said:

February 2019 is the only time I've ever seen a foot on the ground here in Seattle. In December 2008 it got up to ~10" at the old Magnolia appartment where my family was living, but I was out of town in Spokane (there it was over two feet!)

Interesting, I certainly has more than a 12" of snow depth in View Ridge back in Dec 2008.

Also came close in Feb 2021, but you seem to have picked up less snow than I had (11"). I guess with compaction it was more like 9.5"-10" depth.

2022-23 Winter:

11/29: .25" + 1" = 1.25" | 11/30: .25"

12/2: .2" + .5" = .7" | 12/3: .2" | 12/4: trace

12/18: .4" | 12/19: .2" + .8" = 1.0" | 12/20: .2 + 1.5" = 1.7

1/31: trace | 2/14: trace | 2/22: .2 | 2/26: 1.0"

Total: 6.7"

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