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Pacific Northwest Weather -June 2023

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19 minutes ago, TacomaWx said:

Besides a few glimmers of false hope on some of the models in the long range recently…it’s Looking like no meaningful rainfall on the way for the next 10 days. That hopefully this means summer will come to an end in late august or September this year instead of October like 2022. Meteorological summer just started but it doesn’t feel much different than most of the last 10 years. 

And the 12Z runs of the ECMWF/EPS/control run all trended more ridgy in the mid range compared to the runs yesterday.

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6 hours ago, Skagit Weather said:

Ended May with a couple wildfires up here in the North Cascades on the west side. One near Shannon Lake south of Mount Baker got to about 80 acres this weekend while a small fire started by a careless Memorial Day camper burned just off of Diablo Lake yesterday and almost forced the evacuation of my work before it was put out. If we don't get much rain in June it could get a whole lot worse.

At Diablo Lake it ended up having the second warmest average high temp of any May in the last 110 years (75F) behind only 1958 (76.3F). That 75F is the average high temperature there on July 4.

Summer of 1958!  😟  🔥 

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3 minutes ago, BLI snowman said:

No rain since May 15. Devastating. 

Length of dry season is what concerns me the most. It seems like roughly May 10th is going to end up being the start of dry season in the Seattle area (if you use a vague definition of "first extended sunny/dry period after the last widespread soaking rain"). In 2022 by the same definition you would probably say June 20.

So we need rainy season to start by September 10 in the fall to avoid having a longer dry season than 2022.


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1 hour ago, High Desert Mat? said:

I know there’s an El Niño for this upcoming winter but since the La Nina’s the past three years haven’t exactly planned out just like typical La Nina’s, any very early guesses on the winter weather coming up in a few months? Just curious to what you guys think since this weather is sooooo boring. 

Warm and dry, maybe a wet start.

1 hour ago, TT-SEA said:

And the 12Z runs of the ECMWF/EPS/control run all trended more ridgy in the mid range compared to the runs yesterday.

Dangerous to bet against the ECMWF/EPS. Pattern change is probably rushed on some of the other guidance.

The EPS timing actually lines up better with what you’d expect from the MJO/subseasonal forcing(s).


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"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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Smothered in smoke again. Has to be something nearby because I can smell it.

Edit: NJ apparently. Strange wind pattern this year.

"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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Another potent MJO thru W-Hem/ATL/W-IO on the new EPS weeklies. Just as ISM is initiating and pattern responses are changing.

Prepare for model chaos. 🙃


"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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Also, with -NAM projected across guidance (Beaufort sea ridge in particular) the STJ is basically the only defined upper level NPAC jet west of the dateline by mid-June.

Good luck trying to statistically model that one!

"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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Judah is on board! Related to the final warming perhaps?


"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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26 minutes ago, Slushy Inch said:

Quite a warm EPS run.image.thumb.png.90af856c5a98dcf906b77ee45b2ed99c.pngimage.thumb.png.1196af89699b12593ecea3024fd3d367.png

12Z ECMWF did not even show any low clouds or organized marine layer for the next 10 days.   Pretty unusual at this time of year.

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New month and I totally forgot about the new thread. 68F and absolutely gorgeous today.

Been posting less today because I have to make a confession…

I don’t play video games very often, and I’ve not been interested in a game in the Legend of Zelda franchise since Ocarina of Time.

Someone suggested I pick up this latest game they had made. And one of the few types of video games I enjoy are open world sandbox games where the player can go all over the place and complete missions whenever they want etc.

To say I’m absolutely floored by this new game of there is an understatement. I’ve not been pulled into a video game world like this since Red Dead 2 or maybe GTA V. I will play the game for 14 hours and it feels like an hour or so. I just get so beautifully errant in this game.

I seriously can’t believe this game is this good. I was borderline giving Zelda fans flack for obsessing over the franchise and then this game comes out…

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Springfield, Oregon regular season 2023-24 Stats:

  • Coldest high: 25F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Coldest low: 20F (Jan 14, 2024)
  • Days with below freezing temps: 24 (Most recent: Mar 8, 2024)
  • Days with sub-40F highs: 4 (Most recent: Jan 16, 2024)
  • Total snowfall: 0.0"
  • Total ice: 2.25”
  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021 (1.9")
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 15, 2024 (27F)
  • Last White Christmas: 1990
  • Significant wind events (gusts 45+): 0

Personal Stats:

  • Last accumulating snowfall on roads: Dec 27, 2021
  • Last sub-freezing high: Jan 16, 2024 (32F)
  • Last White Christmas: 2008
  • Total snowfall since joining TheWeatherForums: 42.0"
  • Sub-freezing highs since joining TheWeatherForums: 4



GoFundMe "College Basketball vs Epilepsy": gf.me/u/zk3pj2

My Twitter @CBBjerseys4hope


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4 hours ago, High Desert Mat? said:

I know there’s an El Niño for this upcoming winter but since the La Nina’s the past three years haven’t exactly planned out just like typical La Nina’s, any very early guesses on the winter weather coming up in a few months? Just curious to what you guys think since this weather is sooooo boring. 

I bet we (as in central OR) have less total snow and snow events than last winter, but wouldn’t be surprised if we get a larger storm than we’ve seen the last few years. 

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Bend, OR

Elevation: 3550'


Snow History:

Nov: 1"

Dec: .5"

Jan: 1.9"

Feb: 12.7"

Mar: 1.0"

Total: 17.1"


2016/2017: 70"

2015/2016: 34"

Average: ~25"


2017/2018 Winter Temps

Lowest Min: 1F on 2/23

Lowest Max: 23F on 12/24, 2/22

Lows <32: 87

Highs <32: 13


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Wish this could hold all summer.


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"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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1 hour ago, TT-SEA said:

New ECMWF weeklies... hot off the press.    It shows it staying generally warm through the middle of July.



Worth noting previous EPS weeklies missed the cold SW US in the 3+ week range, so I’d be cautious in interpreting that map.

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"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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Pulled off a 67/40 spread today… pretty impressive chilliness for a day with wall to wall sunshine. I thought it might have dragged Jim back to the forum but I guess not yet. It’s been hard to pull off a sub-70 high in JJA with no low clouds.

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6 minutes ago, Phil said:

Worth noting previous EPS weeklies missed the cold SW US in the 3+ week range, so I’d be cautious in interpreting that map.


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4 hours ago, TacomaWx said:

My guess is warmer and maybe a bit wetter than last year. But not necessarily a wet year either. Don’t think we see any great lowland winter weather events west of the mountains but will be better east of the mountains per the norm. 

Going by recent history, you all should be rooting for a scorcher of a summer. 2015 aside, most good winters have followed.

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A forum for the end of the world.

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Hi El Niño, we missed you. ❤️ 


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"Western troughing literally kills people at this time of year. And in the most gruesome of ways."
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Topped out 68° in the Salishan part of Eastside Tacoma today. Station down EQC made it to 70° and 66° at another station up by Portland Ave/72nd St.

71° at my cousin's neighborhood in Spanaway.

68° KTCM(McChord AFB)

66° Downtown Tacoma-Hilltop.

70° Lakewood Central(Town Center)





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Eastside Tacoma/Salishan, WA. Elv 263ft

Family home in Spanaway, WA. Elv 413ft


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34 minutes ago, Front Ranger said:

Going by recent history, you all should be rooting for a scorcher of a summer. 2015 aside, most good winters have followed.

At this point I’d take a cooler summer in exchange for a more mildish winter. Compared to most of the country a hot summer in the PNW isn’t terrible from a comfort standpoint…but still not a fan of consistent 80s and 90s. Much prefer the morning clouds and 70s. 

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"Let's mosey!"


--Cloud Strife




Top 5 Snow Events (post 2014):


(1. January 10th, 2017: 18.5 in.

(2. February 6th, 2014: 7.5 inches

(3. February 20th, 2018: 5.0 inches

(4. February 21st, 2018: 4.0 inches

(5. December 14th, 2016: 3.5 inches


Honourable Mentions: December 7th, 2018, February 9th, 2019.


Total since joining the Weather Forums: 3"

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